Hi I was procrastinating today and camwhored so have the picture that I tweeted earlier.
Ode to Sleep
"Restless am I,
Awaiting your stay.
I am all yours,
As the night is spent away.
Soft is your touch,
That rings sweet like a song,
But why the fuck does this poem sound so wrong--"
The Makings of a Yandere
[8:35:34 PM] Chiisana: D;
[8:35:42 PM] Jay: k no more meat for me ; x ;
[8:35:46 PM] Chiisana: ...
[8:35:47 PM] Chiisana: HAHAHA
[8:35:54 PM] Eva: .......[Chii] what did you do
[8:35:54 PM] Chiisana: sorry QAQ OTL
[8:36:07 PM] Ryannie: she ruined Jay's food problem even further
[8:36:07 PM] Chiisana: B-BUT IT'S TRUE QAQ;;
[8:36:18 PM] Eva: [Chii] you're becoming more and more like me each day it's really scary
[9:20:05 PM] Chiisana: -pats- ;;
[9:20:09 PM] Chiisana: if it makes you feel any better
[9:20:12 PM] Chiisana: I am always with you.
[9:20:16 PM] Chiisana: Always.
[9:20:29 PM] Jay: even though i had to take a plane to meet you..?
[9:21:31 PM] Eva: ..ya~ndere.
[9:21:37 PM] Ryannie: Ryandere?
[9:21:57 PM] Chiisana: [9:20 PM] Jay: even though i had to take a plane to meet you..?
yes because I'm always in your heart ;;
[9:22:27 PM] Jay: aw
[9:27:26 PM] Chiisana: I believe I succeed at being the member who is most able to make everything awkward ;u; and I am happy with that. LOL
[9:27:36 PM] Jay: lolll
[9:29:28 PM] Eva: congratulations bby you never even had to try
[8:35:34 PM] Chiisana: D;
[8:35:42 PM] Jay: k no more meat for me ; x ;
[8:35:46 PM] Chiisana: ...
[8:35:47 PM] Chiisana: HAHAHA
[8:35:54 PM] Eva: .......[Chii] what did you do
[8:35:54 PM] Chiisana: sorry QAQ OTL
[8:36:07 PM] Ryannie: she ruined Jay's food problem even further
[8:36:07 PM] Chiisana: B-BUT IT'S TRUE QAQ;;
[8:36:18 PM] Eva: [Chii] you're becoming more and more like me each day it's really scary
[9:20:05 PM] Chiisana: -pats- ;;
[9:20:09 PM] Chiisana: if it makes you feel any better
[9:20:12 PM] Chiisana: I am always with you.
[9:20:16 PM] Chiisana: Always.
[9:20:29 PM] Jay: even though i had to take a plane to meet you..?
[9:21:31 PM] Eva: ..ya~ndere.
[9:21:37 PM] Ryannie: Ryandere?
[9:21:57 PM] Chiisana: [9:20 PM] Jay: even though i had to take a plane to meet you..?
yes because I'm always in your heart ;;
[9:22:27 PM] Jay: aw
[9:27:26 PM] Chiisana: I believe I succeed at being the member who is most able to make everything awkward ;u; and I am happy with that. LOL
[9:27:36 PM] Jay: lolll
[9:29:28 PM] Eva: congratulations bby you never even had to try
G6 heirarchy
[1:28:14 AM] Ryannie: never
[1:28:18 AM] Ryannie: dogs are too cute
[1:28:23 AM] Ryannie: most of them xD
[1:28:31 AM] Eva: omg almost misread that as "dogs are never cute" and i was going to disown you
[1:28:37 AM] Ryannie: LOL!!
[1:28:56 AM] Ryannie: YOU DON'T OWN ME
[1:28:59 AM] Jay: loll
[1:29:07 AM] Ryannie: okay ya maybe u do
[1:29:22 AM] Jay: i believe eva owns all of us..whether we believe it or not..
[1:29:22 AM] Eva: :>
[1:29:29 AM] Ryannie: she is the Gemini leader after all
[1:29:30 AM] Ryannie: =w=
[1:29:32 AM] Ryannie: she does own us
[1:31:40 AM] Ryannie: I consider Eva like the leader..
[1:31:44 AM] Ryannie: and then Mimi is like second in power
[1:31:52 AM] Ryannie: if ever Eva cannot lead us for some reason
[1:32:04 AM] Ryannie: and I'm the assistant xD
[1:32:08 AM] Jay: xD
[1:32:17 AM] Ryannie: I'm apart of all of the discussions
[1:32:43 AM] Ryannie: [Chiisana] and Jay are just the ones who sit there
[1:32:50 AM] Ryannie: and nod their heads
[1:32:57 AM] Jay: mhm .__.
[1:33:04 AM] Eva: our bbies<3
[1:33:05 AM] Ryannie: and Jeffrey is the one who doesn't show up for meetings LOL
[1:33:09 AM] Eva: LOL
[1:33:12 AM] Eva: accurate
(I'm not really leader though; we don't officially have one)
(Anyway I wanted to keep this convo because YAY, I OWN PEOPLE!! /o/ My life is complete.<3 Now I can sell th--)
A Precious Memory like a Bubble
You know that feeling.
When something happens in your life--something special and distinct such as being in an unfamiliar location or being around people you normally wouldn't be--and no matter how important it is, eventually it just feels like it never happened...
And you know I'm always thinking about #GeminiMeetUp. It's all I talk about, and whenever I'm feeling nostalgic over it, I come here and let some thoughts out. It's all I blog about and for that, I'm sorry. Those were the best 2.5 weeks of my life and yet sometimes I have to question if they really took place. Sometimes it feels like something I concocted in my head, something I wished for so hard that I dreamed about, then threw a blinding cloak over my head, and convinced myself that it was actually reality. A precious memory that's like a bubble--that might pop at any moment at the strike of reality.
While I've moved on in the sense that I don't drawl on daily about how much I miss them and how broken I was to be away from them, things always draw me back to those days. Certain events and objects are really powerful in invoking overwhelming memories. One example would be the rack in my bathroom.
