
Saturday, June 6, 2020

Hi hi! Things have been crazy the past month—in my personal life, work life, in this country and everywhere around the globe.... I'll catch up on those things later but for now I wanted to share this post that I wrote for FB but it's my message for everyone out there. ;v; Stay safe!

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hi facebook friends, long time no talk! I just wanted to say some things to you all, depending on where you stand 🤗

1) If you don't believe that #BlackLivesMatter is important / believe we should stop talking about it now, I want to ask you to think about how this makes you feel: some people have to live in fear for their life every day just because of the way they're born. Many are killed and harmed for simply existing, and not all of the people committing these crimes are being held accountable. :( Those victims could've been you—but it's not you, and not by anyone's choice—and you can definitely do something to help push for change!

2) If you care about #BlackLivesMatter but don't know how to help, here are a few links to start at!

• "How to Support the Struggle Against Police Brutality"—lots of great info and links to resources and funds here!

• Nationwide Bail Fund—if you can afford to, please donate to help get innocent protesters out of the jails that're highly dangerous for COVID-19 spread, plus... it's literally our First Amendment right to protest... [they accept PayPal which I think should work for non-US folks too!]

• List of petitions that help the movement or demand justice for victims 😤

• 8 Can't Wait—I've read that these policies are ineffective bc there's lots of loopholes but it's still a good starting place to learn about what your (if you're in the US) local policies are/should be and it tells you where you can email to demand for action! Pressuring local gov't is important!

Other ways to help aside from showing solidarity at protests: vote, be compassionate and support those around you who are drained from fighting 💗, share helpful resources, check in with your friends going to protests and equip them w/ supplies if they need em, stay informed and arm yourself with evidence for your beliefs, talk to people and educate them until casual racism is eliminated too. Good luck!!

3) If you've already been doing whatever you can in this fight, I'm proud of you for taking a stand even though it's not easy. 🥺 Don't forget compassion fatigue is a thing, and to forgive yourself for being stressed af while we're in the middle of a pandemic and revolution and we're surrounded by shitty ass supremacists. Keep going at it!! We're already seeing some sparks of change! Take care ❤


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