I temporarily deactivated my twitter until this flurry of school shit blows over. xD Can't afford to waste any time, and I already temporarily quit League since a few days ago. With 3 midterms tomorrow, a debate on Friday, and another midterm next Monday (then there are other things I need to do, like sleep, work, and mixing), I can't allow myself to have any fun--ESPECIALLY today.
Yep. See you around ;v;)/~
A Texting Conversation
C: Hello my tomodachingu, how are you?
E: -omitted-
C: Ganbhwaiting <3
E: .......................... That was so lame
C: Saranghaishiteru
E: Hajima (hey isnt that the name of the guy from School Rumble.. or was it Harima.....)
C: Pretty sure it's Harima oAo lol
C: And do you mean.. Hajimyamete?? *u*
E: I accidentally sent you a blank text but it seems rather appropriate.
Oh yeah. These are the sashimi roses from when we had dinner (.. then ice cream.. then egg waffles) together last week!!
E: -omitted-
C: Ganbhwaiting <3
E: .......................... That was so lame
C: Saranghaishiteru
E: Hajima (hey isnt that the name of the guy from School Rumble.. or was it Harima.....)
C: Pretty sure it's Harima oAo lol
C: And do you mean.. Hajimyamete?? *u*
E: I accidentally sent you a blank text but it seems rather appropriate.
Oh yeah. These are the sashimi roses from when we had dinner (.. then ice cream.. then egg waffles) together last week!!

Sushi, do want. :<
A Rainbow After Every Storm
California--in the words of Myst--truly is the "bipolar girlfriend of weather forecasts." =A= Last week, I was still wearing short shorts to school, and now it's rainy, windy, freezing, shitty weather LOL.
It rained this morning. I got to school 45 minutes early as usual because of paranoia over parking spaces.
I happened to look out of my car just at the right time to see this. ^^
Whipped out my iPad right away and took a picture heheeeee :>
I'm glad I did because it disappeared only a moment after.
After 3 weeks and a half of hiding away from people, of a downwards spiral of unfortunate events, and of being depressed, angry, stressed out, and exhausted to the point where I cried almost daily and eventually got myself sick, I..think I'm recovering. Slowly coming back out of my shell and laughing again. I'll try to smile more and make the best out of every moment :>
It rained this morning. I got to school 45 minutes early as usual because of paranoia over parking spaces.
I happened to look out of my car just at the right time to see this. ^^
Whipped out my iPad right away and took a picture heheeeee :>
I'm glad I did because it disappeared only a moment after.
After 3 weeks and a half of hiding away from people, of a downwards spiral of unfortunate events, and of being depressed, angry, stressed out, and exhausted to the point where I cried almost daily and eventually got myself sick, I..think I'm recovering. Slowly coming back out of my shell and laughing again. I'll try to smile more and make the best out of every moment :>
Reply 1997
Linking my review-but-not-really-a-review of the drama Reply 1997 from my entertainment blog because I REALLY loved the series. xD It's TL;DR, just like everything else I write.
It's a drama that teaches you to have gratitude for your parents and the time you get to spend with them.. to cherish your friends and keep them by your side.. the beauty of brotherhood.. and that you can’t control who you fall in love with, so follow your heart.
Also I have such a bias for Eunji from A Pink now aslkdfjkdsjf
Linking my review-but-not-really-a-review of the drama Reply 1997 from my entertainment blog because I REALLY loved the series. xD It's TL;DR, just like everything else I write.
It's a drama that teaches you to have gratitude for your parents and the time you get to spend with them.. to cherish your friends and keep them by your side.. the beauty of brotherhood.. and that you can’t control who you fall in love with, so follow your heart.
Also I have such a bias for Eunji from A Pink now aslkdfjkdsjf
The Story of Echo
[11:52:07 PM] Eva: candyyogurtoujisamaaaaaaaaaa
[11:52:17 PM] candycandy: evayogurthimesamaaaaaa ♥
[11:52:56 PM] Eva: i can imagine us now running towards each other dramatically in a meadow of instant messages
[11:53:22 PM] candycandy: No, royalty never runs. We... glide swiftly.
