late night rambling #..some number

Friday, May 3, 2013

Hi I am a wemo child who is trying to keep her emotions off of twitter at 3 AM and I'm not in the mood to sleep. So I've resorted to here. I am very sorry for my moodswings and bipolar personality; it really feels like I switch from happyyay to depresso with every post and. I just feel really lost right now. and am being a crybaby. ;; how many years in a row has it been now where I shed unhappy tears on my birthday.. I actually feel bad because so many people wished me a happy birthday, and yeah there were lots of happy moments today and I was in such fantastically high spirits this morning but I can't really control it. I failed all of those people, although it doesn't mean I'm not grateful. anyway. yeah. let's pretend this post doesn't exist.


  1. It's okay! ;w; Emotions are fickle like that, yeah? They're like... emotions are like pancakes! They go flopflopflopfloppittyflop and are sometimes sweet and sometimes taste like shit.

    1. I only just now realized how truly beautiful that analogy is
      (except I'm not that fond of pancakes, so boo)


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