Untitled #6

Friday, April 11, 2014

I'm supposed to be sleeping early tonight because after work tomorrow (9 to 6), we're going down to LA! It's a 7 hour drive so god forbid I be tired. And yet here I am at 3:02 AM... OTL There shall be coffee in my veins tomorrow. I'm excited!! I'm so lucky to live in California where there are magical FREE K-POP CONCERTS. F R E E. There was the free Google MBC concert up here in Norcal that I attended before and that was the best thing in the world. And now in 2 days, I'll be seeing CNBlue, SHINee, Girl's Day, and more!!! Bless the lords of k-pop for blowing the goods our way.
I know it was just spring break but I'm also looking forward to the #TeamSiliconValley reunion as Myst, Yanovi, and I will be staying at Chiisana's down in Socal. :> Trips are great because it's a giant extended sleepover.

Thursdays have quickly become my favorite day of the week because my TV/Film Production class is so damn enjoyable =u=;;! Today we shot my friend's short film (some of them are being shot during classtime whereas ones like mine, which is set in a bedroom, are shot on our own time) which was really fun. I was unofficially her assistant director which was great because I love helping. I've never been part of a filming nor have been on a film set, so it was all incredibly exciting and magical to me--the camera, the lighting, the boom mic, the acting, the teamwork of a production crew.

I do have a lot of worries though at how inexperienced I am within my major?? I do some amateur video and audio editing for youtube, but how does that compare to everyone else who I see participate in legit filmings or work at our uni's radio station? A lot of people surprisingly own their own fancy cameras, lighting kits, audio recording equipment, etc. Everyone's doing big things. And it worries me particularly that even though my major's technically Radio-TV-Film, there's such a huge emphasis on film and people are sooooooo involved that it's a little abnormal that I have 0 experience with filming. :/
After class, I was walking with a friend who I recruited to crew for me when I film Kelly, and I revealed this inexperience with film. And his response was: "So what is it that you're good at then?"

And in our setting, the expected answers would include: "I'm more focused on radio!" "I'm interested in screenwriting!" "I want to be an actress!"

But really, what AM I even good at......... :/ I guess I'm interested in editing but I'm not sure if my skills suffice. And you know what? I don't think I NEED to be particularly good at or focused in anything. No need to narrowly cast when my job as a student right now is to learn all that I can, right? I mean, whatever career stuff that comes later depends on the skillset you've developed and what opportunities arise. I'm probably still fucked after I graduate AH HA HA HA........... I'll worry about that later.


  1. My dad told me to just try everything for now and worry about choosing which one I'm best at later ahaha like, he was like "You liked ceramics? ...but you already took level one ceramics. Instead of taking level two, take something else. Look, there's art and choir and graphic design..."


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