It was probably last week or so when I was in my car, driving home from work when suddenly Girl's Day's "Nothing Lasts Forever" played from my car CD. And I was hit by a cherished memory that had escaped my recollection until that moment: driving home on the second to last day of the trip (excluding the last day which was only airport good-bye time)... Because it was the last night that all of G5 would be sleeping under the same roof, there was an atmosphere of gloom hanging, no matter how optimistic we tried to be for each other's sake. Everything was coming to an end and it meant good-bye was soon AND THEN.. AND THEN DO YOU KNOW WHAT SONG COMES ON FROM MY CAR CD?
FREAKING GIRL'S DAY'S "NOTHING LASTS FOREVER" AND WE WERE LIKE, OH MY GOD MOST INAPPROPRIATE TIMING EVER and I still remember Ryan--who's always next to me in the passenger's seat as I drive--immediately reaching to change the song. While I couldn't see the faces of Mimi, Jay, and Chiisana who were all in the back seat, I think we all felt the same way. And now that I remember this event again, I can't stop thinking about it.
It's really strange to think that this memory wasn't fabricated by my delusion.
Anyway, this entire post was basically sparked by the fact that I just right now finished off the Aero chocolate bar that Jay and Ryan brought from Canada. And I realized that it's something that they once touched, something we all ate together, something we talked about, and something that wouldn't be here if they didn't come because Aero doesn't exist in the US. Suddenly it feels so strange, seeing physical evidence of the trip--a tangible trace of their long-gone presence.
Of course it hasn't even been that long. But it's been a long, busy, and tiring month, man. Feels like a year's already passed since then.
And now I need to go study.
When something happens in your life--something special and distinct such as being in an unfamiliar location or being around people you normally wouldn't be--and no matter how important it is, eventually it just feels like it never happened...
And you know I'm always thinking about #GeminiMeetUp. It's all I talk about, and whenever I'm feeling nostalgic over it, I come here and let some thoughts out. It's all I blog about and for that, I'm sorry. Those were the best 2.5 weeks of my life and yet sometimes I have to question if they really took place. Sometimes it feels like something I concocted in my head, something I wished for so hard that I dreamed about, then threw a blinding cloak over my head, and convinced myself that it was actually reality. A precious memory that's like a bubble--that might pop at any moment at the strike of reality.
While I've moved on in the sense that I don't drawl on daily about how much I miss them and how broken I was to be away from them, things always draw me back to those days. Certain events and objects are really powerful in invoking overwhelming memories. One example would be the rack in my bathroom.
It was probably last week or so when I was in my car, driving home from work when suddenly Girl's Day's "Nothing Lasts Forever" played from my car CD. And I was hit by a cherished memory that had escaped my recollection until that moment: driving home on the second to last day of the trip (excluding the last day which was only airport good-bye time)... Because it was the last night that all of G5 would be sleeping under the same roof, there was an atmosphere of gloom hanging, no matter how optimistic we tried to be for each other's sake. Everything was coming to an end and it meant good-bye was soon AND THEN.. AND THEN DO YOU KNOW WHAT SONG COMES ON FROM MY CAR CD?
FREAKING GIRL'S DAY'S "NOTHING LASTS FOREVER" AND WE WERE LIKE, OH MY GOD MOST INAPPROPRIATE TIMING EVER and I still remember Ryan--who's always next to me in the passenger's seat as I drive--immediately reaching to change the song. While I couldn't see the faces of Mimi, Jay, and Chiisana who were all in the back seat, I think we all felt the same way. And now that I remember this event again, I can't stop thinking about it.
It's really strange to think that this memory wasn't fabricated by my delusion.
Anyway, this entire post was basically sparked by the fact that I just right now finished off the Aero chocolate bar that Jay and Ryan brought from Canada. And I realized that it's something that they once touched, something we all ate together, something we talked about, and something that wouldn't be here if they didn't come because Aero doesn't exist in the US. Suddenly it feels so strange, seeing physical evidence of the trip--a tangible trace of their long-gone presence.
Of course it hasn't even been that long. But it's been a long, busy, and tiring month, man. Feels like a year's already passed since then.
And now I need to go study.
Kimi ni Todoke
So Andy/Kimchi Hime really likes this song and anime. And he once said that he wanted somebody to sing to his instrumental. So I did that =v=)b
It's a good luck present because he just left for college yesterday~
But he's one of the coolest people I know and although I never expected to ever get close to him, I'm glad to have become friends with him this summer and just really wanted to do something for him for once. It's partially a "thanks for being my friend" gift. >_> But I can't tell him any of this so I'll just casually write it here.
So Andy/Kimchi Hime really likes this song and anime. And he once said that he wanted somebody to sing to his instrumental. So I did that =v=)b
It's a good luck present because he just left for college yesterday~
But he's one of the coolest people I know and although I never expected to ever get close to him, I'm glad to have become friends with him this summer and just really wanted to do something for him for once. It's partially a "thanks for being my friend" gift. >_> But I can't tell him any of this so I'll just casually write it here.
because this isn't twitter so I don't feel guilty for spamming and can do whatever the heck I want DD8<
But yeah asjdlfkjsdklf aaaahhhhhhh work today is stressful............ At one point during summer, we had 5 interns simultaneously... but now that school has started and most of them aren't going to college in the area, the only intern left is me. :<
(Actually I saw someone else's name in the timecard folder so I DON'T KNOW IF MAYBE THEY HIRED ANOTHER O__O but nobody told me about her because as always, nobody tells me anything.)
In any case, my responsibilities have doubled. And my workload is suddenly through the roof. Even my boss, who's never said something like this before, said, "You'll be working a lot today," when she came by with a huge stack of papers for me.
And next month, my boss is going on vacation. And I'm one of the main people that will be covering for her. Which means my responsibilities will quadruple AND I WILL MOST LIKELY DIE--okay maybe not something that extreme but I sure enough won't be okay.
I hardly even have time to breathe..... ;_____; Right now I'm ranting here for a bit because 1) I'm trying to keep myself off twitter for today to enhance productivity, and 2) I'm on lunchbreak and althoughhhhh I do still have a bunch of work to do, AT LEAST FOR THIS LUNCHBREAK, IDC. I DON'T EVEN CARE. QURL I DUN EVEN CARE. This is my rant time DDDDDDD:<
Uuuugghhhhhhhhhhhh I was hoping I miiight be able to get off a bit early today or have some spare time to work on my 5 minute speech that I have to give in class TOMORROW--which I am in no way ready for because I've been feeling physically shitty since Monday when I almost passed out--BUT NOPE. Looking at the current amount of work in my hands, it seems I might actually have to work overtime. ._____.
