quarantine diary page 1

Saturday, March 21, 2020

<< Page 0

Okay I totally meant to write this post like 5 days ago but this week has been quarantine and Animal Crossing madness LOL...

Within just a mere two days after I wrote "page 0" on March 14th, everything has wildly escalated ! !

On Monday, March 16th my bosses had us all come into the office so that we could grab our things and congregate (safely—lots of distancing and sanitizing and there's only 6 of us) one last time...for our new employee's first day at work lololol. THE WILDEST FIRST DAY ON THE JOB EVER.........
By coincidence, my bosses decided to mandate working from home on the same day that our local gov't announced the "shelter-in-place" (no leaving homes other than for essentials) for the Bay Area. We welcomed our new coworker, had a socially distant pizza party, watched the mayor's address on the new policy together, and then packed up and said our goodbyes for the indefinite future LOL. By now, more places are adopting these rules—thank god—but at the moment it was mindblowing because we were the first area in the entire US to take action like this. Seriously thank god. We need strictness at a time like this and I'm glad we're already seeing positive consequences here.

Again, I am so fucking lucky to be able to work from home and still have income and have enough financial flexibility to donate to relief funds—we owe so, so, so, so much to everyone risking their lives right now out there...

For me this self-quarantine life is pretty alright! Sadly it's hardly different from the lifestyle I was already living.... except instead of working from home once a week, now it's everyday which is cool with me! Honestly I had spent a few weeks very focused on nothing but my job and then working on covers—whether it was recording for my solo, recording lines for collabs, critiquing for our SCB3 mix, mixing for Gemini—and I was looking forward to spending a bit of time with friends before retreating again for Animal Crossing. So that was a bummer briefly..... but now Animal Crossing is my new life so I'm totally fine just spending all my time alone in my room LOL. Actually, many of the NorCal youtaite and I played together in call which was super fun!

I do feel like I've been blessed with a few strokes of good luck recently. 🙏✨ The bestie Chiisana had been rehearsing intensely and constantly to perform in a musical—in one of her dream roles in fact! She is such a starlet... just brimming with talent and made for the stage, meant to share her voice and emotions with the world. 🥺 A huge group of the NorCal youtaite had planned to go watch it together on the closing weekend, which was supposed to be today! But at the last minute Fome and I decided to also attend opening night on March 6th to surprise Chiisa and further support the show. Of course she was amazing............. I sobbed inconsolably during and after her solo song........ We were so proud the whole time. 😭 And her shocked face when she saw us afterwards made it even more worth it ahaha.

......... And then days later, the show was cancelled. Heartbreaking but it made sense considering how things were developing. ;; So about 15 of Chiisa's friends who intended to go to the show never got to see her on that stage....... I just feel so fortunate that I somehow felt compelled to go that day and that Fome was willing to come with on late notice. Thank you to my guardian angel of good decisions!!!!

I have to admit that I'm slightly more worried on a personal level than I was before. My bosses were pretty concerned about me because of my lungs and seem to believe that I might be at a higher risk—they suggested I ask my doctor about it but I REALLY don't want to bother any medical professionals right now with anything non-urgent. ;;;  Reading the accounts of young people getting pneumonía just feels really disturbing because a lot of it reminds me of what I went through except worse and much, much scarier. The painful memories of being in the ICU and having a tube draining fluid from my lungs—they're all still vivid and fresh. I don't want to end up there.

But I don't know if there's a point to me knowing whether I'm at high risk or not.. I'm already doing almost everything I can with this self-quarantine other than full isolation from my parents and disinfecting all the groceries and mail. I haven't even so much as walked out the front door since coming home from that fateful day on Monday.

All week long, I had a sore throat which improving now. Tiny bit concerning but hopefully it's nothing (maybe just from all the late nights spent working?) and there are no further developments. Or......hopefully best case scenario, my parents and I are all already immune to it so we're fine. :'D

To anyone reading this, please please take care and I also wish you the best case scenario of immunity!


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