2020 Mid-Year Resolutions

Saturday, July 25, 2020

ha ha ha ha.........

At the start of this year I skipped my typical New Year's resolutions—for some reason I just didn't...feel...ready? to make new goals for myself?

Did I somehow intuitively predict that our entire world and lives would be turned upside down and never to be the same again? Did I know that I would've had no way to carry out my resolutions if I had made them? Either way, I'm glad I didn't waste my time I guess LOL. 🤷‍♀️

I cannot guarantee that I'll hit 100 but now that I'm more or less settled into the lifestyle that'll persist into the indefinite future, here are some goals I have in mind for myself.

[Edit: I did 40 for now ♥]

  1. Let's not die of COVID-19..or even contract it... That's kind of the bare minimum right now. 👍

  2. Live happier every day!

  3. Continued efforts towards hopefully helping make the world a better, safer, more mindful place! I don't want to forget/not realize that horrible things are happening just because they may not necessarily be directly affecting my everyday life.

  4. Keep going towards rediscovering enjoyment.

  5. Make more time for relaxation and stop feeling guilty for it.

  6. Do better at taking breaks for my strained eyes.

  7. I've recently been listening to an audiobook (Jane Austen's Persuasion which I'm enjoying) while taking breaks and I'd like to generally get into audiobooks and podcasts more!

  8. ..Or if I can just read actual physical books too, that would be cool? I still have a few that've gone unfinished for years, oops...
    [Edit: Hello just wanted to chime in from December 31st that I HAVE BEEN READING AND HIGHLY ENJOYING A PHYSICAL BOOK 💓 Reading it in bed is something that I do for self-care!]

  9. I want to draw more!!! Like I don't even have to improve at it; I just want to get back into drawing which I used to love and do often.

  10. Resolve my current anxiety(?) issue(?). I'm on edge all the time ;;

  11. Continue regularly exercising!

  12. Hopefully without getting injured or having rib inflammations again.

  13. Take more walks.

  14. Go outside more in general even if just to stand and absorb Vitamin D for a few minutes lolol.

  15. Remember to practice dancing!

  16. It'd be nice if I could eventually have the confidence to record more during times when my parents are awake, because I'm behind on my recording queue...

  17. Improve at belting and singing better with support!

  18. Improve at rapping in a way that's sustainable and doesn't hurt my throat.

  19. Will I finally be able to make a clean, polished chorus mix that I can be proud of?

  20. I also want to be able to make animations with decent aesthetics that I can be proud of.

  21. Improve at design in general.

  22. NO MORE ALL-NIGHTERS. EVER. Absolutely not, for any reason, not even for jobwork. :c

  23. No more burning out please!!!

  24. Lately I've been sleeping at 3-4 AM regularly and I'm tired of it. "Revenge Bedtime Procrastination" is 1000% real and is an actual problem.. I'm going to start sleeping earlier, I swear it. ;;

  25. And then let's habitually wake up earlier too!

  26. Yay I finally started cooking more and trying new things this year! Let's continue that and learn a lot more.

  27. Try new things in general!

  28. Indulge in my cravings.

  29. I've succeeded at making it a habit to speak in Cantonese as much as possible whenever speaking to my parents! But I keep sputtering because vocab doesn't come to me naturally... I hope to get to a point where I no longer sound like a 3 year old.

  30. Find more ways to be able to cheer myself up!

  31. Be unapologetically open about my humor.

  32. I've kind of started trying to do sheet masks regularly—let's keep this up.

  33. Okay okay I've been tryinggg to reduce any rubbing or scratching of eyes but sometimes I can't help it qq... want to eliminate that completely!

  34. Fix my!! posture!!! Working from home every day for months has done some real bad things to my ergonomics orz

  35. It's a big commitment to rearrange my room but... a sit-stand desk at home would be amazing.
    [Edit: I DID IT!!! I rearranged part of my room and got a sit-stand desk and it's life-changing!! 💓]

  36. Improve my Japanese pronunciation.

  37. Remember to be proud of myself for things that I do, regardless of quality or circumstances.

  38. Try to catch myself when I feel down about my own abilities and existence when compared to other people.

  39. Learn to forgive myself for small mistakes.

  40. Strive to be satisfied for just existing ♥

And then I always include a photo at the end of these.
I've never shared this anywhere before but here's my professional portrait!


  1. You are totally a psychic for sensing the impending insanity that is 2020! Good for you for still making these resolutions, it’s never too late. I really like your commitment to be kinder to yourself and not feel bad about it, because someone as hard working as you deserves some more time to recharge and just decompress. I feel like you are already accomplishing many of these goals, great job so far : ) Here’s to getting through the rest of the year in one piece. Stay healthy, happy, and safe!

    1. ❤❤❤❤❤ thank you unknown!! ^^ hope you stay healthy, happy, and safe too


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