From over a week ago. xD When we were talking about how I cried 4 times during #GeminiMeetUp. (Ryan saw 3 times, Mimi once, Chiisana once, and Jay none hahaha~)
[8/21/2012 6:46:26 PM] Ryannie: Eva has a soft heart
[8/21/2012 6:46:30 PM] Ryannie: but a hard shell
[8/21/2012 6:47:39 PM] Gino♪(´∀)ノ: so Eva's a softshell crab?
[8/21/2012 6:47:42 PM] Gino♪(´∀)ノ: and if we deep fry her
[8/21/2012 6:47:47 PM] Gino♪(´∀)ノ: THEN SHE'S DELICIOUS
[8/21/2012 6:47:48 PM] Gino♪(´∀)ノ: 8D
I........ yeah this is very true HAHAHA. My colorscope from before said the same thing.
I don't know. I think I act somewhat strongheaded and make myself appear rather rough around the edges--which sometimes leads to everyone calling me tsundere--and I admit that I'm guilty of putting a barrier around myself. Sometimes I push people away or don't allow them to see the true me. And I'm not always great at expressing appreciation and love. Oftentimes I dullen my heart so as to be unaffected, locking out things that I'm scared will hurt me.
But on the inside, I'm just really sentimental and really weak LOL. Not to say that sentimentality equates to weakness; I just happen to have both which makes me kind of pathetic. 8D Anyway, I think a lot of people know by now that I'm kind of really sentimental because it's gotten to the point where whenever I show it, it's really annoying and I feel really bad. I-I KIND OF HAVE A LOT OF FEELS.. ;^; THEN I SPEW THEM ALL OVER THE PLACE. I'M SORRY.
I don't really know the point of this ramble or where this is going, because I don't know how to change myself. But I suppose that while I'd like to maintain my sentimentality (AT LEAST I HAVE A HEART unlike many people around me), I'd like to become a stronger and less insecure person whose barrier also isn't too hard to break through.
(ALSO I'm not sure who the biggest crybaby is in Gemini, now that I think about it. I used to always assume it to be Chiisana who cried during Ice Age 4 when we watched it the first day we met Mimi--and lawl I laughed at her so much in a loving way--BUT. NOW I'M UNSURE. I was the one who cried during the karaoke session because I was so embarrassed and ashamed of myself and my inability to sing live, and due to the guilt of showing so obviously that I'm vocally the weakest member of the group. ;;
I feel bad because I was also really tired, and I got really moody and tore myself away from everyone >< then had to be taken care of by Chiisana who--despite being called "other child"--is sometimes pretty motherly towards me when I'm being my pathetic self. :< I cried all over her shoulder LOOOL)
My plan today...
is to do homework while I have breaks/downtime during work. then mix mix mix when I get home (in 9 hours) until I go to bed.
Pathetic life is pathetic. :(
Also I slept for 3 hours and 40 minutes last night hehhhhhh |DDD I wish I didn't have to get up..
Those of you with free time, do not take it for granted. >:c -glares bitterly but enviously-
Aahhh how fun it'd be to stay at home all day playing games, reading manga, and watching dramas.
Pathetic life is pathetic. :(
Also I slept for 3 hours and 40 minutes last night hehhhhhh |DDD I wish I didn't have to get up..
Those of you with free time, do not take it for granted. >:c -glares bitterly but enviously-
Aahhh how fun it'd be to stay at home all day playing games, reading manga, and watching dramas.
Rambling for a bit because I'm backing stuff onto CDs so I can delete them off my super slow computer.. and because of this, I can't mix because Audition's insane lag will just multiply in intensity. =A=;;;
So I started school last Wednesday~ College sophomore year.
Ahahhahahaha the first day was the worst..... .-. Parking was no joke.
I got to school at 10 AM.
My first class starts at 10:30 AM.
And do you know what time I finally found a parking space?
Freaking 10:54 AM. ._____.;;;
Nearly an HOUR of me driving around several parking garages, screaming nasty profanities and ramming my fists on my steering wheel--until I FINALLY stalked down a person going to her car and staked claim on my poor victim. D:< But yeah, it ended up being in the parking garage the FURTHEST from my class (sob the other ones were right next to it) so it was a long walk, and I ended up being 40+ minutes late for my first class.. on the first day.... -flips a building-
But yeah, I should've thought back when I registered 10:30 as my first class about how parking usually fills up by 9:30. :c I'd always only started classes at 9 so I never had this problem before.
Today......I got really lucky.
I drove through the entire parking garage, all the way up to the roof... still couldn't find any parking... and made my way down.......... O A O;;; and I was reaching the bottom and end of where students were allowed to park--stressing out like crazy because I didn't want to be late again--AND THEN I SPOT A REALLY NICE GUY GOING TO HIS CAR AND HE LETS ME HAVE HIS SPACE. //A// I WAS SO LUCKY.