ASDLFKDSJFLK THE SPEECH TOMORROW AAAAAAAHHH I'M SCARED fuck fuck fuck ;________; I can't do public speaking.. I hate speaking in general >_> I stutter even just in casual conversation and I don't like peopleeeee ;; AND. FIVE MINUTES LONG. CAN I MEMORIZE THAT MUCH IN JUST ONE NIGHT......?
Also I have 3 exams next week.
Sleep-kun, farewell..!
Sanity-kun, it was nice not really ever knowing you..!
League-kun, goodbye for a while..!! -waves hanky-
But yeah asjdlfkjsdklf aaaahhhhhhh work today is stressful............ At one point during summer, we had 5 interns simultaneously... but now that school has started and most of them aren't going to college in the area, the only intern left is me. :<
(Actually I saw someone else's name in the timecard folder so I DON'T KNOW IF MAYBE THEY HIRED ANOTHER O__O but nobody told me about her because as always, nobody tells me anything.)
In any case, my responsibilities have doubled. And my workload is suddenly through the roof. Even my boss, who's never said something like this before, said, "You'll be working a lot today," when she came by with a huge stack of papers for me.
And next month, my boss is going on vacation. And I'm one of the main people that will be covering for her. Which means my responsibilities will quadruple AND I WILL MOST LIKELY DIE--okay maybe not something that extreme but I sure enough won't be okay.
I hardly even have time to breathe..... ;_____; Right now I'm ranting here for a bit because 1) I'm trying to keep myself off twitter for today to enhance productivity, and 2) I'm on lunchbreak and althoughhhhh I do still have a bunch of work to do, AT LEAST FOR THIS LUNCHBREAK, IDC. I DON'T EVEN CARE. QURL I DUN EVEN CARE. This is my rant time DDDDDDD:<
Uuuugghhhhhhhhhhhh I was hoping I miiight be able to get off a bit early today or have some spare time to work on my 5 minute speech that I have to give in class TOMORROW--which I am in no way ready for because I've been feeling physically shitty since Monday when I almost passed out--BUT NOPE. Looking at the current amount of work in my hands, it seems I might actually have to work overtime. ._____.
ASDLFKDSJFLK THE SPEECH TOMORROW AAAAAAAHHH I'M SCARED fuck fuck fuck ;________; I can't do public speaking.. I hate speaking in general >_> I stutter even just in casual conversation and I don't like peopleeeee ;; AND. FIVE MINUTES LONG. CAN I MEMORIZE THAT MUCH IN JUST ONE NIGHT......?
Also I have 3 exams next week.
Sleep-kun, farewell..!
Sanity-kun, it was nice not really ever knowing you..!
League-kun, goodbye for a while..!! -waves hanky-
#EvasanaConvos pt. 2
[2:54:18 AM] Eva: hi
[2:54:23 AM] Eva: are you doing hw
[2:54:24 AM] Eva: it's almost 3
[2:54:25 AM] Chiisana: .... right
[2:54:27 AM] Chiisana: right
[2:54:28 AM] Chiisana: uhh
[2:54:30 AM] Chiisana: yes I will... do that
[2:54:32 AM] Eva: ..............................................
[2:54:36 AM] Eva: -judging so hard right now-
[2:55:19 AM] Eva: ............ i think we're too similar even in our bad aspects.
[2:56:10 AM] Chiisana: heh
[2:56:12 AM] Chiisana: heheheh
Also since I just found this, why don't you randomly have a picture of us from when she knocked out on my floor after saying she was gonna go brush her teeth

(if you're really active on twitter and follow me and Myst and/or Carmen, you might be aware that I'm really hard to get to go brush my teeth. .............. this girl and I are too similar. =.=)
[2:54:23 AM] Eva: are you doing hw
[2:54:24 AM] Eva: it's almost 3
[2:54:25 AM] Chiisana: .... right
[2:54:27 AM] Chiisana: right
[2:54:28 AM] Chiisana: uhh
[2:54:30 AM] Chiisana: yes I will... do that
[2:54:32 AM] Eva: ..............................................
[2:54:36 AM] Eva: -judging so hard right now-
[2:55:19 AM] Eva: ............ i think we're too similar even in our bad aspects.
[2:56:10 AM] Chiisana: heh
[2:56:12 AM] Chiisana: heheheh
Also since I just found this, why don't you randomly have a picture of us from when she knocked out on my floor after saying she was gonna go brush her teeth

(if you're really active on twitter and follow me and Myst and/or Carmen, you might be aware that I'm really hard to get to go brush my teeth. .............. this girl and I are too similar. =.=)
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18920549【合唱】 しわ【12人】
EEEEEEEEEEEEEE, our Shiwa birthday chorus for Ian & Xephy was reprinted onto Nico Nico Douga. O A O;;; Such an honor because the mysterious person that uploads these youtube choruses usually mostly just picks strong and popular ones? And they usually have impressive, pretty original animations........ but we don't have that because we used the PV. Which means they mostly based their judgement off of the vocals and mix and ajsdflksdjlfkds ////A//// SO HONORED. WE GOT SOME NICE COMMENTS TOO SO I'M HAPPY.
"■ ミクス:Evaさん"
Although it's not my first time having my vocals on nico haha. It is however my first time having something I mixed on there, and I really did put a lot of time and heart into mixing this. It may not sound like it because I'm not all that strong in mixing yet but I worked really hard on it.. ;//u//;
HEEHEEHEE the video is tagged with "Eva." Except that doesn't work because the Eva tag is often used for Evangelion.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEE, our Shiwa birthday chorus for Ian & Xephy was reprinted onto Nico Nico Douga. O A O;;; Such an honor because the mysterious person that uploads these youtube choruses usually mostly just picks strong and popular ones? And they usually have impressive, pretty original animations........ but we don't have that because we used the PV. Which means they mostly based their judgement off of the vocals and mix and ajsdflksdjlfkds ////A//// SO HONORED. WE GOT SOME NICE COMMENTS TOO SO I'M HAPPY.