[11:53:31 PM] candycandy: /flipshair
[11:53:50 PM] candycandy: and also... I swear I was about to read that as 'a meadow of instant... noodles' HAHAHA
[11:54:01 PM] Eva: and all was well in the land of skype
[11:54:11 PM] Eva: until the arrival of a mysterious lady named Echo
[11:54:55 PM] candycandy: wat
[11:54:59 PM] candycandy: wat did dat echo do
[11:55:01 PM] candycandy: B'(
[12:00:21 AM] Eva:
Echo had no ill intentions as she tried her best to fit in amongst skypekind, until one day she got fed up of the others always adding her to call, only proceeding to laugh as her repetitive behavior was seen as merely a joke. they had pushed her call buttons far enough--the data inside her boiled and festered a deep hatred that would only come as a surprise to the newly reunited yogurts of the land.
[12:00:57 AM] Eva:
and that's the story of how Eva wrote a short fanfic about Echo Test Call Lady, Candy, and herself.
I never really thought about this before, but it must hurt to be unemployed. I wonder if those that're unemployed feel lost and incompetent--if they blame themselves for not having a job, as though they're incapable and unwanted, if they feel hopeless and helpless and useless, sorry that they're unable to help provide for their families, and afraid of the unsure future where they're not guaranteed to be able to find a new job.
It must be scary and sad. Although they act strong, it must be tough.
But then what do I know? I'm just a kid.
It must be scary and sad. Although they act strong, it must be tough.
But then what do I know? I'm just a kid.
So I noticed today that I got some hits from another blogspot of which I'd yet to hear, which lead me to this post by Emmi/Yuna, relating to my previous entry: "A Precious Memory like a Bubble."
I wanted to leave a comment but found that they were disabled, so I'm taking this approach instead--hoping that she may by chance come across this post. ^^
First of all, I'm truly honored that, well, anybody would even bother reading anything I wrote LOL. It may not seem a big deal to anybody else, but I'm very flattered to have been related to like this. Thank you!
In her post, she writes:
"I can't even-- I relate so much to this, from the depths of my heart. So often I dwell on the past and get the strange sense that a lot of it never happened. That it was all a dream. That every day when I wake up, I feel convinced that my life has only recently begun and the present is all that has happened/is happening to me. And those magical, fleeting moments that I was physically immersed in for just one instant, but were tied to my soul for all eternity--they seem as if they were merely fragments of my imagination. Photographs and other tangible items are the only proof that those cherished moments actually happened to me.
I really am just a very clingy, nostalgic person who hungers for the past to the point of doing so unhealthily. Gah sometimes I really do wish I could relive some of those precious bubbly moments, but no matter what I do, that is impossible; therefore, I have a duty to myself and my mental health to move on from all of them and actively live out more precious moments. To create them, every day, and also to just believe in serendipitous and unexpected turns in life. It's really a sort of release to free oneself from the past. But seriously, it's so hard to do that. .__.
Herp. I'll try. Continue trying. hwaiiiiiting."
Honestly, I think her response is something that many of us can relate to. ;u;
What I really wanted to say had I been able to leave a comment was:
Hwaiting!! I really want to insert cliched expressions of encouragement and positivity but I'll refrain, so just pretend they're here~ I genuinely mean them all, though.
Also, I'm very impressed and attracted by your style of writing. You convey your thoughts in a remarkably refined manner, which is a refreshing change of pace from my herp derpness. :DDDD;;
(*For anybody who may be unaware--and forgive me if this is inaccurate: "hwaiting" is how the word "fighting" would be be written and pronounced in Korean. Essentially the equivalent of "ganbare" in Japanese, it is a phrase intended to encourage a fighting spirit. Basically "you can do it!"/"do your best!"/"good luck!"/"have strength!" all rolled into one useful word.)
This is silly but sometimes I wish I could just go up to everyone in the world and go, "HWAITING!" Just. 'cause.