But yeah, iono what I'm gonna do for the rest of the year :/ Today was merely chance. aaaaahhhhh asdkl I don't wanna have to stress out and rush so much like this every morning ;;
Anyway, I have a public speaking class.... ;A; damn required GE's. alskdfj this means I'm going to be crying a lot this semester. I can'tttttttt. I don't like speaking and I have stage fright and I don't do people
I mean, I've been eating lunch by myself in my car :'c I was lucky that on my first day of school, Ian was generous enough to have a phone call with me for 55 minutes and keep me company.. <3
BUT YEAH IDK EW SCHOOL. I hate school :<
So I started school last Wednesday~ College sophomore year.
Ahahhahahaha the first day was the worst..... .-. Parking was no joke.
I got to school at 10 AM.
My first class starts at 10:30 AM.
And do you know what time I finally found a parking space?
Freaking 10:54 AM. ._____.;;;
Nearly an HOUR of me driving around several parking garages, screaming nasty profanities and ramming my fists on my steering wheel--until I FINALLY stalked down a person going to her car and staked claim on my poor victim. D:< But yeah, it ended up being in the parking garage the FURTHEST from my class (sob the other ones were right next to it) so it was a long walk, and I ended up being 40+ minutes late for my first class.. on the first day.... -flips a building-
But yeah, I should've thought back when I registered 10:30 as my first class about how parking usually fills up by 9:30. :c I'd always only started classes at 9 so I never had this problem before.
Today......I got really lucky.
I drove through the entire parking garage, all the way up to the roof... still couldn't find any parking... and made my way down.......... O A O;;; and I was reaching the bottom and end of where students were allowed to park--stressing out like crazy because I didn't want to be late again--AND THEN I SPOT A REALLY NICE GUY GOING TO HIS CAR AND HE LETS ME HAVE HIS SPACE. //A// I WAS SO LUCKY.
But yeah, iono what I'm gonna do for the rest of the year :/ Today was merely chance. aaaaahhhhh asdkl I don't wanna have to stress out and rush so much like this every morning ;;
Anyway, I have a public speaking class.... ;A; damn required GE's. alskdfj this means I'm going to be crying a lot this semester. I can'tttttttt. I don't like speaking and I have stage fright and I don't do people
I mean, I've been eating lunch by myself in my car :'c I was lucky that on my first day of school, Ian was generous enough to have a phone call with me for 55 minutes and keep me company.. <3
BUT YEAH IDK EW SCHOOL. I hate school :<
I miss...
my G5 babies being within reach.
the touch of linking arms with Mimi. and her rolling on me+crushing my ribs to wake me up in the morning.
the touch of Jay falling asleep as he rested his head on my shoulder on the transit. and him letting me back-hug and hide behind him from the bears at the zoo.
the touch of Ryan holding and rubbing my hands when I was cold and scared of lions at the zoo. and him reaching for my hand when he was scared on the swinging ride.
I DON'T PARTICULARLY MISS CHIISANA 'CAUSE SHE'S STILL RIGHT HERE and I can stalk her at her house anytime. =v=;;
Still though I guess I miss seeing her being so herself and so surrounded by people she was really comfortable with. ^^ It was a nice sight.
Driving by my lonesome.. makes me really miss having everyone in my car. xD on our adventures.
Ryan who always sat in the front seat and took care of the music and AC controls, Mimi who scream-sang along to songs with me, and Jay and Chiisana who always fell asleep in the back seat. <3
I really miss how we'd jokingly play adults and children hahaha. ;u;
Me (the wifeband), Mimi (the umma/mama), Ryan (the huswife), Jay (THE child), Chiisana (other child), and Jeffrey (forgotten child).
I also miss Jeffrey. Even though he didn't come to our G5 Cali meet-up.
I can never say any of this to his face and I know he can't be bothered to ever see this blog so I'll just write this all here LOL.
I really did enjoy getting to meet Jeffrey when I went to Australia in June though~ I'm so happy that I don't have to regret not having met him, not having watched him star in his school musical, not having pinched his gigantic cheeks. xDD
(BY THE WAY. I FEEL EXTREMELY ACCOMPLISHED in the fact that I have pinched the cheeks of every single Gemini member. All 6. :D <3)
But yeah, I always feel pretty bad for Jeffrey... because of the distance that's kind of inevitable ;; that he has from the rest of us: due to location, timezones, age, interests...
He's basically the only member that has a life LOL. So he's not online that often in the first place, and even when he is online, the rest of us are asleep because we're on opposite sides of the globe. And I feel bad that even when we are online at the same time, there are a lot of things we talk about that he can't relate to. And it's not really anyone's fault. Just. ;___;
I used to talk to him a lot though xD He was my bitching buddy back in the day and even before we were dubbed Gemini duet partners. So I miss that~
But yeah, despite all this and despite the lack of attention it seems we give him--AND HOW CREEPY THIS SOUNDS--I do think of this boy a lot and treasure our friendship :>
the touch of linking arms with Mimi. and her rolling on me+crushing my ribs to wake me up in the morning.
the touch of Jay falling asleep as he rested his head on my shoulder on the transit. and him letting me back-hug and hide behind him from the bears at the zoo.
the touch of Ryan holding and rubbing my hands when I was cold and scared of lions at the zoo. and him reaching for my hand when he was scared on the swinging ride.
