Puss in . . fins
Ehhhh really haven't been recording much lately. Just one thing I started doing lines for and then it tired me out because .. what is trying to sound powerful ... or good..... just how.......
But I'm trying to get back into spontaneous short recordings 'cause those are the most fun and noncommittal *^* lolololol also trying to improve at one shots.
Because I was drowning in Mermaid Melody nostalgia →
Because this song has been stuck in my head since Jimin's performance at KCON →
But I'm trying to get back into spontaneous short recordings 'cause those are the most fun and noncommittal *^* lolololol also trying to improve at one shots.
Because I was drowning in Mermaid Melody nostalgia →
'Koi wa Nandarou' crap fun one shot (beware peaking!)
Because this song has been stuck in my head since Jimin's performance at KCON →
'Puss (by Jimin & Iron)' one shot (beware profanity and mistakes!)
Unbelievable.... I used to hate Jimin's rapping because I thought it was high, annoying, squeaky, and try-hard but now here I am a Jimin fan, learning her song, and attempting to emulate her rap style. orz
The lack of motivation is so real..........
So much I told myself I would blog..... and it all rotted away in my head or my hard drive :'D
That AX vlog that I edited 70% of within a few days after AX...... still at 70% lol
The past few days I've been having digestive problems :c Food poisoning and upchucking are the worst. Also I feel like my anemia has been acting up too. SO IN CONCLUSION.......... I DON'T WANT TO MOVE......... AND I JUST WANT TO SLEEP...... AND I AM PERPETUALLY TIRED...... AND I DON'T WANNA DO ANYTHING. peace~
So much I told myself I would blog..... and it all rotted away in my head or my hard drive :'D
That AX vlog that I edited 70% of within a few days after AX...... still at 70% lol
The past few days I've been having digestive problems :c Food poisoning and upchucking are the worst. Also I feel like my anemia has been acting up too. SO IN CONCLUSION.......... I DON'T WANT TO MOVE......... AND I JUST WANT TO SLEEP...... AND I AM PERPETUALLY TIRED...... AND I DON'T WANNA DO ANYTHING. peace~
Fresh Alum
I work on First Street.
It's been a few months, but it's not unfamiliar.
For four years, I went to school on Fourth Street.
And my parking garage is on Third.
Today's walk felt somehow different.
Were all these people always here?
Everywhere, backpacks and bright eyes,
Sprawling coffee shops and school pride.
My backpack now carries no books,
And my back only financial pressure.
I do carry a lunch pail though,
For the one break within the long day.
And it's a strange feeling.
Because I had a backpack too for 17 years.
But they started school without me.
Fucking identity crisis.
It's been a few months, but it's not unfamiliar.
For four years, I went to school on Fourth Street.
And my parking garage is on Third.
Today's walk felt somehow different.
Were all these people always here?
Everywhere, backpacks and bright eyes,
Sprawling coffee shops and school pride.
My backpack now carries no books,
And my back only financial pressure.
I do carry a lunch pail though,
For the one break within the long day.
And it's a strange feeling.
Because I had a backpack too for 17 years.
But they started school without me.
Fucking identity crisis.
KCON LA 2015!
Posted by
Thursday, August 6, 2015
at 1:40 AM 4 comments Labels: #highlight, concerts, convention, fan account, gross fangirlling, phlog, pictures, vlogI just went to my first KCON! And now I wonder why I've never gone to KCON before because holy shit, it is such an unforgettable experience. I went with Chiisana and our friend Dres, and the funny thing is that Chiisa and I are known for having very bad luck—especially together. The drive from Norcal to LA is supposed to take 6-7 hours, but guess who had to endure a 10 hour drive through traffic hell with a lovely view of mountain wildfires.... ;x;
And somehow, KCON itself went .. beyond smoothly for us. In fact, it went super well!
So here's my KCON experience complete with shaky pictures and scream-ridden fancams ^^
It's been a crazy month to say the least xD!
July started off with my annual Anime Expo LA trip which is like a prolonged sleepover with some of my favorite people and prime cosplay rush.
Also went camping and whitewater rafting with coworkers, went to a small anime con in SF, some hanging out with old friends, new friends. Working 2 part time jobs.
And last weekend was KCON, so another trip to LA. ;D I just got home 3 hours ago and now it's 2 AM LOL.
I have to say that this summer has really pulled me out of my comfort zone and is transforming me into a more confident and shameless person. IT'S KIND OF GREAT. I'm obnoxious.
Because of AX, I'm less afraid to talk to strangers and be looked at. Because of camping/rafting, I'm less afraid to face my fears and be assertive. Because of my athletic high school friends and coworkers, I'm trying to be more active and learned I can do more than I think. Because of the way I interact with my new coworkers, I feel like I can actually make jokes when I speak. Because I acted as talent for a small video shoot for work, I'm less afraid of being on camera. Because of KCON, for the very first time.... I didn't mind that I was taller than almost everyone else around. I embraced it, embraced dressing with some fashion, embraced having a popping lip color, embraced standing out. During the KCON concerts, I wasn't afraid of being embarrassingly loud while showing my support for the performers. I didn't care too much about what others might think. So that's kinda cool. Yay! I really ought to sleep :D;;
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