Water Courier Ruka Cosplay @ Anime Expo 2014

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Next time I decide on a cosplay, please remind me to imagine myself wearing the character's outfit because I clearly didn't think it through when I committed myself to Water Courier Ruka from the game Puzzle & Dragons LOL. I'm embarrassed to say the least about wearing this costume, buuuuuut...... since I worked my ass off on it, I should post the results at least here, right? (Facebook and twitter don't need to know-- Esp facebook PLEASE don't let this ever get onto there. orz)

This is actually my first time ever making a cosplay. ;_; All of the Kido stuff Yano, Myst, and Chiisana made for me because we were rushing the last weekend before AX and I didn't know how to use a sewing machine. So doing this Ruka cosplay was my first time using a sewing machine, first time using craft foam, spray paint, acrylic paint....... Sadly I couldn't get my green circle lenses in my eyes, but there's always next year! I still have tons of things to fix now that I know better. :>

I started in January, worked like a snail during the school semester, and then basically worked on this day and night once school let out haha. And in between, I'd been obsessively doing ab workouts, though to very little fruition. Anyway, this is how the cosplay turned out!

Some of us had been talking about having a Puzzle & Dragons cosplay group since AX last year, and then coincidentally they announced not too long ago that they'd be having a booth this year! So we actually received some goodies from the staff and got to take a lot of pictures in front of the booth haha.

Me as Water Courier Ruka
Myst as Princess Valkyrie
Chiisana as Tamadra


  1. When it comes to being a courier, it's not all just driving around listening to music and tossing a couple of parcels by means of doors. Taking on courier jobs implies taking on the responsibility of a way of life that needs discipline, dedication and stamina. qrl-it courier service can give us great service.

  2. Are you going back this year? Just went to fanime and it was hard to find P&D stuff :<

    1. Hi Theron! I'm definitely going to AX again, but depending on my cosplay line-up and what I can finish in time or will arrive in time, I may or may not retire my Ruka cosplay. :c But we'll see what happens!


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