I DON'T PARTICULARLY MISS CHIISANA 'CAUSE SHE'S STILL RIGHT HERE and I can stalk her at her house anytime. =v=;;
Still though I guess I miss seeing her being so herself and so surrounded by people she was really comfortable with. ^^ It was a nice sight.
Driving by my lonesome.. makes me really miss having everyone in my car. xD on our adventures.
Ryan who always sat in the front seat and took care of the music and AC controls, Mimi who scream-sang along to songs with me, and Jay and Chiisana who always fell asleep in the back seat. <3
I really miss how we'd jokingly play adults and children hahaha. ;u;
Me (the wifeband), Mimi (the umma/mama), Ryan (the huswife), Jay (THE child), Chiisana (other child), and Jeffrey (forgotten child).
I also miss Jeffrey. Even though he didn't come to our G5 Cali meet-up.
I can never say any of this to his face and I know he can't be bothered to ever see this blog so I'll just write this all here LOL.
I really did enjoy getting to meet Jeffrey when I went to Australia in June though~ I'm so happy that I don't have to regret not having met him, not having watched him star in his school musical, not having pinched his gigantic cheeks. xDD
(BY THE WAY. I FEEL EXTREMELY ACCOMPLISHED in the fact that I have pinched the cheeks of every single Gemini member. All 6. :D <3)
But yeah, I always feel pretty bad for Jeffrey... because of the distance that's kind of inevitable ;; that he has from the rest of us: due to location, timezones, age, interests...
He's basically the only member that has a life LOL. So he's not online that often in the first place, and even when he is online, the rest of us are asleep because we're on opposite sides of the globe. And I feel bad that even when we are online at the same time, there are a lot of things we talk about that he can't relate to. And it's not really anyone's fault. Just. ;___;
I used to talk to him a lot though xD He was my bitching buddy back in the day and even before we were dubbed Gemini duet partners. So I miss that~
But yeah, despite all this and despite the lack of attention it seems we give him--AND HOW CREEPY THIS SOUNDS--I do think of this boy a lot and treasure our friendship :>
My silly for-fun one-shot self-duet of Oppan Ddak Nae Style (PSY ft Hyuna).
8DDDDDDD Full of awkward pronunciation (I didn't spend much time learning the song LOL) and lots of pitchiness (super flat, sob). But it really is a one-shot so whatever~
And that was basically my one moment of fun for... a while. xD;; I had class this morning and then I went to work after.. and now I have to get back to mixing.
8DDDDDDD Full of awkward pronunciation (I didn't spend much time learning the song LOL) and lots of pitchiness (super flat, sob). But it really is a one-shot so whatever~
And that was basically my one moment of fun for... a while. xD;; I had class this morning and then I went to work after.. and now I have to get back to mixing.
innocence at its best
[9:24:31 PM] Jay: omg wth is that
[9:24:40 PM] Jay: oh
[9:24:40 PM] Jay: flowers
[9:24:41 PM] Jay: okay..
[9:24:44 PM] Jay: i thought they were dead carcasses
[9:24:51 PM] Eva: ....................... ?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I think it was Ryan who said before SOMETHING along the lines of, "How can the same person who likes Hello!Project, A Pink, and unicorns be such a big fan of horror movies?"
HAHAHAHA. That boy is a mystery.
But yeah, I was backlogging Gemini chat to see if Ryan had said it in there--and now I'm starting to think maybe he said it in person when they were here, idk--AND THEN I ACCIDENTALLY FOUND THIS AND CRACKED UP.
[7/5/2012 2:17:24 PM] Eva:
[Thursday, July 05, 2012 2:16 PM] Eva:
<<< do you have the cereal numbers for SO#12772 FW-7581A-V1.0?
not cereal.
oh my god.
[7/5/2012 2:17:25 PM] Eva: me
[7/5/2012 2:17:27 PM] Eva: TO MY BOSS.
[7/5/2012 2:17:32 PM] Eva: TO MY BOSS!!!!
So Mimi has started to use her tumblr, and her first post is her perspective of #GeminiMeetUp. While my overview post was more to have a recorded summary of events so as to never forget the memories, hers is.............
And I know all I've been talking about is Gemini this, Gemini that, Gemini5, G5, blahdeblahblahblahGerminaii... but really I'm quite happy for Mimi who's finally got to be in the embrace of her long-distance boyfriend of 10 months. [: Now who says that all internet-born-and-based relationships are meaningless and not real?
And Benton was an important part of the entire trip since he was with us everyday. ^^ He wasn't Gemini, but he was definitely accepted as one of us and we enjoyed spending time with him.
(I laugh too at the story of how Gino and Mimi tried to set me up with Benton, EXCEPT EVERYTHING BACKFIRED AND TOOK A HUGE TWIST HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
I'm really glad that everyone felt at home when they were here. ;; And a lot of them have expressed that they don't feel quite as home now that they've gone back to their real homes.... (And sadly don't get to eat as much anymore. D:) I also feel that my home is empty now, without them here.
