quarantine diary page 2

Saturday, April 25, 2020

<< Page 1

Once again... it just never feels right on my conscience to talk about my pandemic experience when I'm an incredibly privileged person who's hardly sacrificing anything substantial and not an essential worker by any means... It's been over a month since "Page 1" and this post has been in my drafts as just that first sentence for a while now as I keep dragging my feet around it...

If I have to be selfishly honest, there are occasional gloomy moments and sometimes I struggle to stay motivated or to get out of bed. Sometimes I wish I could help the situation right now in a more direct way, but I am doing what I can, giving what I can in my small ways.. My workplace is still considered a small busíness but we've also started putting out our hand to help other small busínesses and nonprofíts so I look forward to working on more projects that will make a meaningful difference for people who're dealing with the secondary—and hopefully eventually even the primary—effects of the pandemic. ;; The fact that that's on the horizon for us helps ease my heart a little.

[Edit: Been writing this post over the week so I just wanted to give the update that we've started hands-on production for a big vírtual science fair/awards event which is really great!! It's comforting to me and my coworkers that we can use this way to support the people who have been working hard to improve our world and who will be at the forefront of development. ;^;)9 These "science kids" events that I usually attend in person, though exhausting, are some of my favorite parts of my job. This new format is gonna be its own beast; gonna be a big challenge involving a lot of After Effects for me whew!! 💦]

My full time work is still fairly busy but luckily lenient enough that I'm getting a lot of opportunities to do things I want to do or that I couldn't fit into my schedule before! Like playing a video game I love—Animal Crossing—and dancing regularly!! There's certainly a tradeoff since I don't have a standing desk at home so I'll be sedentary for long hours while working but I try to compensate afterwards by dancing, doing light exercise, taking walks around the neighborhood. (It's...still kind of an improvement from never exercising heh.)

I'm embarrassed to admit that I've been working on just the chorus of the K/DA dance for a long time now, but gotta consider that I'm a complete amateur—I feel like my basic foundations even begin in the negatives because my body movements are so awkward and weak.. But recently, practicing dance has been fun since I'm past the point of memorizing moves and am working on fixing details which is satisfying! There are so many subtle things that I overlooked that really add to how the dance comes together. And for a few reasons, I've been building a bit more muscle (as in I went from level 0 muscles to level 1 muscles 😅) which helps a ton in solidifying the dance! The first reason being dancing and exercising; secondly due to cooking; and the third reason.....I'm ashamed to admit is thanks to Animal Crossing and holding my Switch—which initially I considered to be heavy—for long periods of time lmaoooo... o<-<

Cooking!!!! That's evaded me for much too long.... I've always had too many excuses to not learn how to cook—schoolwork, working while in school, working full time, laziness, not much interest, access to restaurants—but now finally I'm home when my parents prepare dinner and I have the time to help them!! My biggest goal for this year was to FINALLY learn how to cook so thank god I'm on track for that. And if you've seen my previous two posts, I've uh... also taken it a lot further and have tried my hand at making very cursed desserts for the first time... ☠

So that's what I've been up to while at home! While I'm here, I also want to document a bit about the world around me and my thoughts and fears.

God, where do I start.... The state of this country (the USA) is mind-numbing, disheartening, and infuriating. In the past few weeks we've had idiots demand for sheltering to end and everything to reopen. The chief idiots in charge keep feeding terrifyingly harmful misinformation and have no consideration for the average person or anyone who's actually in need... I'm pretty grateful that I live somewhere (Northern Calífornia) where I don't have to worry about educating our local authorities or persuading them to take things seriously, since they started taking action before anyone else in the country. A lot of other states have some worrisome leadership who don't seem to know anything.. And I want to feel optimistic that people in this area have been cooperating somewhat sensibly, thank god!

At the start of all of this, I was pretty worried about the likelihood that I was a carrier since I made contact with coworkers who'd traveled and I had a sore throat that whole week. For a bit I kept my distance from my parents and tried to not leave traces around the house, but phew!! After a few weeks of none of us showing any further symptoms, I feel so much more at ease! ;u;

Still, I want to be extra careful since I live with my parents and we don't know if maybe my lung situation poses a vulnerability. @_@ I've heard about someone testing positive despite WFHing all this time and only going out for groceries—that's freaking horrifying. And this week, my coworker's friend's husband contracted it... and passed away within 3 days. ;;; I only know of them by second degree but still too close for comfort. That's terrible ugh.

As much as I can tell, it appears that I'm being more careful/paranoid than anyone else I know. For groceries, I'm only doing pick-up and never stepping inside the store. I haven't gone anywhere so far other than that (and a park + walks around the neighborhood) and I'm only eating food prepared in the house. Not at all to shame them or discourage them, but my friends are still getting restaurant takeout and even picking up boba which is surprisingly still available, and I don't....think I can do that yet.

(If you're one of those people, you might not want to read on if you don't want the extra paranoia! Live your life, it's okay!!!)

