Thursday, May 8, 2014

And also really busy ASLFJSFDKSDF It's 1:44 AM and I'm still working on dinner. I have a long night ahead of me working on my Kelly short film. A classmate in my sound/radio class asked me to be an extra in his film and said it'd take 20-30 minutes. LOL.......... I ended up crewing for the film shoot til midnight. But I had fun! And I acted on camera without having much camera fright!! BUT NOW I GO BACK TO WORK. I'm happy aaaaaaa this semester has been going really well. I'm probably not gonna win the award because there's gotta be people out there more experienced with and adept at Pro Tools, but it's already an honor to be in the running... //// Same with how my screenwriting professor wants me to enter the student screenwriting competition. u///u

[1:23:39 AM] Eva: omg so ;_;
[1:23:42 AM] Eva: my sound professor
[1:23:52 AM] Eva: played my recent project to the class today
[1:23:57 AM] Chiisana: !!! O:
[1:24:02 AM] Eva: alskdfjlsdf so embarrassing
[1:24:14 AM] Chiisana: whyy? QvQ it must be because it was great though right? ;-;
[1:24:14 AM] Eva: he said i'm in the running for his Best Protools Production award this semester QAAAAAAQ
[1:24:19 AM] Chiisana: OMGGG
[1:24:20 AM] Eva: and then he was like
[1:24:22 AM] Chiisana: THAT'S AWESOME QvQ!!!
[1:25:25 AM] Eva: "AND NOW I'M GONNA EMBARRASS YOU SOME MORE. (the whole time i covered my eyes while he played my project) I think you have a really marketable voice. You can only pull that off when you're young but I can really hear that on a local radio or channel"
[1:25:37 AM] Eva: and he started talking about pairing up with an agent or getting out there myself or something
[1:25:41 AM] Eva: and i was relaly confused
[1:25:50 AM] Eva: but then i was also mentally like LOL DOES THE YOUTUBES
[1:25:51 AM] Eva: but
[1:25:52 AM] Eva: omfg
[1:26:08 AM] Eva: anyway sorry LOL i was reminded of this 'cause in my promo, i did a bunch of sound effects
[1:26:18 AM] Eva: like all the stuff i saved up from when i used to put SFX in my vlogs LOLLLL
[1:26:28 AM] Eva: all the baby crying and baby laughs and glass crashing and cloth ripping and phone dialing
[1:26:44 AM] Eva: i was really embarrassed because everyone else for their radio station promos played music
[1:26:59 AM] Chiisana: awwwwww! ;u;
[1:27:03 AM] Eva: but i was like I DONT KNOW WHAT AMERICAN RADIO MUSIC IS LIKE.... so i did a mini skit with sound effects and he was like SO WHAT GAVE YOU THE IDEA
[1:27:09 AM] Eva: and i was like ???! I REALLY LIKE SOUND EFFECTS??
[1:27:19 AM] Eva: casually didn't mention the vlogs part
[1:27:24 AM] Chiisana: LOOOL
[1:27:48 AM] Chiisana: That's really awesome thouuugh ;u; I knew you'd exceed in this kinda thing as always >u<)9
[1:27:53 AM] Eva: Q^Q THANK YOU
[1:28:09 AM] Eva: i'm happy because i have very little experience with Pro Tools and in fact, i hate the program
[1:28:16 AM] Eva: but i'm in the running for an award for it???! LOL
[1:28:18 AM] Eva: WOOHOO
[1:28:49 AM] Chiisana: YEAH LOLLL
[1:29:05 AM] Chiisana: your experience in audio mixing and just everything in general has paid off *^*


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