It's been a fun past few days! ... has it? But I had midterms. Er. Idk man it felt like fun. I've come to kind of enjoy being at cafes and whatnot by myself. BUT IT'S ALSO SO PLEASANT to be in the company of best frand thing again aaaah ;v; Plus having spontaneous local friends is nice...!
Class yesterday left me feeling kinda hopeless in myself because I keep hoping and getting disappointed. In a way, it's nice to reflect and see that I've left behind a portion of my jaded bitterness, until it hurts me and I wish I didn't dare to hope or fantasize. It'd all be solved had there been no expectations from the start, right? WELL WHATEVER it was also the last time this class was meeting since it was the film festival volunteering class and we had our midterm, and all that's left is a final report to email to the professor. Kind of sad and bittersweet. ; ~ ; This was the class I wouldn't have minded going on longer. It feels like the semester just started, and a class has already ended omg.. orz
AND THEN I wanted to cheer myself up so I went to check out the new Yogurtland that just opened near my house. 8D It's very pleasant to just sit outside in the sunny weather for a bit and give no shits except towards your bowl of froyo with toppings galore.
I was really craving company though and got kinda sad about not having local friends AND THEN I FUCKING REALIZED. Chiisana arrived home for spring break the night before. YAYAYAY. So I kidnapped her and we did things before I had to get back to school for another midterm. *u*
This book is entitled "Best Friends in Fairyland" ;u; |

Except yesterday, instead of the Rainy Day fairy, I found this to be my favorite fairy. xD
(also because myst)
Today I had my TV/Film Production class and it was fun! ;u; I love the friends I've made there and even though I've always felt a rift from the rest of the class, I think I've been able to inch forward a bit! Our final project is to write/produce/direct/edit a 2-5 minute short film, which I stressed out a lot over last week. But it all turned out well :> I finished my step outline for Screenwriting the weekend before it was due, and my professor liked it! And then I came up with the idea for my short film one night as I frustratingly laid awake at 4 AM, but now I'm glad that I was thinking instead of sleeping LOL At least it produced something and lifted some anxiety off. Will address short film idea in a separate post ;u;)/
So we went around the table and pitched our ideas to the class today.
Mrghhhhhhhh I was so nervous for it....... I think I did really well when it was my turn. Just that my face became a burning tomato. But at least I spoke well ?! And other people gave me good feedback and I responded well and it was all good yaaay ;A; Sometimes I find things like this harder than giving a speech because it's not a formal presentation and it's not memorizing something you wrote beforehand and can recite in a formal manner without being interesting or funny. ;_; There's no interaction with the audience and they tend to tune out anyway.. But this required speaking casually while still keeping some air of competence and knowledge and not being boring and being able to think of responses quickly and deliver them and I FIND THESE THINGS VERY OVERWHELMING. Whew. Well it's over. Good job me.
A friend actually wants me to act in his project which I JUST KINDA GUFFAW AT because I cannot acting or camera BUT.. he was very persuasive and there's no dialogue so I'll at least give it a shot. ;^;)9
Actually just yesterday with Chiisana, I bumped into someone from high school. I haven't seen him since senior year, which was 3 (!!) years ago.
Him: "You know.. you look younger than the last time I saw you.."
LOLOLOLOL THANK YOU asian genes work this way apparently.
After class, I took Chiisana to get her wisdom teeth pulled. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That's terrible. I'm the worst friend.
Discovered a cute place I've never heard of before called Cafe Aqua. *A* It's very interesting because one wall of the cafe is a glass window providing a full view of the pool in the aquatics center that it's connected to LOL...... Yeah idk I would feel too awkward to ever swim somewhere knowing I can be watched by people in a cafe... And alternatively I felt awkward as if the swimmers could watch me eating HAHA.
What do you do while your best friend is suffering the pain of wisdom teeth removal? Have a chicken pesto panini and an ice cream sandwich all to yourself, of course!!
It was pricy but deliciiouuussss. Will definitely try to come here again since it's not too far, isn't that busy, and the interior is all baby blue/white/black. *___*
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