"■ ミクス:Evaさん"
Although it's not my first time having my vocals on nico haha. It is however my first time having something I mixed on there, and I really did put a lot of time and heart into mixing this. It may not sound like it because I'm not all that strong in mixing yet but I worked really hard on it.. ;//u//;
HEEHEEHEE the video is tagged with "Eva." Except that doesn't work because the Eva tag is often used for Evangelion.
[1:47:21 AM] Chiisana: ......
[1:47:44 AM] Eva: HA HA HA.............................. HA.
[1:47:48 AM] Eva: HA.
[1:47:50 AM] Chiisana: SOB
[1:47:52 AM] Chiisana: SOB
[1:48:29 AM] Eva: i can't even get myself to dream about marriage at night.
[1:48:32 AM] Eva: trust me, i've tried.
[1:48:37 AM] Chiisana: LOLL
[1:55:14 AM] Chiisana: what if we become dog ladies
[1:55:16 AM] Chiisana: or cat ladies
[1:55:47 AM] Chiisana: what if we're singing on youtube until we're 40 year olds
[1:55:49 AM] Chiisana: would people think we were weird
I'm scared to go to school tomorrow. I'm scared to attend my step training class tomorrow.
After having almost passed out during class yesterday, I'm really afraid it's going to happen again and that people judged me negatively when they saw me unable to keep up. I've been plagued with this weird allergetic feeling ever since that incident yesterday and I still felt mildly dizzy (plus my vision blurring) whenever I stood up today at work. Due to metaphorically running and pushing myself and being stressed and always feeling anxious and rarely finding time for rest in the past 6 months, my immune system is basically gone. And I'm tired and scared.
It's such a paradox because I'm weak and out of shape because I never exercise, yet when I do exercise, this shit happens and I end up either almost fainting or crying because I'm weak.
After having almost passed out during class yesterday, I'm really afraid it's going to happen again and that people judged me negatively when they saw me unable to keep up. I've been plagued with this weird allergetic feeling ever since that incident yesterday and I still felt mildly dizzy (plus my vision blurring) whenever I stood up today at work. Due to metaphorically running and pushing myself and being stressed and always feeling anxious and rarely finding time for rest in the past 6 months, my immune system is basically gone. And I'm tired and scared.
It's such a paradox because I'm weak and out of shape because I never exercise, yet when I do exercise, this shit happens and I end up either almost fainting or crying because I'm weak.
Posted by
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
at 12:03 PM 0 comments Labels: covers (collab/chorus/groupdub), mixing
WOOOO what I've been mixing for the past .. FOREVER is finally done and uploaded!!
The song is しわ/Shiwa/Wrinkle by BuzzG.
I feel really bad because I've been so busy that I held up the upload for the longest time. ;^; It's now three months late because Xephy's birthday was June 26th and Ian's was June 30th. However we all know we love them all the same, want to show them our appreciation, and truly wish them a happy year ahead of them<3
Interesting (not rly) tidbits:
[9/17/2012 11:21:29 PM] Eva: I JUST WANT YOU TO CRY.
[9/17/2012 11:21:34 PM] Mango: LOL EVA
[9/17/2012 11:21:37 PM] Chiika: we're just hoping
[9/17/2012 11:21:40 PM] Chiika: you cry as much as we did
[9/17/2012 11:21:47 PM] Chiika: while we were mixing and animating
◆Mix : Eva & Ryan
◆Cropping : Mimi
◆Derp panning/animation : Chiika
Mari http://www.youtube.com/ruukai
Mimi http://www.youtube.com/x3LoveyDovey
Chiisana http://www.youtube.com/ChiisanaChanx3
Eva http://www.youtube.com/waterpixieva
Chiizu http://www.youtube.com/chiizuzu
Chiika http://www.youtube.com/SymphonicTears
Railant http://www.youtube.com/raillant
Andy http://www.youtube.com/SeoulTempo
Mango http://www.youtube.com/Mangekyox3
Himuro http://www.youtube.com/OKiraO
Ryan http://www.youtube.com/RyanEatPho
Rob http://www.youtube.com/llfyrell
イアン (Ian) @ian_yt
The song is しわ/Shiwa/Wrinkle by BuzzG.
I feel really bad because I've been so busy that I held up the upload for the longest time. ;^; It's now three months late because Xephy's birthday was June 26th and Ian's was June 30th. However we all know we love them all the same, want to show them our appreciation, and truly wish them a happy year ahead of them<3
Interesting (not rly) tidbits:
- This project was actually started before Anime Expo. (June 29th-July 2nd)
- The reason I didn't sleep the night before leaving for AX was because I had to finish up and turn in my lines.
- I wrote my birthday messages while at AX and while IN THE HOTEL ROOM that Ian was also in hahahahaha! I actually got to celebrate Ian's birthday on the actual day, with him in person♥
- This is the second birthday chorus for Xephy that I've mixed this year. The other being Gemini's Rain Stops Good-bye. (ilu Xephyyyyy<3)
- During #GeminiMeetUp, the others often watched me work on the mix.
- There was once I was working on Wrinkle....while Mimi was behind me ironing the wrinkles in her clothes.
- I actually woke up one morning to Ryan on my computer working on the mix for me ;___; <33
- AUDITION GAVE ME AN ENDLESS ARRAY OF PROBLEMS, including rolling back the project to its status one week ago so there were a lot of inconveniences and I had to redo/reconstruct some things ಠ___ಠ
[9/17/2012 11:21:29 PM] Eva: I JUST WANT YOU TO CRY.
