Another survey!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

It's already 3 AM but I swear I'll go to sleep after this haha. I have Kang Haneul and Phillip to thank for brightening up my night. ^^ BUT UM, WELL. I stopped by Phillip's blog (so sorry I'm late ;^;.. and you bestowed upon me such kind words too) and he did another survey. so. I am here again. because surveys are--HOLY CANOLI IT'S 70 QUESTIONS... Okay how about I do some of it tonight and then the rest tomorrow?

  1. When was the last time you cried? Couple hours ago?
  2. Have you ever faked sick? I ACTUALLY HAVE.. though I naturally have somewhat weak health (and a crappy immune system) so it's usually not completely unfounded?
  3. What was the last lie you said? "I'm fine and how are you?" (today at work when I had to open the door for some businessmen)
  4. Have you ever cried during a movie? YES LOL. Just never when I'm watching one in theatres with Chiisana, Yano, and Myst because they just bawl their eyes out the whole film as I pretend to judge them.
  5. Have you ever danced in the rain? That requires being in the cold. and being wet. and physical movement. and being outside. and fiddling with the possibility of getting sick.
  6. Have you ever been drunk? Not 21 yet, not interested in alcohol, not the type to enjoy loosening up or losing composure and proper behavior. ;n;
  7. Do you smoke? Dude imagine if I smoked with my throat pains already. I'd have a gaping hole in my neck.
  8. What is your full name? This is a dumb question
  9. What is your blood-type? I SHOULD FIND OUT, HUH.......
  10. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yeah, couple times, but never so serious as to be physically hurt.
  11. How old were you when you received your first kiss? You mean how old will I be Q__Q
  12. Who was your first kiss? You tell me ???
  13. Have you ever had an online relationship? I have never been in a relationship orz
  14. Have you ever been rejected by a crush? I.... also don't have plans on ever confessing to anyone because I don't have the guts 8D;;
  15. What is your favorite sport to play? physical movement huh waht
  16. Have you ever made a prank phone call? I feel like my friends and I might've been dumb enough to in middle school LOL. but probably not.
  17. Have you ever said “I Love you” and not meant it? I think yes but not in the romantic way.
  18. Is there anything that you have done that you regret? Don't we all have regrets? xD
  19. What do you want to be when you grow up? N/A
  20. What is your political persuasion? Not the type to talk about politics; sorry haha.
  21. Do you believe in g-d? I'm not religious, but I can be spiritual. and I'm not an atheist. so I kind of do, though it's not rooted in any religion.
  22. Do you believe in love at first sight? You mean infatuation?
  23. Do you believe in karma? Yes and I can't wait until it comes to haunt certain people-- I mean what-- um--
  24. Who was your first crush? The earliest memory I can recall of "liking" anyone was.. kindergarten. Some kid in my class. I secretly crush on a lot of people :(.. I just don't let it become anything more than that.
  25. Who do you have a crush on? I have a dumb fangirl infatuation-type crush on the Korean actor Kang Haneul, if that counts.
  26. How would you describe yourself? Well for starters, "yourself" is a word that starts with the letter Y and ends with F.
  27. What are you afraid of? Being judged, being hated, being looked down upon.
  28. Are you religious? Not particularly.
  29. What does your screen name mean? Water Pixie is a nickname that I gave myself when I played Pixies with my friends in 4th grade. ^^ I made her up, roleplayed her, and never grew out of the character. I went on to create a whole realm of magical beings, creatures, and environments (complete with stories and illustrations) on the basis of which I had once hoped to produce a children's cartoon.
  30. What person do you trust the most? Truthfully? Myself. For the most part, I get things done.
  31. Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? N/A
  32. What is the best compliment you have ever received? My heart flutters a little whenever I'm told that I'm inspirational or motivational. ;///; One particular compliment that I'll never forget though was from a freshman in my physics class when I was a high school senior--wait, I went to revisit the moment on my private blog so I'll copy and paste. askdljflksdjfl sooo niiceeeee Q_____Q
    "You're so motivational and I wish I could be like that. I feel like you could really be somebody someday. Like someone really influential that helps the world."
  33. What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you? Not really complaining because most mean things said about me have been of truth.
