I was really excited about getting this picture so that I could boast about the fact that I interviewed a horse! I was gonna make all the cringeworthy puns about how Willow refused to answer my questions but that's just the neeeeighture of interviewing a horse.
And then I saw the picture later.... without my sunglasses on....... o<-<
My sunglasses had obscured my vision to the point that when I was taking the picture, I couldn't tell that.. there was a weird effect on?? or the lens was dirty????? I DON'T EVEN HAVE AN EXPLANATION FOR THIS ATROCITY. (Edit: It's a lens flare lol i don't use smartphones enough)
Now I'm sad but I'll still post it here because my blog is forgiving right ;^; euehuehuehue
A week ago, I was out on a ranch for two days for a video shoot for work! It was interesting and I had some fun, but holy fucking horse poop I was tired af and I swear my body is still sore from it. Woke up at 6 AM because it was an hour and 20 min drive away, was outside all day both days, stood for many long hours, worked out my arms for the first time in a while holding up a boom pole, also helped with carrying and setting things up, and didn't get home til 8 PM.. Long ass days......
Since I don't have a smartphone and apparently my GPS broke, my dad lent me his work iPhone and that's why I got to take so many pictures and selfies XDDDDD I had to take advantage of the opportunity! I was holding a selfie machine!!
The ranch was part of a public park with a petting zoo so I .. talked at some goats too.... They were too fast for me to pet tho.
(Okay but I wasn't completely lying about interviewing that horse because I really did spend a while trying to get some recordings of her neighing and general horse sounds ahah. She was a sweet horse though~ So I actually couldn't get much audio from her..)
We were filming a blacksmith making horseshoes :> Pretty fascinating how it comes together. I hope the video gets finished soon because it'd be nice to share! There are some EXTREEEEME slow motion shots (1000 frames a second apparently OMG?) with sparks flying that look like particles, and they're real pretty!
Afterwards, the blacksmith ...burned and nailed..... the horseshoes onto a horse and that was horrific to watch QAQ I can't believe my coworker made an overly punny macro out of this terribly unflattering picture lmao..

At the end, I got to ride briefly in a horse carriage (the excuse was that I needed audio from as close to the carriage as possible hehehe) and that was probably the most fun part haha.
It's a lens flare in the first photo. You can tell by the chromatic aberration.
ReplyDeleteOH OKAY. wow i'm such a noob HAHAHAHA thanks