I was totally supposed to blog this right after UtaProm12, but right after that weekend, I went straight into my week and a half of academic hell so here it is now LOL.
YEAH. So October 28th, 2012 was the very first UtaProm or prom for the twitter users of the YouTube-based vocaloid covering/fan community.
It's explained here in Niiro's proposal of the event. xD
Honestly I didn't really care for having a date or not LOL I wanted to participate because it was a fun excuse to dress up and see others in formalwear. :D It was an enjoyable event that united many people; frankly, I don't see why some certain folks made so much drama over it and over little trivial matters. In any case, I believe that it was a great idea and hope to see another similar event next year. ^^
Ummmmmmmm yeah awkward but this was my tweet HAHAHA

"I brought a whole bag of dates to#UtaProm12!"
(I wouldn't exactly consider myself a "popular" person on twitter at all, and I would've been shocked and flattered to even have--I don't know--2 or 3 retweets/favorites..?
But holy fuck. 9 retweets, 18 favorites, 11 tweets of kindness. My god. What the fuck? People are too nice. I appreciate it deeply but am also taken aback. Let me just go casually hide.)
Thing is that I didn't know if we had any dates so I went digging around the cupboards that day after my parents went out. If anything, I would've tweeted something like, "I couldn't find any dates, so I brought prunes to #UtaProm12!" LOLOLOLOL. Because honestly I think my picture would've been rather boring/not very outstanding without a joke and so I REALLY wanted to incorporate one. ;u; I would've felt awkward/overly self conscious if the focus was entirely on me and the dress. AND THEN I ACTUALLY FOUND A BAG OF DRIED DATES. |'DDDDDDDDDDD;;; Hallelujah! I'm so lame omgah.
After taking this picture, I actually spent the rest of the day studying for my midterms in the upcoming week, but a lot of people wanted to webcam and I also didn't want to sit around in such a formal, uncomfortable dress (which I wore to my actual senior prom). So I changed into a more casual one. :'D
(lol it looks like pajamas in this pic) |
This I ordered from tofebruary.com and I was actually planning to blog about my 2-piece tofebruary mini-haul (because I get excited easily over purchases), and this just makes the perfect segway LOL.
I REALLY LIKE TOFEBRUARY. It's the cutest website with the cutest things and really cheap shipping. I don't pay any particular attention to the clothes other than the dresses because they're too cutesy for my style, but the jewelry especially is adorable and captivating. :D T-they seem rather fitting as perfect adorable couple jewelry ;v;)/
Even the receipt that came with the package is adorable as hell and there's a handwritten "Thank you! ღ" in super cute handwriting eeee.
Even the receipt that came with the package is adorable as hell and there's a handwritten "Thank you! ღ" in super cute handwriting eeee.
Mostly I enjoy browsing the site because fuwa fuwas but then one day (lol prior to daddy's unemployment) I was like OKAY, I WORK REALLY HARD IN GENERAL, AND I DEDICATE A LOT OF TIME TO MY JOB, AND LIFE SUCKS, AND I'M NOT WORKING FOR THE MONEY, AND I HAVE MORE MONEY THAN I ACTUALLY NEED........... so I should spend it once in a while. Also I'm still going through this phase of being obsessed with dresses.
And I really liked the dress so I bought it on impulse :DDD;;;;;;;;
I'm disappointed though because it looks as though the black halter is attached to the dress but it's actually not. ಠ___ಠ So misleading, wao ide. But s'k 'cause I have a black laced cami.
I don't own many accessories because I'm plain to the bone in both personality and appearance, but one of my favorite items--which prompted my desire for more cute chunky bracelets--has got to be this bracelet that I got to pick out for free from spending a certain amount at.. I don't remember what store LOL OTL. Have to admit though that its beauty partially stems from the fact that it was free HAHAHA. /asian
I-i-it's so cute though ;3; ♥

I keep it in my Disney Princess treasure box (shown at this angle BECAUSE ARIEL<3) along with the heart/ribbon bracelet, my Super Junior (BECAUSE I'M A PROUD ELF) wristband, and my friendship bracelet with Yanovi, Myst, and Chiisana which was a gift to all of us from Yanovi. ♥♥♥
[I get really excited over any and everything I buy/own because I'm a loser who's not used to relatively pretty things and rarely orders things online ufufufu.]
Uh yeah I actually took a LOT of pictures (.........82 to be exact o3o;;) for UtaProm because I suck at taking selcas and most of them turned out too awkward for use. Also because I changed out of the dress right away after camwhoring. xD;; But I only ever shared 1 out of the 82 LOLL.. so I figure I might as well camwhore photospam since these are just sitting on my computer collecting cyberdust.
How I really feel about my dates. |
Awks bathroom mirror. |
This one was really for Chii. (LAWL you can see the barbeque sauce stain that I acquired during my senior prom because I am an uncivilized monster of a female) |
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