'Cause everybody needs a bit of encouragement. Even if just in the form of a simple, silly word. Hi if you're reading this, I don't care who you are or whatever your endeavors may be, but please keep doing your best and I wish you the greatest of luck!
i am a cheesy person k plz don't shoot me
I wanted to leave a comment but found that they were disabled, so I'm taking this approach instead--hoping that she may by chance come across this post. ^^
First of all, I'm truly honored that, well, anybody would even bother reading anything I wrote LOL. It may not seem a big deal to anybody else, but I'm very flattered to have been related to like this. Thank you!
In her post, she writes:
"I can't even-- I relate so much to this, from the depths of my heart. So often I dwell on the past and get the strange sense that a lot of it never happened. That it was all a dream. That every day when I wake up, I feel convinced that my life has only recently begun and the present is all that has happened/is happening to me. And those magical, fleeting moments that I was physically immersed in for just one instant, but were tied to my soul for all eternity--they seem as if they were merely fragments of my imagination. Photographs and other tangible items are the only proof that those cherished moments actually happened to me.
I really am just a very clingy, nostalgic person who hungers for the past to the point of doing so unhealthily. Gah sometimes I really do wish I could relive some of those precious bubbly moments, but no matter what I do, that is impossible; therefore, I have a duty to myself and my mental health to move on from all of them and actively live out more precious moments. To create them, every day, and also to just believe in serendipitous and unexpected turns in life. It's really a sort of release to free oneself from the past. But seriously, it's so hard to do that. .__.
Herp. I'll try. Continue trying. hwaiiiiiting."
Honestly, I think her response is something that many of us can relate to. ;u;
What I really wanted to say had I been able to leave a comment was:
Hwaiting!! I really want to insert cliched expressions of encouragement and positivity but I'll refrain, so just pretend they're here~ I genuinely mean them all, though.
Also, I'm very impressed and attracted by your style of writing. You convey your thoughts in a remarkably refined manner, which is a refreshing change of pace from my herp derpness. :DDDD;;
(*For anybody who may be unaware--and forgive me if this is inaccurate: "hwaiting" is how the word "fighting" would be be written and pronounced in Korean. Essentially the equivalent of "ganbare" in Japanese, it is a phrase intended to encourage a fighting spirit. Basically "you can do it!"/"do your best!"/"good luck!"/"have strength!" all rolled into one useful word.)
This is silly but sometimes I wish I could just go up to everyone in the world and go, "HWAITING!" Just. 'cause.
'Cause everybody needs a bit of encouragement. Even if just in the form of a simple, silly word. Hi if you're reading this, I don't care who you are or whatever your endeavors may be, but please keep doing your best and I wish you the greatest of luck!
[9:07:09 PM] Chiisana: I DON'T THINK
[9:07:16 PM] Chiisana: I WOULD BUTCHER IT Q__Q LOL
[9:07:35 PM] Eva: TRY IT!!!
[9:07:37 PM] Eva: TRY ITTT
[9:07:41 PM] Ryannie: TRY IT!
[9:08:07 PM] Jay: u dont have to try it
[9:08:24 PM] Chiisana: LOL I love you Jay
[9:08:35 PM] Jay: xD
[9:09:06 PM] Eva: JAY HOW DARE YOU
[9:09:35 PM] ⊱⊱ Mimi ❝어떡하죠?❞: uh oh
[9:09:38 PM] ⊱⊱ Mimi ❝어떡하죠?❞: the wifeband
[9:09:39 PM] ⊱⊱ Mimi ❝어떡하죠?❞: is mad nao
[9:09:41 PM] ⊱⊱ Mimi ❝어떡하죠?❞: O AO
[9:09:46 PM] ⊱⊱ Mimi ❝어떡하죠?❞: YOU HAVE UPSET THE WIFEBAND
[9:09:50 PM] Chiisana: You didn't even tell him to do anything ; ~ ;
[9:10:03 PM] Eva: /stern-glare-of-Disney-parent-who-has-been-defied
[9:10:21 PM] Eva: now who are you to tell me i didn't tell him to do anything :c
[9:10:25 PM] Eva: maybe we used telepathy
[9:10:28 PM] Eva: ever thought of that, huh?!
[9:10:44 PM] Jay: lol!
