More Human Canvas

Friday, March 14, 2014

Damn what a busy week it's been that simply whizzed by with one drawled-out long exclamation of, "Thee weaattherr is sooooo niiiiiiceee ! !"
..I freaking love California.

Yesterday in TV/Film Production, I had my turn being talent on camera rather than working behind the cameras or in the control room. :/ It wasn't a very great experience lol. Lots of anxiety, a bit of regret, still maximum effort. But I'm not outgoing, funny, or interesting, so I just feel like I put up an awkward show while all the other film students cracked each other up and it makes me feel really bad for the directors sigh. I mean I've improved a lot, but still not nearly there yet. Can I also partially blame the directors because what the fuck do you expect me to say about gerbils, square dancing, scuba diving, and magical safaris? I could've done better!!

It's finally/already Friday. uAu Had a long day at work + overtime.. then came home and did homework until 11 PM LOOOL. I'm starting to get really anxious because next week, my step outline for my Screenwriting class script is due as well as an idea to pitch for the 2-5 minute film I must write/direct/produce/edit for TV/Film Production. I'm having trouble because I suck at conflict and having two separate narratives full of conflict that I need to construct going on at the same time is too straining on my mind. They're due very soon. And I am going to be so busy. Halp.

Some of my make-up haul arrived earlier than expected yeeee. Will attempt to do some reviews later, but for now it's "ooh pretty packaging" "how does this even work" "what am i doing"

I like how it didn't occur to me that I should've done this before showering instead of right after.

Brown gel eyeliner!! It's quite different from black liquid eyeliner though pictures don't capture it well.

And concealer is a sad thing. You take it off and it's like, "oh yeah.. you guys (blemishes) are still there huh..."


  1. It's nice to see you're improving each and every single day ^^ also good luck with all the work!
    Ooh hauls are so fun to read! I totally agree with '"ooh pretty packaging" "how does this even work" "what am i doing"' bit XD I'm so easily drawn to pretty packaging I basically have a mini-shelf full of make-up QQ
    I'm seeing more selcas of you lately and they're all so nice *v*~

    1. asdlkjfkds ////
      thank youuuuu QuQ I was getting scared that I've been posting too many selcas and that it was getting annoying HAHAHA.

      UGH THE PACKAGING for all Korean make-up is toooo cute HAHA. It's almost a scam.

    2. No no not at all! It's interesting seeing your selcas since they're all different and ranged~ (In a good way!) ^v^
      Yes yes agreed! Thankfully most Korean make-up have real good quality so it's like a win-win with the pretty packaging + good quality XD


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