Pika Beonjjeok

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

GP Basic - 삐까뻔쩍 (Pika-Burnjuck)

When the song first came out, I dl'ed it right away and learned the first part of the rap because THIS KIND OF RAPPING IS REALLY FUN..... I thought it was awesome and admirable that this group of young girls tackled a song, choreography, and concept that one would expect from a male group. So for me, it's the best of both worlds! Even if the lyrics are embarrassing and laughable. I'm embarrassing; sooooooo gomen.

I don't know why but sometime today during work, I had the idea that it would be fun to mix this. So I got home from work and basically dove right into recording and mixing this, and did nothing else until I finished a bit before midnight???

I'm so stupid. I have a quiz tomorrow. I'm so, so, so stupid. But it's fine. AHAHA. Worried for nothing~ Showered and finished studying and now I can even blog before going to bed!

Anyhow, this is really the first time in my recollection that I've committed myself to a mix nonstop for hours and hours without realizing it... because I was having fun.
MIXING?! FUN?!??!! I hope that ambulance is on its way.

Naw but I really haven't gotten to experiment with effects or hard k-pop/hip-hop in quite a long time. Actually now that I'm thinking about it, this might be the first time LOL. The only thing that comes to mind is "Please Don't Go" and Mimi did all the effects for that. Feel free to prove me wrong because my memory's expired and rotting away. (Edit: Oh! Does Gemini's "Too Late" count? ;v;)

After so long of having to spend time trying to make things SOUND THE SAME--and then getting extremely frustrated because I suck with EQ and mic qualities ugh--it was quite refreshing to try to make things sound different.
Like trying out distortion for the first time! Playing with a bunch of settings! I learned a lot of things today ^^ happy happy. Even if I'm embarrassing, I'm so happy with this short cover.


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