    But although I deserved it, I'll never forget when they called me scary and a monster; I still have a complex over this.
  34. What is the longest crush/relationship you have had? Liked a guy for 5 years, and haven't truly sincerely liked anyone since.
  35. What is your greatest strength? The willpower to put in my best effort. ^^
  36. What is your greatest weakness? Uncertainty of myself.
  37. What is your perfect pizza? UGH..... I ACTUALLY REALLY LIKE PEPPERONI, OKAY? I'm boring QAQ
  38. What is your first thought when waking up in the morning? "Fucking alarm so fucking annoying why is it morning ugh no want more sleep .. sleep....."
  39. What is your first thought before you go to bed? Making sure I've set my alarm and am ready to tackle the next day.
  40. What college do you want to go to? N/A
  41. Do you get along with your family? I wish my door had a lock
  42. Do you play any instruments? Played piano from 1st grade til 8th grade, and violin from 3rd grade til 12th grade. I also sometimes like to pretend my tummy fat is a drum.
  43. What kind of music do you like? NOOOOOO, THIS KIND OF QUESTION IS SO HARD TO ANSWER. I like k-pop but I tend to not really listen to k-pop. I'm biased towards the musical styles and vocal tones that come with Asian music, but particularly Korean and Japanese. Sometimes I really like emotional ballads. Sometimes I really like Korean rap.
  44. Would you ever get a tattoo? Ouchies no ; ~ ;
  45. How many piercings do you have? 0 because ouchies ; ~ ;
  46. Who makes you laugh? Off the top of my head, I'd have to say the cast of the Korean variety show Running Man.
  47. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours? Please reference all of my gross fangirlling towards Kang Haneul in the past few hours. (Holy crap that's so creepy.)
  48. Have you ever seen a dead body? NO LET'S PLEASE SKIP THIS QUESTION
  49. Do you have a celebrity crush? HI KANG HANEUL HI.................................... (I have many though)
  50. What is one thing scientists should invent? A sure cure for my throat, kthx.
  51. Have you ever broken a bone? Depends on if you mean mine or someone else's--OH MY GOD, I'M KIDDING. NO.
  52. What happens after you die? People suddenly regret not having been grateful for your presence while you were still alive.
  53. Do you watch or read the news? Not really.
  54. What stereotype would you label yourself as being? I fit a stereotype pretty damn well LOL. Asian girl with glasses, long black hair, plain face, shy, straight A student, plays violin and piano.....
  55. Would your friends agree with that stereotyped label? IRL friends' perspectives of me really enforce how stereotyped I feel like I am LOL. Thankfully, online friends don't care so much about stereotype.
  56. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Would not change; I love my name. :'D
  57. If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go? I think... 8th grade. I made some pretty critical mistakes in that time of my life.
  58. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change? I honestly kind of wish I could change my physical appearance and height, though this doesn't mean I want to get plastic surgery. But if by some type of magic I got the chance, then my face, hair, and height. Because you can shape and work on improving your personality, outlooks, and talents by your own efforts ;u;)9
  59. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? No…
  60. Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves? Pretty sure we all do this, and it's not a bad thing. Sometimes we want to encourage others.
  61. What do you want your friends to think about you? This is SOOO STUPIDLY IDEALISTIC but sometimes I feel like I want to work towards one day being perceived as perfect (as close to it as humanly possible, at least).
  62. Have you ever bitten someone? I've a strange feeling I might have in my youth HAHAHA.
  63. Have you ever stolen anything? Yeah, but nothing of criminal status.
  64. Do you make wishes on shooting stars? Have never seen one.
  65. If you could go back and change one day, what would it be? It's 4 AM and I totally lied about doing only part of this survey then completing it tomorrow, and I'm braindead and hungry and I WISH I COULD CHANGE TODAY so that I would've gotten chicken wings from Wingstop on my way home from work.
  66. Do you remember your dreams? I used to be able to, but can't remember any of them anymore.
  67. Have you ever been in love? Once.
  68. Are you a morning person or a night person? What, morning? You mean that time of day when I feel like the living dead?
  69. Do you have any phobias? Cannot do eightlegged insects. Please don't say the name.
  70. Have you ever been to the hospital (other than birth?) Been to the emergency room a couple times from stepping on glass, high fever, etc.


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