Having reverted back to my old routine of being home alone all day, almost everyday, makes it hard for me to imagine that this house was once full of laughter and so many beloved people whose company I enjoyed.
I guess that's why I keep thinking about them and keep talking about them.. and blogging about them and tweeting about them and skyping about them and.... I ACTUALLY FEEL REALLY BAD FOR MY FOLLOWERS AND FRIENDS AND STUFF LOL. I'm so sorry ;^; I was always pretty obsessed with Gemini (uh hello my phone wallpaper and that 5-page-long post I wrote last month when I was bored at work) but THIS IS THE WORST IT'S EVER BEEN HAHA. I'm really sorry. (_ _);;
Anyway, back to Mimi's post.
"Gemini wouldn’t still be here if it wasn’t for you, so thanks for being the glue that holds us all together."
This line here touched my heart deeply. ;w; I'm really glad to actually feel like.. I'm useful and important and needed. Thank you. <3
But yeah, I concur with Mimi entirely on all the messages she wrote (EXCEPT BENTON'S 'CAUSE AWKS). I'm really proud of everyone too.. and glad that I've got to see them all grow and learn. Everyone's changed so much in the positive way, has become stronger, and show so much compassion. ;u; -proud motherly expression of approval-
[11:34:24 PM] Eva: "Thanks for holding my hold on the Tiki Swirl"
[11:34:42 PM] ⊱⊱ Mimi ❝어떡하죠?❞: O AO
[11:34:45 PM] ⊱⊱ Mimi ❝어떡하죠?❞: shhhh
[11:34:59 PM] Chiisana: Q___Q.... <3 Mimiii ;; -hugs-
[11:35:08 PM] Chiisana: I will always hold your hold! ;; forever
[11:35:16 PM] Chiisana: and always ;v;
"PROMNOMNOM! O wO kekekeke. eva is probably barfing right now"
So Mimi has started to use her tumblr, and her first post is her perspective of #GeminiMeetUp. While my overview post was more to have a recorded summary of events so as to never forget the memories, hers is.............
And I know all I've been talking about is Gemini this, Gemini that, Gemini5, G5, blahdeblahblahblahGerminaii... but really I'm quite happy for Mimi who's finally got to be in the embrace of her long-distance boyfriend of 10 months. [: Now who says that all internet-born-and-based relationships are meaningless and not real?
And Benton was an important part of the entire trip since he was with us everyday. ^^ He wasn't Gemini, but he was definitely accepted as one of us and we enjoyed spending time with him.
(I laugh too at the story of how Gino and Mimi tried to set me up with Benton, EXCEPT EVERYTHING BACKFIRED AND TOOK A HUGE TWIST HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
I'm really glad that everyone felt at home when they were here. ;; And a lot of them have expressed that they don't feel quite as home now that they've gone back to their real homes.... (And sadly don't get to eat as much anymore. D:) I also feel that my home is empty now, without them here.
Having reverted back to my old routine of being home alone all day, almost everyday, makes it hard for me to imagine that this house was once full of laughter and so many beloved people whose company I enjoyed.
I guess that's why I keep thinking about them and keep talking about them.. and blogging about them and tweeting about them and skyping about them and.... I ACTUALLY FEEL REALLY BAD FOR MY FOLLOWERS AND FRIENDS AND STUFF LOL. I'm so sorry ;^; I was always pretty obsessed with Gemini (uh hello my phone wallpaper and that 5-page-long post I wrote last month when I was bored at work) but THIS IS THE WORST IT'S EVER BEEN HAHA. I'm really sorry. (_ _);;
Anyway, back to Mimi's post.
"Gemini wouldn’t still be here if it wasn’t for you, so thanks for being the glue that holds us all together."
This line here touched my heart deeply. ;w; I'm really glad to actually feel like.. I'm useful and important and needed. Thank you. <3
But yeah, I concur with Mimi entirely on all the messages she wrote (EXCEPT BENTON'S 'CAUSE AWKS). I'm really proud of everyone too.. and glad that I've got to see them all grow and learn. Everyone's changed so much in the positive way, has become stronger, and show so much compassion. ;u; -proud motherly expression of approval-
[11:34:24 PM] Eva: "Thanks for holding my hold on the Tiki Swirl"
[11:34:42 PM] ⊱⊱ Mimi ❝어떡하죠?❞: O AO
[11:34:45 PM] ⊱⊱ Mimi ❝어떡하죠?❞: shhhh
[11:34:59 PM] Chiisana: Q___Q.... <3 Mimiii ;; -hugs-
[11:35:08 PM] Chiisana: I will always hold your hold! ;; forever
[11:35:16 PM] Chiisana: and always ;v;
"PROMNOMNOM! O wO kekekeke. eva is probably barfing right now"
Added a labels gadget to the side of the page. :>
They're basically what I tag my posts with... because I like that kind of organization and easy access. =A=
I'd hate for my big, and slightly more significant posts to be buried under all my rants and daily trivialities... :< So I've labelled those specific posts with "#highlight."
(So far it's just the 4-page-long #GeminiMeetUp post and 5-page-long thingy about the members of Gemini but yeah LOLL. In case those things're to be revisited or referenced.)
