(....the Korean drama. Don't worry; I'm fine LOL.)
(though the feels are a LOT dimmer now because I've been meaning to write this blog since 12 days ago but never found time to get past the first line)
I would write this on my
entertainment blog like what I did with
Reply 1997, but rather than an overview/"you should watch this!" promo entry, this is more personal--plus full of my fangirlness.
Okay so where to even start? The drama is really good. It's one of those dynamic stand-out dramas that have something special and YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS but it has to be classified as a "good" drama.
It is, however, a dark melodrama that is clouded by bullying, violence, murder, and even rape. I read somewhere on someone's review that it's a series befitting for a sadomasochist? At first, I didn't understand this--although the very notion intrigues me and further drew me towards giving it a try--but now I think I agree fullheartedly. Everything's really twisted, and even as a viewer, I feel kind of twisted as well.
So the plot.. The story tells of a boy (
Han Jungwoo) and girl (
Lee Sooyeon) who find each other at 15 and it's the most beautiful and pure tale: they give each other exactly the strength that their lonesome selves needed the most, and eventually a feeling deeper than friendship blooms. All they can see is each other--all they know is each other. And what I really appreciate is that their friendship is equally beautiful as their unspoken love.
Unfortunately (and there's always an unfortunately), they're separated by the most painful of events, and meet again by chance 14 years later, never having forgotten each other.
Sounds pretty generic at first. First love, separation, meet and fall in love again "you are my first love I can never forget you!!!!" lovey dovey blah blah. And at first, I doubted the whole separated-by-the-most-painful-of-events thing.. I mean, how bad could it be?
.____________________. Oh boy was I wrong. Oh boy. This is one DARK-ass drama. If you didn't think the misfortune could get worse, no I'm pretty sure the writers thought of something new to grab at your heartstrings and squeeze them til the cry for mercy. Definitely brought out a lot of tears from me. And when it's not tears, it's just....absolute shock or anger or just. FEELS. FEELS ERRRRWHERE. It's a really intense drama lol.
And it's very well contrasted by the light fluffiness that is the pure friendship and love of our young protagonists.
And I know they're technically not kids anymore, but teens.. but I will refer to them as the kids and the child actors, partially because of the "innocent children" portrayal and nature of the young Jungwoo and Sooyeon.
I really loved watching their childhood together. Honestly, it was only reason I started being interested in the drama at all. xD I saw some cute GIFs of young Jungwoo and Sooyeon together and was like WAT DRAMA IS THIS?? so I googled it and was super surprised to find a .. mature, intense-looking drama starring JYJ's
Yoon Eunhye, and
Yoo Seungho. O_o
Not gonna lie, but from the start, I wasn't very interested in the adult cast. xD I feel like a total pedo saying this but I .. prefer.... children? in general? And and and I really like the child cast for this drama. THEY'RE SO CUTE. Also, I'm not one of those girls that're currently ga-ga over Yoochun although I like him. Before even starting the drama, I thought to myself, "I'm probably gonna watch this lightheartedly and then stop when it starts showing them as adults."
Uh. Prediction was correct. I've been following the episode recaps (because I'm curious about the story now) but I can't..bring myself to keep watching the drama. The transition to Jungwoo and Sooyeon's adulthood was very rocky for me.
And it makes me really sad to see just how much Jungwoo and Sooyeon have changed. ;A; It's understandable, but it's also a bit hard to swallow? to see the ever-gentle (although cowardly) Jungwoo become an obsessed, fiery-tempered man.
But Sooyeon is the one that hit me really hard.
Because young Sooyeon is like the epitome of frail and pitiful, but persistent
innocence. She was like the prettiest, pure white flower in the fields of corrupted arrogance--always trampled on and torn to pieces, battling the wind and rain AND SHE STILL COMES OUT OF IT being the prettiest, most down-to-earth (no pun intended), and untainted white flower. There's something about Sooyeon that's so innocent, even if she talks about being a murderer's daughter and even if she has countless scars.
But to see how
twisted and vengeful, cunning, and broken Sooyeon becomes in her adulthood.
It's why I couldn't bring myself to keep watching the drama. Because it's so true to life, because it's so damn realistic. AND IT'S
SO SAD how easily innocence can be ruined--how the most pure and happy children can grow up to be bitter and hateful.
It kind of hit me especially hard because I feel like I can relate. ;w; Although I haven't been through things nearly as traumatic as Sooyeon, I know things like bullying for a child can really scar them for life. It hurts a lot and changes you. I'm always saying I'm just a twisted, hateful person (who's awkwardly antisocial, to boot) and it surprises some people because they would've perceived me as a happy, pure, and kind [?] person on the surface. I've surprised quite a few people, actually, with the other sides to me. Ttly irrelevant to this post though.
I feel
like such a pedo
holy shit.
Okay first let's address
Yeo Jingu, who plays young Han Jungwoo. YEO JINGU. WHY ARE YOU 15 YEARS OLD. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. WHY ARE YOU SO CHARISMATIC AND CHARMING BUT ADORABLE BUT 15 YEARS OLD. I'M TTLY PEDO CRUSH'ING OVER YOU AND DASS NOT GOOD. I hate that I've become one of those noona fangirls. He's actually very mature for his age though, in personality and thinking and in his deep voice.
It's interesting to look at pictures of him from even earlier in his acting career because that little kid grew up to be such a handsome devil.
Kim Sohyun.
QURL. :<
She's perfect. I have a giant pedo girlcrush on her too, ngl LOL. HOW IS SHE ONLY 13 YEARS OLD......? She's talented and sweet, and her face is fucking flawless: angelic and doll-like aaaahh she's gorgeous.
Can we just give all of this year's awards to these two brilliantly impressive actors?
They convey emotions, ideas, and naturalness better than many adult actors I've seen. (Is it also bad that I can't help but ship them now because they have such good chemistry--)
I almost wish they had a drama all to themselves, not only because I prefer the protagonists when young, but also because they're just so good. I could watch them forever.
Kim Sohyun especially deserves all of the applause in the world for her performance in the later scenes of their childhood (mainly in the warehouse and on the road after ;x; oops I said nothing). To be 13 years old... and to act out that kind of a traumatic experience.... to execute it so well, to pull off such a range of emotions, to be able to make the audience cry. Actress Kim Sohyun, you have all my respect.
(Guhhhhh and she's so adorable and nice irl too. She's too perfect. Make it stop; I'm jealous.)