Reverse Trick-or-Treat!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Hehe here's an excerpt from my post from last Halloween:

There were so many kids in costumes trying to trick-or-treat at the mall! And it was SO SAD because the majority of the stores had signs that wrote, "SORRY NO CANDY. Happy Halloween!" and it's just like duuuuuuuuuude wtf that's like saying, "Hey sorry for breaking your heart. Have a great day!"

Next Halloween, I'm thinking.. if I'm not too busy.. I might go to a mall, walk around with a bucket of candy, and donate to all the poor kids that're missing out on the experience of gathering Halloween candy, that aren't getting any hospitality from the corporate minds that won't share a bit of what might bring some joy. 8D I think that would be really fun! I'd feel like Santa Claus!!!

I'm very proud to say that I've been able to make this into a reality!
Ho ho ho ;v; !

Ol' Santa here was able to gather [her] good friends, Vanellope and the Mad Hatter, to bring children the gift of joy and potential cavities. ; 7 ;

Myst, Dibur, Ebah
Though for the most part, we were basically just travelling stranger danger. There were times when kids would see us giving candy to other kids so they'd come over and crowd around us (once, they even formed a short line! LOL) buuuuut for the most part, it was us approaching REALLY confused kids who were just like, "what.. the fuhhh?!" and we just. HERE HAVE SOME CANDY TAKE SOME CANDY IT'S OKAY HERE HAPPY HALLOWEEN MERRY CHRISTMAS.

We ran into some really cute people though. ;u; (alksdfalksfjdk all the kids were cute though because kids aaahhhh)

There was one family where only male parental figures were present, and one of the fathers didn't just encourage his daughter to take some of our candies, but also gave us some candy back!! This unexpected trade really warmed our hearts. ;u;

And then there was the woman that I guess was like us! ^^ I didn't know there was anyone else there doing what we were doing, but so glad to know that we weren't alone. She came up to us with a bag of candy and was like, "OH, TEENAGERS GOING TRICK OR TREATING? HERE HAVE SOME CANDY" and we're just like QAAAAAQ..... -touched- -but none of us are teenagers anymore- -internal sobbing-

And who can forget the mother that asked the three of us to take a picture with her adorable son? :>

But of course, my friends are adorable too.


  1. Haha Merry Christmas! That's very sweet of you and your friends in spreading some joy to children *v* Plus you guys all look very adorable!


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