Oops I dropped my soul in the netherworld

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Been a while since I wrote a new post; though I've been updating my cosplay progress post once in a while! My whole life recently has been my full time job and then sewing til late every night while listening to episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh LOLOLOLOLOLOL. I finally finished season 5 of the original YGO and then with my friend KT's recommendation, started YGO 5D's which was my first time watching a Card Games on Bikes series and it's not bad! Yesterday I cancelled dance practice on account of my recent lung pain(?) so I spent the entire day sewing......... through 27 episodes of 5D's. o<-<

I did go out with friends today though for Gino's birthday! We took a very obnoxious group photo at the produce section in Target :'D


Recently I've been thinking about how one of my uni professors tried to teach us that "You are not your art. If your work fails, it doesn't mean you've failed" and I never grasped that at all.

It's been on my mind as I just wrapped up a crazy work week (thankfully the event we were working towards is done so is all good now ;v;) during which I put in overtime and took on way more responsibility than I was tasked to, which in turn really helped the team and improved the videos we were working on. And at this point, in this moment I don't feel like I'm necessarily being a workaholic so much as I've already committed myself long ago to projects and am pushing through to finishing them even though I'm unhappy that I'm not left with any free time. Maybe it's because it's summer now but I wish so much to be able to do more things with friends, have spontaneous outings, sometimes just chill and play games.... instead of just constantly feeling like I'm running out of time for all the things I committed myself to getting done.

Back to that lesson by my uni professor, I think that separation is a great thing to teach—especially to students who are about to go into the world and face probable failure. On the other hand, I do find that it's one of my strengths that I take so much pride in my work, and it's something that my bosses be sure to point out during my reviews. D: Because I care, I try my best.... But I think it also means that I tend to sacrifice myself in favor of achieving better results. It's a double edged sword for sure. ^^;;; Once July 22nd (ACB round 3 deadline) is over, I look forward to dropping all responsibilities and just!!!! doing whatever I want!!!!


  1. Love, love, love! Bless this post~
    Really like the last part, echos right to the heart even more so right now...Thanks for insight and the quote, it's inspirational ^^.

    1. Ahhh I'm glad that you found it inspirational!! Like I said in the post I do think it's a great thing to teach and I wish professors more commonly told people that kind of thing D:


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