[9:10:53 PM] Jay: if u did i didnt receive the message yet
[9:10:58 PM] Jay: long distance ):
[9:11:01 PM] Eva: LOLLLL
[9:11:10 PM] Eva: sorry i forgot to pay the long distance fee for telepathy
[9:11:15 PM] Jay: LOL
[9:26:29 PM] Ryannie: one day the torch will be passed onto Jay and [Chii]
[9:26:33 PM] Ryannie: and they will lead rap
[9:26:36 PM] Ryannie: while Eva and Jeffrey lead vocals
[9:26:57 PM] Ryannie: and Mimi and I will animate
[9:26:58 PM] Ryannie: lol
[9:27:03 PM] Jay: we will be the best rappers [Chii]
[9:27:25 PM] Chiisana: Will you be the G. Dragon to my T.O.P Jay? ;u;)/
[9:27:35 PM] Jay: yes
[9:27:57 PM] Eva: D'AW
[9:27:58 PM] Eva: I CAN'T
[9:28:28 PM] Eva: brb vomiting rainbows on innocent squirrels
[9:28:40 PM] Ryannie: good
[9:28:44 PM] Ryannie: hate dem squirrelies
[9:28:54 PM] Jay: hopefully they get the ability to fly so cars wont hit them! now airplanes will
[9:28:59 PM] Ryannie: LMAO
[9:07:16 PM] Chiisana: I WOULD BUTCHER IT Q__Q LOL
[9:07:35 PM] Eva: TRY IT!!!
[9:07:37 PM] Eva: TRY ITTT
[9:07:41 PM] Ryannie: TRY IT!
[9:08:07 PM] Jay: u dont have to try it
[9:08:24 PM] Chiisana: LOL I love you Jay
[9:08:35 PM] Jay: xD
[9:09:06 PM] Eva: JAY HOW DARE YOU
[9:09:35 PM] ⊱⊱ Mimi ❝어떡하죠?❞: uh oh
[9:09:38 PM] ⊱⊱ Mimi ❝어떡하죠?❞: the wifeband
[9:09:39 PM] ⊱⊱ Mimi ❝어떡하죠?❞: is mad nao
[9:09:41 PM] ⊱⊱ Mimi ❝어떡하죠?❞: O AO
[9:09:46 PM] ⊱⊱ Mimi ❝어떡하죠?❞: YOU HAVE UPSET THE WIFEBAND
[9:09:50 PM] Chiisana: You didn't even tell him to do anything ; ~ ;
[9:10:03 PM] Eva: /stern-glare-of-Disney-parent-who-has-been-defied
[9:10:21 PM] Eva: now who are you to tell me i didn't tell him to do anything :c
[9:10:25 PM] Eva: maybe we used telepathy
[9:10:28 PM] Eva: ever thought of that, huh?!
[9:10:44 PM] Jay: lol!
[9:10:53 PM] Jay: if u did i didnt receive the message yet
[9:10:58 PM] Jay: long distance ):
[9:11:01 PM] Eva: LOLLLL
[9:11:10 PM] Eva: sorry i forgot to pay the long distance fee for telepathy
[9:11:15 PM] Jay: LOL
[9:26:29 PM] Ryannie: one day the torch will be passed onto Jay and [Chii]
[9:26:33 PM] Ryannie: and they will lead rap
[9:26:36 PM] Ryannie: while Eva and Jeffrey lead vocals
[9:26:57 PM] Ryannie: and Mimi and I will animate
[9:26:58 PM] Ryannie: lol
[9:27:03 PM] Jay: we will be the best rappers [Chii]
[9:27:25 PM] Chiisana: Will you be the G. Dragon to my T.O.P Jay? ;u;)/
[9:27:35 PM] Jay: yes
[9:27:57 PM] Eva: D'AW
[9:27:58 PM] Eva: I CAN'T
[9:28:28 PM] Eva: brb vomiting rainbows on innocent squirrels
[9:28:40 PM] Ryannie: good
[9:28:44 PM] Ryannie: hate dem squirrelies
[9:28:54 PM] Jay: hopefully they get the ability to fly so cars wont hit them! now airplanes will
[9:28:59 PM] Ryannie: LMAO
Posted by
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
at 11:59 PM 0 comments Labels: I bought stuff, pictures, rambling
So uh |'DDDD I came home from my geology field trip (hiking for 4 hours, learning about Rock-kun's family) on Saturday to find that my laptop wouldn't turn on!!