[On another note, I kind of actually prefer wordpress to blogspot because I'm witnessing a lot of inefficiency here LOL. But it's okay. Using another server was a change that I wanted. I don't want to use tumblr for this kind of thing though because blogspot feels more like a personal space, while tumblr is more about community. And I don't want all my thoughts to be drowned out by reblogs haha.]
(FUNNY BECAUSE this post is about labels... yet I don't know what to label this post. So leaving it label-less yeeee :DDDD)
They're basically what I tag my posts with... because I like that kind of organization and easy access. =A=
I'd hate for my big, and slightly more significant posts to be buried under all my rants and daily trivialities... :< So I've labelled those specific posts with "#highlight."
(So far it's just the 4-page-long #GeminiMeetUp post and 5-page-long thingy about the members of Gemini but yeah LOLL. In case those things're to be revisited or referenced.)
[On another note, I kind of actually prefer wordpress to blogspot because I'm witnessing a lot of inefficiency here LOL. But it's okay. Using another server was a change that I wanted. I don't want to use tumblr for this kind of thing though because blogspot feels more like a personal space, while tumblr is more about community. And I don't want all my thoughts to be drowned out by reblogs haha.]
(FUNNY BECAUSE this post is about labels... yet I don't know what to label this post. So leaving it label-less yeeee :DDDD)
So I wanted to talk a bit about Gemini.. that you can get to know us kind of personally. ;u; We're really not just a singing group--thus why we don't consider ourselves a "chorus" or project--but a group of friends, and "Gemini" will always be the bond that the 6 of us have together.
And I really love these guys.
Also I'm REALLY BORED. =w=;; And in the future, it'll be nice to have something like this to look back at.
So allow me to take you into the world of Gemini :DDDDDD ...... -grabs your hand-
![]() |
[Credit to Chiisana] Eva/Jeffrey/Chiisana/Jay/Mimi/Ryan |
And I really love these guys.
Also I'm REALLY BORED. =w=;; And in the future, it'll be nice to have something like this to look back at.
So allow me to take you into the world of Gemini :DDDDDD ...... -grabs your hand-
a sudden wave of sadness
Realizing now that as I start school again tomorrow, I'll be most likely having lunch by myself in my car in between classes.. xD;; A bit of a depressing thought, but can't really be helped. Last year, I was retarded and didn't give myself any breaks from 9 til 2 so I always just snuck food in class and dealt with hunger pains, but now I have some time to eat but just lack somewhere to eat/company.
College is so lonely haha. I'm definitely going to try to not shut off my heart and am going to do my best to make friends.. but honestly, that's so much easier said than done. And I'm entering my second year of college which makes it all the harder because most have established their relationships and networks already.
I hate to have such a stupidly sad and ranty post already when I just started using this blog. ;; I've been trying really hard all day to fight the depression that comes with thoughts of college, but it lingers and haunts and burdens my already heavy heart. (The lonely aftertaste of what has been the best summer of my life doesn't help at all..)
I just... hate college. ^^;;
To the point where I had a hard time even taking a simple presentation regarding college, while I was still in high school, and was so overwhelmed that I cried, despite being in class. :< I cried a lot last summer. I guess I'm a little stronger now and my heart is a little duller and colder, because I haven't cried yet. Still, I've yet to fully swallow and accept everything, so I can't say that I've grown at all because it's evident that I'm still immature as ever.
My college sophomore year starts tomorrow. I'm... just going to grit my teeth and run through.
I'm really sorry to be such a downer hahaha. ;w; It's just that today happens to be a really hard day for me, but it's a hurdle that I'm very slowly but surely soaring over.
[Not going to lie, but that 3-month-old sandwich that I found in my backpack which was from my last college semester really.. helped lift my spirits LOOOOOOL I CAN'T GET OVER IT.. It's as hard as a tabletop and I can't stop smiling.]
College is so lonely haha. I'm definitely going to try to not shut off my heart and am going to do my best to make friends.. but honestly, that's so much easier said than done. And I'm entering my second year of college which makes it all the harder because most have established their relationships and networks already.
I hate to have such a stupidly sad and ranty post already when I just started using this blog. ;; I've been trying really hard all day to fight the depression that comes with thoughts of college, but it lingers and haunts and burdens my already heavy heart. (The lonely aftertaste of what has been the best summer of my life doesn't help at all..)
I just... hate college. ^^;;
To the point where I had a hard time even taking a simple presentation regarding college, while I was still in high school, and was so overwhelmed that I cried, despite being in class. :< I cried a lot last summer. I guess I'm a little stronger now and my heart is a little duller and colder, because I haven't cried yet. Still, I've yet to fully swallow and accept everything, so I can't say that I've grown at all because it's evident that I'm still immature as ever.
My college sophomore year starts tomorrow. I'm... just going to grit my teeth and run through.
I'm really sorry to be such a downer hahaha. ;w; It's just that today happens to be a really hard day for me, but it's a hurdle that I'm very slowly but surely soaring over.