[9/17/2012 11:21:34 PM] Mango: LOL EVA
[9/17/2012 11:21:37 PM] Chiika: we're just hoping
[9/17/2012 11:21:40 PM] Chiika: you cry as much as we did
[9/17/2012 11:21:47 PM] Chiika: while we were mixing and animating
◆Mix : Eva & Ryan
◆Cropping : Mimi
◆Derp panning/animation : Chiika
Mari http://www.youtube.com/ruukai
Mimi http://www.youtube.com/x3LoveyDovey
Chiisana http://www.youtube.com/ChiisanaChanx3
Eva http://www.youtube.com/waterpixieva
Chiizu http://www.youtube.com/chiizuzu
Chiika http://www.youtube.com/SymphonicTears
Railant http://www.youtube.com/raillant
Andy http://www.youtube.com/SeoulTempo
Mango http://www.youtube.com/Mangekyox3
Himuro http://www.youtube.com/OKiraO
Ryan http://www.youtube.com/RyanEatPho
Rob http://www.youtube.com/llfyrell
イアン (Ian) @ian_yt
[7:26:42 AM] Ryannie: Xephy is crying
[7:26:46 AM] Ryannie: he watched Shiwa
[7:26:50 AM] Ryannie: omg ;___;
[7:27:40 AM] Ryannie: he's crying so hard
[7:27:56 AM] Ryannie: really really hard ;____;
[7:28:01 AM] Ryannie: EVA LOOK WHAT U DID
[7:26:46 AM] Ryannie: he watched Shiwa
[7:26:50 AM] Ryannie: omg ;___;
[7:27:40 AM] Ryannie: he's crying so hard
[7:27:56 AM] Ryannie: really really hard ;____;
[7:28:01 AM] Ryannie: EVA LOOK WHAT U DID
Yus, look what I did. owob
/ttly not sadistic at all
/ttly not sadistic at all
PS;; Also have some tweets of some little acapella clips. o u o
Eva @waterpixieva
TEEHEEHEE the loli line of @chiizukeiki, @x3LoveyDovey, and me in Shiwa. :D https://www.box.com/s/ftf2efm06mqwvl3y6n60
(Chiizu, Mimi, Eva.. + Chiisana on harmony)
Eva @waterpixieva
https://www.box.com/s/7gp5d0fz5qcuce03or8g One is on the left, and one is on the right. BUT WHICH IS @Yamayii AND WHICH IS @chiizukeiki ?!
(Chiika & Chiizu)
Trying to do this quickly so this is just a compilation of some of my tweets from just a moment ago.
Something really scary happened to me today and I don't think I'm okay.
I was really scared I was gonna have a stroke or something.
It was in my step training class and we were exercising a bit past my limit.. ;; and suddenly I was hit by this massive dizzy attack
I feel so bad because I was the only person in this class ever to have to suddenly sit down and not participate but I just couldn't take it
I suddenly couldn't see clearly, my ears were plugged and everything sounded underwater, and I couldn't balance myself while standing up ><
I usually never sweat but I guess I overexerted because I was suddenly sweating like a man ;; and I couldn't stop sneezing afterwards
I'm pretty good at persevering mentally but ughhhhhh my physical endurance is negative >_< and I know I lack sleep and have a lot of anxiety
I don't know what's wrong with me but I don't think I'm okay. So after I eat and I finalize this mix, I'm just gonna roll in bed ;u; byee
Man driving home from school today was so scary HAHAHAHA at one point, I forgot which pedal was which. OH LORDYYYY
But yeah uh I kind of feel terrible right now (physically and guilt-wise) andddd..... I kind of just want to disappear for the rest of the day and hang around in bed. >< Tomorrow I'll work twice as hard!! ;w;)9 to make up for loss of today's time........
Fuck I have to give a 5-minute speech on Friday and I still need to prepare that aljdsfksjdlfkj
Feeling kind of humiliated for appearing like such a weakling in front of everyone and being a problem for even my teacher who had to stop to check on me.. because I tend to pride myself as a model student and a person that stubbornly persists and fights on, but I couldn't do it and I guess I'm glad I decided to stop and sit down because otherwise, I might have fainted. Just disappointed in myself and my lack of strength.
Feeling kind of humiliated for appearing like such a weakling in front of everyone and being a problem for even my teacher who had to stop to check on me.. because I tend to pride myself as a model student and a person that stubbornly persists and fights on, but I couldn't do it and I guess I'm glad I decided to stop and sit down because otherwise, I might have fainted. Just disappointed in myself and my lack of strength.
Anyway I don't really feel like being around for today so bye bye.
[11:23:25 PM] Eva: in your ID pic, are you wearing the red dress shirt you bought here? O:
[11:23:30 PM] Ryannie: yepp
[11:23:47 PM] Eva: d'aww i really like that shirt
[11:23:48 PM] Eva: it's nice
[11:24:00 PM] Ryannie: I really like it too
[11:26:35 PM] Chiisana: I don't want to sound creepy
[11:26:41 PM] Chiisana: but a few days after you guys left I was at GM
[11:26:52 PM] Chiisana: and I entered that Guess store even though I never did because of Ryan
[11:26:57 PM] Chiisana: and I went around and searched
[11:26:59 PM] Chiisana: and I found the clothes he bought
[11:27:03 PM] Chiisana: ..... ovo
[11:27:18 PM] Chiisana: it was kind of comforting knowing he was there and bought that same sweater/shirt/thing.
[11:27:35 PM] Chiisana: ...... (nod)
[11:27:37 PM] Eva: LOOOL
[11:28:13 PM] Eva: ultimate creeper.
the rack
that I always end up staring at when I'm in the bathroom, which holds one lone sapphire blue towel. Where five towels once were jammed onto, of different colors, overlapping one another in an unorderly fashion, damp and unsanitary, but an ever endearing sight.
No Time Limit
Posted by
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
at 11:30 PM 0 comments Labels: #GeminiMeetUp, covers (not mine), Gemini
It was recently our Ryannn's<3 birthday, on September 4th. [:
And for this occasion, Jay has uploaded his first full solo cover!! *A*)// Ryan's so lucky to receive such a wonderful gift~
(JR's friendship is so cute eee ;u;)
Um. Yeah.