It's... surviving (not quite normal at all) now after having been "fixed" by professionals, but I was really scared that I would lose all my files. ;; I have too much that I can't afford to lose.
There's a possibility you may know that I'm the type of person that has a hard time letting go. I get clingy to certain people, I don't like change, and I am a pack rat. I keep EVERYTHING, physically and digitally.
And I strongly believe in the preservation of memories. .-. I mean, I have 3 fucking blogs.... I like to jot down my experiences and come back to relive them in the future. I like keeping track of where I am in life and watching my own growth in maturity and mentality. Since middle school, I was ALWAYS the kid among my friends that went around stalkerishly taking pictures of everybody. AND NOW WITH THE PICTURES FROM #GEMINIMEETUP............ WHICH I FELT LIKE AN IDIOT OVER BECAUSE I NEVER BACKED THEM UP BEFORE MY LAPTOP STARTED DYING.............. If I lost all of the pictures and videos from our trip, my sanity would have caved in.
But moreover, losing all my data affects more than just me. .__. I'm mixing things involving OTHER PEOPLE. I'm recording lines for OTHER PEOPLE and this actually caused me to have to get an extension on a deadline. Because I do a lot of mixing /and/ animating for Gemini, I KEEP BASICALLY ALL THE FILES from every Gemini project ever--I am a source from which many things are accessible and can be drawn.
Anyway, the laptop is temporariliy .. kind of functioning now so at least I have everything copied onto an external harddrive and all is well /o/!! Idc if I have to buy a new laptop.
BUT YEAH on Saturday I didn't have anything to do, I didn't wanna stay home alone since it was a painful reminder that I was supposed to be recording lines atm, and I wanted to cheer myself up........ >_> so I went shopping by myself!
I raided Forever 21. ovo)b because it's my favorite store!
It was entirely by coincidence that everything I bought essentially ended up fitting together very well: pastel pink, white, black, simplistic yet somewhat flowery. I wasn't even trying to go for a certain theme or concept or anything! xD
Lately I've been really into blazers *A*! My outfits these days are often blazer + dress shirt or white t-shirt + short shorts. I got one in Australia which I fell in love with (black), and then Gemini helped me pick out my 2nd one (gray), so this is my third (pink)~
Got this peachish-pinkish skirt because it reminds me of Mimi. :3 I really wanted to try wearing skirts more, but I needed more casual skirts that didn't clash too much with my style.
This skirt I actually got when we went to Forever 21 in San Francisco during #GeminiMeetUp. xD I think Ryan and Jay urged me to buy it because it reminds them a little of Hello!Project LOL. But yeah, it's cute but I have a hard time wearing it casually because it's a little too girly and ruffly for my style ; x ;
Also bought this top but it doesn't match the skirt too well. =v=;; And a black blouse as well that's slightly flowery.
It's interesting to look at how much one changes though!
I went through a period from middle school til about senior year in high school where I basically was incapable of wearing the color pink. An ungirly, uncute, unrefined, unattractive, aggressive and violent, cold-hearted and cold-appearing, and plain-to-the-bone monster I was. I really always wanted to be somewhat girly though (I used to wear princess dresses a lot and I STILL have an obsession w/ Disney princesses) and this is one of the things I sought to change about myself around senior year.
Senior year had a huge impact on me, as it brought about an entirely different me. After that year, I became much more sociable and talkative, comfortable around other people, confident in my abilities and getting myself out there, I smiled 3x more than I did before, laughter became part of my natural behavior, I started being less self conscious about what others thought, I became less uptight but still responsible, I dressed a little better, started wearing more short shorts and slightly girlier clothes, started acting with a little aegyo (which was SUPER awks at first because I used to be the most uncute person I knew), I became proud of my own achievements, and finally felt a little prettier both inside and out.
Hehe I remember last May, I tweeted a lot about how I really wanted to start wearing dresses even though it was awkward, and that I intended to spend this summer getting myself into dresses.