[Not going to lie, but that 3-month-old sandwich that I found in my backpack which was from my last college semester really.. helped lift my spirits LOOOOOOL I CAN'T GET OVER IT.. It's as hard as a tabletop and I can't stop smiling.]
Posted by
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
at 5:05 PM 1 comments Labels: #GeminiMeetUp, #highlight, Gemini
So if you care enough to be here, then there's a large possibility that you're already aware that I'm in an online singing group called Gemini, which uploads under the username SoujiStar on youtube.
It is comprised of 6 members:
Me [Eva] / waterpixieva (California, USA)
Chiisana / ChiisanaChanx3 (California, USA) <--my irl best friend
Mimi / x3LoveyDovey (New Jersey, USA)
Ryan / RyanEatPho (Toronto, Canada)
Jay / JaySingYou (Ottawa, Canada)
Jeffrey / unaffection (Sydney, Australia)
I actually had the opportunity to meet Jeffrey, when I visited Australia in June! (As recorded at 4:13 of my Australia vlog.)
Unfortunately, Jeffrey couldn't join the rest of us due to all of the clashing circumstances (his location..on the other side of the world, school, young age, costly price of travelling and no income) ... however, in August 2012, we had our first official #GeminiMeetUp.
Basically I housed everyone as they flew here to Northern California. :'D
Mimi arrived first on July 30th, and our first week of fun taimuz was basically...
MonJuly30: Mimi arrives at San Francisco airport~ Her boyfriend Benton (AcceleratorOne) picks her up. We all meet up with Chiisana and go to the theatres. Chiisana sleeps over at Eva's house, so our first night is a Gemini girls sleepover<3 (when this picture was taken)
TueJuly31: Eva goes to work. We meet up for Korean BBQ dinner with Chiisana.
WedAug1: Mimi, Benton, and Eva pig out on lots of stuff
ThuAug2: Eva goes to work.
FriAug3: LAN party sleepover at Benton's house feat. Benton's friends who're all pro gamers
SatAug4: Second day of LAN party aka nonstop League of Legends
SunAug5: Mimi, Benton, Eva, and Chiisana go to Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk with Benton's friends.
AAAAAND then on Monday, August 6th, Ryan and Jay flew in from Canada--marking the official start of our #GeminiMeetUp 2012. ;u;!!
I'm really fortunate and glad that my parents allowed me to house everyone... although it was a lot of responsibility to be a host ;; and I was scared about having to be a leader and to be the main person driving everybody around. BUT IT WAS SO FUN, and I really enjoyed having 5 members of Gemini living under the same roof. <33
Mimi, Benton, and Eva pick up Jay and Ryan from SF airport. They plan to surprise JR, but JR ends up surprising them from behind instead.. ._.;; Meet up with Chiisana for sushi dinner!
SPEND REST OF DAY PLANNING AND SHOPPING FOR MYST'S BIRTHDAY SURPRISE. xD Myst (mystraven) comes over to my house to deliver cookies. We surprise her instead with a cake, serenade, card, and plushie. CAKE LIGHTS ON FIRE AND RUINS OUR "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" HARMONIES..........
(one of the more memorable moments hehehehe)
Shopping at mall (during which Jay and Eva sat outside a fitting room while Ryan spent a lifetime trying on clothes then proceeding to come out to ask for our opinions), then Wingstop dinner. That night, we play a Pokemon board game... |DD;; and Benton sleeps over as well because the game ran til really late.
Chill day at my place~ Was SUPPOSED to be movie+recording day, but was a flop. That night, Ryan, Jay, and Eva watch the Pokemon episode in which Ash chooses to leave Pikachu behind with a pack of Pikachu. Jay falls asleep. Eva cries even though it wasn't even that sad. Ryan is essentially unaffected.
SAN FRANCISCO ZOO :D!! We name animals after Pokemon and pronounce Mimi a Pokemon Master. (Jay's first time ever going to a zoo.) That night, we watch Lilo and Stitch. Jay falls asleep again. Mimi and Eva both cry. Ryan is essentially unaffected.
Dim sum for brunch, then surprise visit at the milk tea store that Myst works at. We yell, "Happy birthday, Myst!" and confuse all her coworkers. Random Walmart stop during which we all crowd around one Bop-It game and tried to beat the high school but failed. Mimi buys a 1000-piece puzzle.
Then we go up to Berkeley to watch Chiisana's theatre performance in which she was adorable //A//.. This is Chiisana's last day of this theatre program, so from this point on, she's present a lot more.
First night with all G5 sleeping under the same roof. <3
That night, we watch Lilo and Stitch 2 while puzzle-making. Jay and Chiisana fall asleep. Mimi, Ryan, and Eva leave them there in the living room.
Apparently, Mimi woke up and found Chiisana staring at Jay sleeping. (Not creepy at all.)
For lunch: GeminiEatPho. (feat Benton)
Then exploring San Francisco's Japantown! Crepes and looots of purikura!<3
Mimi goes to watch the League (IPL) tournament with Benton. The rest of us pig out on jjajangmyeon and patbingsu at Korean food court. Then Cheesecake Factory dinner. Neither Chiisana or Mimi sleep over.
aka Running Man Day!
aka San Francisco Scavenger Hunt.