We spent a good moment in Gemini chat doing nothing but spazzing over how adorable and precious Jay is. Here, have an excerpt:
[9/4/2012 10:55:37 PM] Chiisana: OMG
[9/4/2012 10:55:38 PM] Chiisana: ASKDFJLASDJKLDS
[9/4/2012 10:55:40 PM] Chiisana: QAAAAAAAAAAAAQ
[9/4/2012 10:55:42 PM] Ryannie: IKR
[9/4/2012 10:55:43 PM] Chiisana: THIS IS SO CUTE AHHHH
[9/4/2012 10:55:43 PM] Ryannie: SDFJLSGSLIG
[9/4/2012 10:55:46 PM] Eva: Q//A//Q
[9/4/2012 10:56:08 PM] Eva: ALSKDFJLSDK
[9/4/2012 10:56:38 PM] Ryannie: LMAO EVA
[9/4/2012 10:56:39 PM] Chiisana: I-I'M DYING Q_______Q
[9/4/2012 10:56:42 PM] Ryannie: we tweeted the same thing
[9/4/2012 10:56:43 PM] Eva: I THINK WE'RE ALL DYING
[9/4/2012 10:56:43 PM] Ryannie: LOLLLL
[9/4/2012 10:56:48 PM] Jay: ; ~ ;
[9/4/2012 10:56:49 PM] Jay: nooo!
【Jay】 No Time Limit 「ノータイムリミット」を歌ってみた
*A* The song is so perfect for Ryan, whose nickname is No Limit Ryan. (Saint Jay, Troll? Jeffrey, Hidden Gem Chiisana, Mimi Mama, and then....... just plain Eva. sobbu. I'm the most ambiguous character out of us all and never have a specific role.)
And it's such a cute song, which is.. perfect. Just. Perfection. Okay. Moe perfection.
Also, this part of the video description really touched my heart:
"So I dedicate this to Gemini as well, as thanks for being there for me! I wish we had 'No Time Limit' during our Gemini trip, those 10 days went by so slowly, but in a good way! I believe we didn't waste time at all during the trip :3 I enjoyed everyone's company and I wish we can be around each other again in the future, maybe as a full cast this time~"
;w; I also wish we had no time limit. My chest was clenching.. when Jay said in Gemini chat that the part in the video where everyone fades away reminds him of when they had to say goodbye to me and Chiisana at the airport. ;__________________;
That last airport scene is probably one of the moments I'll never forget. When I hugged Jay tightly and he told me not to cry (even though I didn't, but him saying that to me just made me want to even more).. and then me yelling at Ryan for not giving me a firm enough hug because he was holding his laptop. :< And then that last look as they turned around before walking through the gate and we were all trying to smile but our quivering frowns kept seeping through. ;;
Everything reminds me of the trip. The rack in the bathroom which used to hold our 5 matching towels. Mimi's shampoo and conditioner that she left here. The floor that Jay kept rolling around on. The side of my bed that Ryan always curled up in.
THIS IS REALLY CREEPY but I still have the Vitamin Water that Ryan gave me at the airport (since they couldn't bring it on the plane), which both JR drank out of HAHAHAHA.
Although it was tiring and a lot of responsibility, I wish the meet-up could have been for longer....... I do agree with Jay though that we didn't waste any time and made the best out of every moment. We really did do a lot!! :DD We had a lot of fun! Jam-packed full of adventures and lovely moments to always remember. So it's not like I regret anything ^___^ Looking back at it all, I'm really happy other than the fact that I miss them being physically by my side.
A while after they left, my mom asked me if they had contacted me at all and I was just like, LAAAWL DUDE WE TALK EVERY SINGLE DAY. :> I'm never away from them even when I am. Except Jeffrey. Dat betch is on the other side of the world and it's hard to catch him online. Dat betch who oftentimes disappears from chat even though we found out recently that he does sometimes lurk and is more concerned than he lets us know kekekeke. Such a tsun.
One day we will kidnap the troll from kangarooland for more Germinaii adventures :<
Saving up for more meet-ups though really is a significant motivation for me to keep working. It's what kept me going even though I'm tired and sometimes don't want to work. I'm glad though that I was able to provide for everyone a little while they were here! Next time, we'll need even more to be able to get a plane ticket from Australia ;^;)9
[Also, I'm pleased with myself in how I pushed to be able to see Jeffrey's musical when I was in Australia, despite all of the opposition. I have no regrets there either. Meeting him was truly a memorable and irreplacable experience.]
But I'm just really glad that the trip even happened at all because there were so many times that it was almost called off or didn't look like it'd pull through. We came through a lot of obstacles to get to this point. I mean, this was just a silly little idea we've been having since last year: having a short vacation together in California. You wouldn't expect a plan like that to actually happen--it's like a dream come true. Originally, it was around September'ish last year that we had started wanting to have the meet-up last December during Christmas break but of course, that fell through. Just an unrealistic, silly idea. After a failure like that, you wouldn't think that we'd REALLY be able to pull ourselves together for a real meet-up.
And there were actually several times that Gemini has been in jeopardy. Once in December..... If you look at the video description for Ugly, it says "6 voices united once again." I'm still grateful to Serena for being a cause that brought us back singing together again when we were in danger. ;; Also, Fukai Mori. Gemini was going to be on hiatus for a while--we didn't even know if full G6 videos could be possible at that point due to circumstances--while G4 was to continue as our active front.
And the huge crisis that happened while I was in Australia in June which caused a huge rift in the group and almost made the calling off of #GeminiMeetUp inevitable akldsfjdskljf. That caused me a great deal of sadness because I couldn't do anything but watch. >< I'd just come online at night after a terrible day of being suffocated by my relatives, just to see that even more has happened while I was gone and just to have my heart break. It's those that you treasure the most that end up hurting you the most. That was when I REALLY thought all hope was lost for the trip, and NOW I'M JUST GOING IN CIRCLES BUT IDK I'M JUST HAPPY IT HAPPENED AND HAPPY WE'RE STILL ACTIVELY SINGING TOGETHER AND NOW ALL IS WELL. /o/ I'm blissful to have them as a family.
woooooooooooo I just spilled my stupid feels everywhere
somebody please put a cork in me when I start rambling
And for this occasion, Jay has uploaded his first full solo cover!! *A*)// Ryan's so lucky to receive such a wonderful gift~
(JR's friendship is so cute eee ;u;)
Um. Yeah.
