I was pretty much inspired, since I've been thinking to install some positive changes. I've been unmotivated. I'm tired all the time. I don't wanna do anything. Especially, I can't and don't want to get out of bed. Even with work everyday, I wake up much later than I intend to every morning. And with just work 5 days a week, life does become routinely and soul-sucking. :c
So!!!! I'm gonna try something I thought of today: 5 Minute Morning Challenges.
I'm going to come up with 31 short challenges, throw them into a random order generator, force myself up every morning not knowing what the challenge of the day is, and fulfill it before going to work.
So far, here are some things I've thought of.. They're easy, but they're challenges to me because I never exercise and can't cook, etc etc HAHAHA.
- Jumping jacks and maybe other stuff
- Ab exercises (this blogilates video?)
- Butt exercises??
- Some cardio dance video
- Cycling machine
- Practice a k-pop dance
- Cook an egg for breakfast
- Learn a new Korean word and tell someone about it
- Learn a new Japanese word and tell someone about it
- Take a walk to the basketball court and back
- Take a jog? to the basketball court and back
- Practice playing keyboard
- Learn the chorus or verse of a k-pop song I've never sung before
- Do something extra to my appearance
Please let me know if you might have any suggestions~ And feel free to join me? :>
We'll see how this goes!