An event that covered Westfield SF, Union Square, and SF Japantown. Working in teams of 3 to find as many of the scavenger hunt items as possible. (The team of Benton's friends--Corey, Leon, and Elaine--wins. ^^)
Neither Chiisana or Mimi sleep over. That night, JR records lines for [HOPEFULLY] Gemini's upcoming upload, at my house.
Eva goes to work. :c
JR is picked up by Mimi, Benton, and Gino (OksoitsGino). They go to arcade together.
That evening, Gemini5, Benton, Gino, and Myst (mystraven) meet up for KARAOKEEEE PARTY~
This is the last night that Gemini5 all sleep under the same roof. So we squish onto the floor of one tiny room together to sleep <3 (Slightly a disaster.)
G5 and Benton go to California's Great America! :> an amusement park.
JAY AND CHIISANA are surprisingly the bravest out of everyone despite being the two shyest and most moe members. They go on a lot of scary rides with no problem. .-.;; We all rode the Rapids together, got SOAKED, then paid $5 to enter a human dryer. We had funnel cake!!
Udon dinner at Eva's house, but none of us have an appetite--including Ryan the eating machine--except Jay who eats when sad. Myst comes by to visit! We take our last group pictures. We say ourgoodbyes "see you later"s. ;;
Mimi does not sleep over, but Chiisana does. MYST ENDS UP SLEEPING OVER TOO ON A WHIM..
We wake up early (to an alarm of Mimi's voice saying traumatizing things). Myst goes home. G4 goes to the airport to send off JR. Chiisana and Eva almost cry as they give their final hugs in front of the gate entrance.
THEN CHIISANA NOTICES SHE'S STILL HOLDING RYAN'S WALL SCROLL.............. WE FREAK OUT AND FORGET THE SADNESS. WE CALL OUT FOR HIM AND WAVE BUT HE DOESN'T LOOK BACK. We ask the airport people to page Ryan. His name is announced to the entire airport O A O but it's too close to their boarding time, so he doesn't come back. We're going to mail it. ^^
Mimi also departs, that night.
And #GeminiMeetUp of Summer 2012 comes to a close.
It is comprised of 6 members:
Me [Eva] / waterpixieva (California, USA)
Chiisana / ChiisanaChanx3 (California, USA) <--my irl best friend
Mimi / x3LoveyDovey (New Jersey, USA)
Ryan / RyanEatPho (Toronto, Canada)
Jay / JaySingYou (Ottawa, Canada)
Jeffrey / unaffection (Sydney, Australia)
I actually had the opportunity to meet Jeffrey, when I visited Australia in June! (As recorded at 4:13 of my Australia vlog.)
Unfortunately, Jeffrey couldn't join the rest of us due to all of the clashing circumstances (his location..on the other side of the world, school, young age, costly price of travelling and no income) ... however, in August 2012, we had our first official #GeminiMeetUp.
Basically I housed everyone as they flew here to Northern California. :'D
Mimi arrived first on July 30th, and our first week of fun taimuz was basically...
MonJuly30: Mimi arrives at San Francisco airport~ Her boyfriend Benton (AcceleratorOne) picks her up. We all meet up with Chiisana and go to the theatres. Chiisana sleeps over at Eva's house, so our first night is a Gemini girls sleepover<3 (when this picture was taken)
TueJuly31: Eva goes to work. We meet up for Korean BBQ dinner with Chiisana.
WedAug1: Mimi, Benton, and Eva pig out on lots of stuff
ThuAug2: Eva goes to work.
FriAug3: LAN party sleepover at Benton's house feat. Benton's friends who're all pro gamers
SatAug4: Second day of LAN party aka nonstop League of Legends
SunAug5: Mimi, Benton, Eva, and Chiisana go to Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk with Benton's friends.
AAAAAND then on Monday, August 6th, Ryan and Jay flew in from Canada--marking the official start of our #GeminiMeetUp 2012. ;u;!!
I'm really fortunate and glad that my parents allowed me to house everyone... although it was a lot of responsibility to be a host ;; and I was scared about having to be a leader and to be the main person driving everybody around. BUT IT WAS SO FUN, and I really enjoyed having 5 members of Gemini living under the same roof. <33
The best 11 days of my life:
(or at least, my personal memory of it)MonAug6:
Mimi, Benton, and Eva pick up Jay and Ryan from SF airport. They plan to surprise JR, but JR ends up surprising them from behind instead.. ._.;; Meet up with Chiisana for sushi dinner!
SPEND REST OF DAY PLANNING AND SHOPPING FOR MYST'S BIRTHDAY SURPRISE. xD Myst (mystraven) comes over to my house to deliver cookies. We surprise her instead with a cake, serenade, card, and plushie. CAKE LIGHTS ON FIRE AND RUINS OUR "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" HARMONIES..........
(one of the more memorable moments hehehehe)
Shopping at mall (during which Jay and Eva sat outside a fitting room while Ryan spent a lifetime trying on clothes then proceeding to come out to ask for our opinions), then Wingstop dinner. That night, we play a Pokemon board game... |DD;; and Benton sleeps over as well because the game ran til really late.