We spent a good moment in Gemini chat doing nothing but spazzing over how adorable and precious Jay is. Here, have an excerpt:
[9/4/2012 10:55:37 PM] Chiisana: OMG
[9/4/2012 10:55:38 PM] Chiisana: ASKDFJLASDJKLDS
[9/4/2012 10:55:40 PM] Chiisana: QAAAAAAAAAAAAQ
[9/4/2012 10:55:42 PM] Ryannie: IKR
[9/4/2012 10:55:43 PM] Chiisana: THIS IS SO CUTE AHHHH
[9/4/2012 10:55:43 PM] Ryannie: SDFJLSGSLIG
[9/4/2012 10:55:46 PM] Eva: Q//A//Q
[9/4/2012 10:56:08 PM] Eva: ALSKDFJLSDK
[9/4/2012 10:56:38 PM] Ryannie: LMAO EVA
[9/4/2012 10:56:39 PM] Chiisana: I-I'M DYING Q_______Q
[9/4/2012 10:56:42 PM] Ryannie: we tweeted the same thing
[9/4/2012 10:56:43 PM] Eva: I THINK WE'RE ALL DYING
[9/4/2012 10:56:43 PM] Ryannie: LOLLLL
[9/4/2012 10:56:48 PM] Jay: ; ~ ;
[9/4/2012 10:56:49 PM] Jay: nooo!
【Jay】 No Time Limit 「ノータイムリミット」を歌ってみた
*A* The song is so perfect for Ryan, whose nickname is No Limit Ryan. (Saint Jay, Troll? Jeffrey, Hidden Gem Chiisana, Mimi Mama, and then....... just plain Eva. sobbu. I'm the most ambiguous character out of us all and never have a specific role.)
And it's such a cute song, which is.. perfect. Just. Perfection. Okay. Moe perfection.
Also, this part of the video description really touched my heart:
"So I dedicate this to Gemini as well, as thanks for being there for me! I wish we had 'No Time Limit' during our Gemini trip, those 10 days went by so slowly, but in a good way! I believe we didn't waste time at all during the trip :3 I enjoyed everyone's company and I wish we can be around each other again in the future, maybe as a full cast this time~"
;w; I also wish we had no time limit. My chest was clenching.. when Jay said in Gemini chat that the part in the video where everyone fades away reminds him of when they had to say goodbye to me and Chiisana at the airport. ;__________________;
That last airport scene is probably one of the moments I'll never forget. When I hugged Jay tightly and he told me not to cry (even though I didn't, but him saying that to me just made me want to even more).. and then me yelling at Ryan for not giving me a firm enough hug because he was holding his laptop. :< And then that last look as they turned around before walking through the gate and we were all trying to smile but our quivering frowns kept seeping through. ;;
Everything reminds me of the trip. The rack in the bathroom which used to hold our 5 matching towels. Mimi's shampoo and conditioner that she left here. The floor that Jay kept rolling around on. The side of my bed that Ryan always curled up in.
Our matching towels! There's no pink so Chiisana's her Parefura light blue color. (Chiisana, Eva, Mimi, Jay, Ryan) |
THIS IS REALLY CREEPY but I still have the Vitamin Water that Ryan gave me at the airport (since they couldn't bring it on the plane), which both JR drank out of HAHAHAHA.
Although it was tiring and a lot of responsibility, I wish the meet-up could have been for longer....... I do agree with Jay though that we didn't waste any time and made the best out of every moment. We really did do a lot!! :DD We had a lot of fun! Jam-packed full of adventures and lovely moments to always remember. So it's not like I regret anything ^___^ Looking back at it all, I'm really happy other than the fact that I miss them being physically by my side.
A while after they left, my mom asked me if they had contacted me at all and I was just like, LAAAWL DUDE WE TALK EVERY SINGLE DAY. :> I'm never away from them even when I am. Except Jeffrey. Dat betch is on the other side of the world and it's hard to catch him online. Dat betch who oftentimes disappears from chat even though we found out recently that he does sometimes lurk and is more concerned than he lets us know kekekeke. Such a tsun.
One day we will kidnap the troll from kangarooland for more Germinaii adventures :<
Saving up for more meet-ups though really is a significant motivation for me to keep working. It's what kept me going even though I'm tired and sometimes don't want to work. I'm glad though that I was able to provide for everyone a little while they were here! Next time, we'll need even more to be able to get a plane ticket from Australia ;^;)9
[Also, I'm pleased with myself in how I pushed to be able to see Jeffrey's musical when I was in Australia, despite all of the opposition. I have no regrets there either. Meeting him was truly a memorable and irreplacable experience.]
But I'm just really glad that the trip even happened at all because there were so many times that it was almost called off or didn't look like it'd pull through. We came through a lot of obstacles to get to this point. I mean, this was just a silly little idea we've been having since last year: having a short vacation together in California. You wouldn't expect a plan like that to actually happen--it's like a dream come true. Originally, it was around September'ish last year that we had started wanting to have the meet-up last December during Christmas break but of course, that fell through. Just an unrealistic, silly idea. After a failure like that, you wouldn't think that we'd REALLY be able to pull ourselves together for a real meet-up.
And there were actually several times that Gemini has been in jeopardy. Once in December..... If you look at the video description for Ugly, it says "6 voices united once again." I'm still grateful to Serena for being a cause that brought us back singing together again when we were in danger. ;; Also, Fukai Mori. Gemini was going to be on hiatus for a while--we didn't even know if full G6 videos could be possible at that point due to circumstances--while G4 was to continue as our active front.
And the huge crisis that happened while I was in Australia in June which caused a huge rift in the group and almost made the calling off of #GeminiMeetUp inevitable akldsfjdskljf. That caused me a great deal of sadness because I couldn't do anything but watch. >< I'd just come online at night after a terrible day of being suffocated by my relatives, just to see that even more has happened while I was gone and just to have my heart break. It's those that you treasure the most that end up hurting you the most. That was when I REALLY thought all hope was lost for the trip, and NOW I'M JUST GOING IN CIRCLES BUT IDK I'M JUST HAPPY IT HAPPENED AND HAPPY WE'RE STILL ACTIVELY SINGING TOGETHER AND NOW ALL IS WELL. /o/ I'm blissful to have them as a family.
woooooooooooo I just spilled my stupid feels everywhere
somebody please put a cork in me when I start rambling
Saranghae Saranghae
I really like Miryo's (rapper of Brown Eyed Girls) song, "I Love You I Love You," which features Sunny from SNSD. In fact, I really like Miryo's solo album in general and went through this period of VERY MUCH wanting to cover "Leggo" (featuring BEG's Narsha).. ;A; I was super persistent in trying to manually make an instrumental by copying+pasting beats onto a vocal remove, or attempting to recreate elements with composition programs in my Music Technology class..... but alas, I was met with failure and let the idea go. =v=;;
But then I recently fell back into love with "I Love You I Love You" because I sing along to it as it plays in my car, and it's been stuck in my head. 8DDDDDDD It's also what I'm looking for because it has ballad-esque singing, plus rapping which I've been in the mood to do lately.
