we're so cute girl

Monday, February 9, 2015

Late post is a late post is late.

Mimi visited California again over Winter break! Along with Ian, Benton, and Myst, we went up to San Francisco's Japantown to eat and play and do duh purikuras. It was fun! I'd also like to dub this day as The Day The Candy Jelly Love Never Stopped because we were constantly singing that sing and it was obnoxious and the best~
Unfortunately, Mysto had to leave but here's how our very sparkly purikura came out:

[Ian, me, Mimi, Benton]

WE ARE SUCH CUTE GIRL. (No really though, they're all such natural cuties ///)

This one from our other session gets a special mention because
Benton: How should I decorate Ian on this one?
Me: ....Can you make him look submissive?

Meido!Ian. Yes.


  1. omg *___* the quality turned out so niccce. I need to camp your house and scan all my purikura LOLLL

    1. LOL the purikura does actually come out surprisingly well considering the picture's like a centimeter big..... Well I also did some color enhancement but it doesn't really make a difference in quality I think OAO

      you're welcome anytime!!<3

    2. I know!! they look really good *___* we can re-run unpretty rap stars during and be allll I'M SEXY. DEO HOTTT.


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