actions for a cause

Sunday, June 14, 2020

It's absolutely infuriating that it's become individuals' responsibility to tell those in power that we need to do simple things such as stop discrimination, listen to science, and to prioritize people's lives and preserve human rights. What the hell???

I wish I could attend protests but I'm not able to—mostly because everyone around me insists that my lung situation makes me more vulnerable to both covid and tear gas (if employed) and it's too high a risk ;;; In the meantime, I just put together a thread of things that can be done right here and now for those who want to take some action! I want to believe that every little bit helps..

Mostly US-based since I'm most familiar with the issues and resources here. I previously wrote a post that's just about BLM. If there are other ways to help that I may not be aware of, please let me know. ;u;

💠 #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor 💠

•  take a few minutes to write an email to these people in your own words?;;

• if you must use a template, here is one:

• - this site both serves as a petition and will guide you through phone calls if you're comfortable with that!

💠 Petitions for LGBTQIA+ rights 💠

• Reinstate protections for LGBTQIA+ Persons in Healthcare (❗❗ White House must respond if the goal is reached)

💠 Petitions for Black lives 💠

I just checked every petition in this thread from 3 days ago and still none of them have reached their goal :( please give it a look!

💠 COVID-19 Safety 💠

a bit trickier to tackle b/c everyone's making up their own rules but if you live somewhere in the US that's being overly lax with masks and reopening, find your local officials' contact info and tell them your concerns:

or consider starting/supporting a petition for your local area! here's one for OC that's looking promising but the handful of other local petitions I've found haven't gotten enough traction.

💠 Help the country of Yemen 💠

:((( People there are on the verge of extinction in the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world... It's sad as hell that something as enormously tragic like this is something that individuals feel responsible to do something about. This thread has links to petitions and places to donate.


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