A-a-a-and now I'm a little tempted to do a solo cover of it because it ACTUALLY HAS A DECENT-SOUNDING FANMADE INSTRUMENTAL.. -le gasp-
I don't have time though to focus on solo covers, which is why I haven't uploaded anything in 8 months. >< It's not that I'm lazy or inactive... I'm actually very active because I always have group things I'm working on. But on top of that and my suffocatingly busy life, I just don't have time for solos.
BUT YEAH HI. I recorded this short bit on a whim yesterday. *A*)// No mixing at all; literally just raws on top of an instrumental.
Sob it's so sad though that I only got time to do a spontaneous recording session purely for FUN and for MYSELF because:
Evening class was cancelled
>> Eva plans to use this opportunity to take a nap
>> Uses some of nap time to record.
These 27 seconds took like two hours to do HAHAHAHA I'm so slow at learning raps sobbbbb. Not to mention, pronouncing Korean really quickly is rather difficult for me. ;^; I have such an awkward accent. As usual, I wish I had a deeper/more mature voice.
But then I recently fell back into love with "I Love You I Love You" because I sing along to it as it plays in my car, and it's been stuck in my head. 8DDDDDDD It's also what I'm looking for because it has ballad-esque singing, plus rapping which I've been in the mood to do lately.
A-a-a-and now I'm a little tempted to do a solo cover of it because it ACTUALLY HAS A DECENT-SOUNDING FANMADE INSTRUMENTAL.. -le gasp-
I don't have time though to focus on solo covers, which is why I haven't uploaded anything in 8 months. >< It's not that I'm lazy or inactive... I'm actually very active because I always have group things I'm working on. But on top of that and my suffocatingly busy life, I just don't have time for solos.
BUT YEAH HI. I recorded this short bit on a whim yesterday. *A*)// No mixing at all; literally just raws on top of an instrumental.
Sob it's so sad though that I only got time to do a spontaneous recording session purely for FUN and for MYSELF because:
Evening class was cancelled
>> Eva plans to use this opportunity to take a nap
>> Uses some of nap time to record.
These 27 seconds took like two hours to do HAHAHAHA I'm so slow at learning raps sobbbbb. Not to mention, pronouncing Korean really quickly is rather difficult for me. ;^; I have such an awkward accent. As usual, I wish I had a deeper/more mature voice.
I very closely avoided a car crash this morning on the way to work. 8DDDDDD The sad part is, if we really did crash, then it would've been entirely my fault.
And this is where I proceed to feel like a worthless, regretful idiot. But I guess I should just be grateful that it didn't happen.
At this point, I'm just feeling really defeated. No matter if it's school (lots of hw; no time to do it), work (might have to start working an extra day if we can't find a replacement for the other interns), mixing (Audition fucked up for no reason and now I have to redo lots of stuff), certain friends (idk why I bother), or sleep (lack of).. nothing's really looking up for me. ;^; I'm just happy to have some lovely friends to be on call with and stuff when I'm at home, because or else, I'd also feel really lonely.
I really miss yesterday... xD It was my only somewhat "carefree" day in a while and I actually got to take a nap. oAo Or well, I knocked out for an hour or two while I was lying in bed waiting for Audition to open after one of the MANY, MANY times it crashed. Yaaaaaay ;A; my first nap in a really long time..!
But yeah. Banned myself from twitter today until I get home so that I can focus on work, and then do homework in any spare time that I get. ;^;)9 So I came to my blog because I was starting to feel deprived LOLL. Dw though, I'm still getting stuff done in good time. Just need mental breaks.
Also. My friend Pan/Shawn/TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY SEVEN-SAN....... formerly known as Mekelba, uploaded a new cover yesterday! You should check it out 'cause he sounds really nice and calming.
Chiisana mixed it and helped animate! So I actually got to hear and see a lot of demos, and it turned out pretty well. =v=)b
6900000000 - 【247】
[featuring his "lovely pet digital octopus," Tako-chan.]
And this is where I proceed to feel like a worthless, regretful idiot. But I guess I should just be grateful that it didn't happen.
At this point, I'm just feeling really defeated. No matter if it's school (lots of hw; no time to do it), work (might have to start working an extra day if we can't find a replacement for the other interns), mixing (Audition fucked up for no reason and now I have to redo lots of stuff), certain friends (idk why I bother), or sleep (lack of).. nothing's really looking up for me. ;^; I'm just happy to have some lovely friends to be on call with and stuff when I'm at home, because or else, I'd also feel really lonely.
I really miss yesterday... xD It was my only somewhat "carefree" day in a while and I actually got to take a nap. oAo Or well, I knocked out for an hour or two while I was lying in bed waiting for Audition to open after one of the MANY, MANY times it crashed. Yaaaaaay ;A; my first nap in a really long time..!
But yeah. Banned myself from twitter today until I get home so that I can focus on work, and then do homework in any spare time that I get. ;^;)9 So I came to my blog because I was starting to feel deprived LOLL. Dw though, I'm still getting stuff done in good time. Just need mental breaks.
Also. My friend Pan/Shawn/TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY SEVEN-SAN....... formerly known as Mekelba, uploaded a new cover yesterday! You should check it out 'cause he sounds really nice and calming.
Chiisana mixed it and helped animate! So I actually got to hear and see a lot of demos, and it turned out pretty well. =v=)b
6900000000 - 【247】
[featuring his "lovely pet digital octopus," Tako-chan.]
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