And now I wear dresses all the time with no problem ;u;! Very proud of myself. -nodnod- Another goal accomplished.
It's... surviving (not quite normal at all) now after having been "fixed" by professionals, but I was really scared that I would lose all my files. ;; I have too much that I can't afford to lose.
There's a possibility you may know that I'm the type of person that has a hard time letting go. I get clingy to certain people, I don't like change, and I am a pack rat. I keep EVERYTHING, physically and digitally.
And I strongly believe in the preservation of memories. .-. I mean, I have 3 fucking blogs.... I like to jot down my experiences and come back to relive them in the future. I like keeping track of where I am in life and watching my own growth in maturity and mentality. Since middle school, I was ALWAYS the kid among my friends that went around stalkerishly taking pictures of everybody. AND NOW WITH THE PICTURES FROM #GEMINIMEETUP............ WHICH I FELT LIKE AN IDIOT OVER BECAUSE I NEVER BACKED THEM UP BEFORE MY LAPTOP STARTED DYING.............. If I lost all of the pictures and videos from our trip, my sanity would have caved in.
But moreover, losing all my data affects more than just me. .__. I'm mixing things involving OTHER PEOPLE. I'm recording lines for OTHER PEOPLE and this actually caused me to have to get an extension on a deadline. Because I do a lot of mixing /and/ animating for Gemini, I KEEP BASICALLY ALL THE FILES from every Gemini project ever--I am a source from which many things are accessible and can be drawn.
Anyway, the laptop is temporariliy .. kind of functioning now so at least I have everything copied onto an external harddrive and all is well /o/!! Idc if I have to buy a new laptop.
BUT YEAH on Saturday I didn't have anything to do, I didn't wanna stay home alone since it was a painful reminder that I was supposed to be recording lines atm, and I wanted to cheer myself up........ >_> so I went shopping by myself!
I raided Forever 21. ovo)b because it's my favorite store!
It was entirely by coincidence that everything I bought essentially ended up fitting together very well: pastel pink, white, black, simplistic yet somewhat flowery. I wasn't even trying to go for a certain theme or concept or anything! xD
Lately I've been really into blazers *A*! My outfits these days are often blazer + dress shirt or white t-shirt + short shorts. I got one in Australia which I fell in love with (black), and then Gemini helped me pick out my 2nd one (gray), so this is my third (pink)~
Got this peachish-pinkish skirt because it reminds me of Mimi. :3 I really wanted to try wearing skirts more, but I needed more casual skirts that didn't clash too much with my style.
This skirt I actually got when we went to Forever 21 in San Francisco during #GeminiMeetUp. xD I think Ryan and Jay urged me to buy it because it reminds them a little of Hello!Project LOL. But yeah, it's cute but I have a hard time wearing it casually because it's a little too girly and ruffly for my style ; x ;
Also bought this top but it doesn't match the skirt too well. =v=;; And a black blouse as well that's slightly flowery.
It's interesting to look at how much one changes though!
I went through a period from middle school til about senior year in high school where I basically was incapable of wearing the color pink. An ungirly, uncute, unrefined, unattractive, aggressive and violent, cold-hearted and cold-appearing, and plain-to-the-bone monster I was. I really always wanted to be somewhat girly though (I used to wear princess dresses a lot and I STILL have an obsession w/ Disney princesses) and this is one of the things I sought to change about myself around senior year.
Senior year had a huge impact on me, as it brought about an entirely different me. After that year, I became much more sociable and talkative, comfortable around other people, confident in my abilities and getting myself out there, I smiled 3x more than I did before, laughter became part of my natural behavior, I started being less self conscious about what others thought, I became less uptight but still responsible, I dressed a little better, started wearing more short shorts and slightly girlier clothes, started acting with a little aegyo (which was SUPER awks at first because I used to be the most uncute person I knew), I became proud of my own achievements, and finally felt a little prettier both inside and out.
Hehe I remember last May, I tweeted a lot about how I really wanted to start wearing dresses even though it was awkward, and that I intended to spend this summer getting myself into dresses.
And now I wear dresses all the time with no problem ;u;! Very proud of myself. -nodnod- Another goal accomplished.
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