Right now I don't trust people and our systems. I don't trust that employers are properly protecting their employees; maybe they don't have the means to. And especially in a world where many part-time workers are treated as expendable—I really cannot trust that they are in safe conditions and paid enough for what they're forced to do. :c And it's just been reinforced as I see McD's employees protestíng on the news for PPE, hearing some horror from a friend who works at Sbux.... And finally, I sadly can't trust that these workers have enough insurance to take leave if they feel sick or believe they might be a carrier with no way of confirming. >< I don't even want to make any delivery orders; I feel like the delivery índustry is so important right now that they're likely to be abused and overwhelmed, and also I don't want to clog up the pipes with my nonessential desires. It's just sad all around that I don't think anyone has the means to either be protected or protective.

But tomorrow I will be going to a local ice cream shop to pick up an order of pints!! Want to support them and they've always been sweet so I want to trust that they are being as careful as possible and taking all precautions against anything that might jeopardize an intimately small busíness so close to their heart. And then gonna do a drop-off at Chiisana's house! My first time going anywhere and being somewhat in proximity to a friend in a long time haha. Will be as careful as possible!! 💪


  1. The current political climate here in America is an absolute mess. Every time I see news of calls and protests to reopen the country, it makes my blood boil. I had to stop looking at the news because the media thrives on pessimism and idiocy.

    As a public health student, thank you for doing your part in flattening the curve. I feel the same as you: I don't trust our systems. The people I worry for the most are the healthcare workers - people who were already overworked and are now being abused or even killed as a result of degenerates who can't practice social distancing and stay home. Tsk, I guess this comes with being in a country that prides freedom above all else.

    I really hope this ends soon. I want to remain hopeful but to do that, I have to stop looking at the news. Anyway, I've started picking up Duolingo to practice Korean again. I wish I had ingredients for baking. ^^

    Stay safe and healthy, Eva!

    1. Sonny!! I'm sorry for such a late reply since I haven't checked my blog in a while ;; It's interesting how so much has happened in this country already between the time of this comment and now, but the same things still apply... The news still making our blood boil and who could've freaking imagined it—our healthcare workers are being even MORE abused now wtf!!!! How tf are medics being attacked while helping people on the streets, people being locked up in a way that perpetuates covid spreading, testing being denied to protesters, and so many things reopening while people aren't even wearing masks or distancing..... Infuriating. ><

      I hope that you're still safe and healthy too ♥ and belated ty for the comment; I always enjoy hearing your input!

  2. This is one of those posts that really show how thoughtful and reflective you are. I appreciate how eloquent you are and how dedicated you are to organizing your thoughts in a way that anyone can digest readily. It can be a little disconcerting to see how things are going today, but if anything, reading your blog helps reassure me that there are many kind-spirited people out there.

    Happy birthday to someone who is gentle with her words, considerate of her family, and clearly cherished by all her friends. I hope today you took some time for yourself! I'm looking forward to the annual update for past Eva. Will you be writing to future Eva again?

    Also, still love the cover, Queen Eva! Even if the next multilingual one is 10 years away, these are so worth it.

    1. Anon, I apologize for not checking on my blog all this time but coming back to see this comment really truly warmed my heart. T____T I'm tearing up... These words coming from someone whom I've always thought of as eloquent, clever, thoughtful, dedicated, and compassionate themselves?! I'm overwhelmed LOL. This really gives me a lot of strength especially right now when the world is so draining and fighting this fight has been taking a lot out of me—it makes me reassured that what I do and say aren't in vain.

      Thank you belatedly for the sweet birthday wish!! ♥♥ I had a pretty nice birthday celebrated with some friends in Animal Crossing and also on Jackbox. ;v; I've not had time to sit down for my reflective annual stuff sdjkjfd I know right now is not the time for that so hopefully after we see some change and we can afford to settle down sometimes. Thank you always, anon!! I hope you're staying healthy; I appreciate you more than you know!

    2. Things have really escalated over the last month, and I was very worried that something might have happened to you too. I kept thinking "omg is it COVID, i know she was worried about herself and her parents" and then "it's summer, maybe she got to enjoy a break?" back down to "omg California protests are getting serious." I'm glad to hear from you and hope you continue to stay safe!

    3. XD My family and I are all safe and healthy, sorry for worrying you!! 💗

  3. Truly heartbreaking, when I first heard America having a really high death toll especially New York (thankfully which seems to be quite far from you are) along with the aftermaths of the anti-lockdown protest to reopen the country I was and still baffled. Like how hard can it be to just stay at home!?! Not like it is much different from where I'm coming from (the UK) which also lately had some of that protest, lack of mask wearing and then just recently, having a slight ease of the lockdown which in my opinion to a certain extent shouldn't be made. But then again I suppose this comes with also being in a country that prides freedom above all else.

    I agree with the above comments and like Sonny, as part of a healthcare student, thank you for cooperation in flattening the curve.
    It is always refreshing to see you reflecting and organising your thoughts through your dedicated easy to read posts (which is GOALS haha~~ 😁)
    Keep slaying those vocal chords but most of all stay safe Eva!

    1. Hey Adeline! I just belatedly caught up on your quarantine diary post too and I hope you've been safe while working at your pharmacy and that your family is still doing okay ♥

      All of this sentiment around staying at home is so ridiculous—like at first those people refused to even though it was for their benefit, and now they're like, "you should've listened to the curfew!" ?! Truly baffling indeed...

      Hehe thank you Adeline and take care!! It's reassuring that the future of healthcare will have people like you in it. ;u;


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