I'm literally writing this on my iPad right now in front of Chiisana's house. =_=
Last night, I said I'd try to get to her house before 11:30. That obviously didn't turn out well.
I arrived at 11:50, feeling all apologetic because I thought I was late.
So I call Chiisana, and she tells me that she's not ready and still needs 5 minutes.
A total of 13 minutes passed. She came out at 12:03.

This is my "Chiisana, I'm so done with your shit" face.
Overall, a really fun day!
We all met up to karaoke. :D
I'm.. technically not supposed to sing because of my throat but HALF THE TIME WHEN I SAY I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO DO SOMETHING, I DO IT ANYWAY.. (prime example: eating ice cream)
I didn't actually sing that much though, which I'm a little disappointed about but nothing I could do about it because my voice was so shot and dead and gone, and I sounded all crackly and gross. I guess it turned out to be a good thing(?) that I was actually unfamiliar with most of the vocaloid songs?
Here are some moments that I was able to capture on video from my iPad:
featuring I Knew You Were Trouble (Screaming Goat edition).
After the usual gossip, more gossip, and even more gossip, [and a visit to Myst's cats] it was just me, Myst, Carmen, Karu, and Chiisana left.
As always, sushi dinner.
The pictures that Karu tweeted from today!

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