Chill day at my place~ Was SUPPOSED to be movie+recording day, but was a flop. That night, Ryan, Jay, and Eva watch the Pokemon episode in which Ash chooses to leave Pikachu behind with a pack of Pikachu. Jay falls asleep. Eva cries even though it wasn't even that sad. Ryan is essentially unaffected.
SAN FRANCISCO ZOO :D!! We name animals after Pokemon and pronounce Mimi a Pokemon Master. (Jay's first time ever going to a zoo.) That night, we watch Lilo and Stitch. Jay falls asleep again. Mimi and Eva both cry. Ryan is essentially unaffected.
Dim sum for brunch, then surprise visit at the milk tea store that Myst works at. We yell, "Happy birthday, Myst!" and confuse all her coworkers. Random Walmart stop during which we all crowd around one Bop-It game and tried to beat the high school but failed. Mimi buys a 1000-piece puzzle.
Then we go up to Berkeley to watch Chiisana's theatre performance in which she was adorable //A//.. This is Chiisana's last day of this theatre program, so from this point on, she's present a lot more.
First night with all G5 sleeping under the same roof. <3
That night, we watch Lilo and Stitch 2 while puzzle-making. Jay and Chiisana fall asleep. Mimi, Ryan, and Eva leave them there in the living room.
Apparently, Mimi woke up and found Chiisana staring at Jay sleeping. (Not creepy at all.)
For lunch: GeminiEatPho. (feat Benton)
Then exploring San Francisco's Japantown! Crepes and looots of purikura!<3
Mimi goes to watch the League (IPL) tournament with Benton. The rest of us pig out on jjajangmyeon and patbingsu at Korean food court. Then Cheesecake Factory dinner. Neither Chiisana or Mimi sleep over.
aka Running Man Day!
aka San Francisco Scavenger Hunt.
An event that covered Westfield SF, Union Square, and SF Japantown. Working in teams of 3 to find as many of the scavenger hunt items as possible. (The team of Benton's friends--Corey, Leon, and Elaine--wins. ^^)
Neither Chiisana or Mimi sleep over. That night, JR records lines for [HOPEFULLY] Gemini's upcoming upload, at my house.
Eva goes to work. :c
JR is picked up by Mimi, Benton, and Gino (OksoitsGino). They go to arcade together.
That evening, Gemini5, Benton, Gino, and Myst (mystraven) meet up for KARAOKEEEE PARTY~
This is the last night that Gemini5 all sleep under the same roof. So we squish onto the floor of one tiny room together to sleep <3 (Slightly a disaster.)
G5 and Benton go to California's Great America! :> an amusement park.
JAY AND CHIISANA are surprisingly the bravest out of everyone despite being the two shyest and most moe members. They go on a lot of scary rides with no problem. .-.;; We all rode the Rapids together, got SOAKED, then paid $5 to enter a human dryer. We had funnel cake!!
Udon dinner at Eva's house, but none of us have an appetite--including Ryan the eating machine--except Jay who eats when sad. Myst comes by to visit! We take our last group pictures. We say our
Mimi does not sleep over, but Chiisana does. MYST ENDS UP SLEEPING OVER TOO ON A WHIM..
We wake up early (to an alarm of Mimi's voice saying traumatizing things). Myst goes home. G4 goes to the airport to send off JR. Chiisana and Eva almost cry as they give their final hugs in front of the gate entrance.
THEN CHIISANA NOTICES SHE'S STILL HOLDING RYAN'S WALL SCROLL.............. WE FREAK OUT AND FORGET THE SADNESS. WE CALL OUT FOR HIM AND WAVE BUT HE DOESN'T LOOK BACK. We ask the airport people to page Ryan. His name is announced to the entire airport O A O but it's too close to their boarding time, so he doesn't come back. We're going to mail it. ^^
Mimi also departs, that night.
And #GeminiMeetUp of Summer 2012 comes to a close.
(I am going to leave this post at that, because me being me, I'm BOUND to blog billions of times more regarding this trip. I have so much more to say, and I still have to post pictures and all the videos!
I'll be labelling all of these with #GeminiMeetUp so if you'd like a complete collection of all related posts, here you go~ ) )
【♀ Gemini ♔】
The very first picture of the Gemini girls. [:
Since Chiisana doesn't want her face shown, I told her to blur herself out but she disguised herself as Rock-kun instead LOOOLLL.
Will talk about #GeminiMeetUp some other time since it's now currently 4 AM.
These are the two things that we've done so far as a trio though:
Eva, Mimi, Chiisana |
Since Chiisana doesn't want her face shown, I told her to blur herself out but she disguised herself as Rock-kun instead LOOOLLL.
Will talk about #GeminiMeetUp some other time since it's now currently 4 AM.
These are the two things that we've done so far as a trio though:
[Collab Cover] Orange Caramel - Because of You (Kelly Clarkson)
【♀ Gemini ♔】 It Hurts Going Crazy Over The Boys, Baby, I'm So Lonely
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