
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Aah, today was a good day!

The best kind of school day. ^^ One where the subject is interesting.. you're making friends/getting along with classmates.. and feel competent at what you're doing!

A year ago (oh my god, it's already been a year?!) I took a class called Introduction to TV/Film Production, which I wrote about a few times because it was such an impactful class for me. Repeating some words from my Shellbreak post, the class was my first time having fun or making friends in university. ;v; It's regretful that our facebook group (called GCB--don't ask why) died and that we ended up drifting apart, but I did take a class with a friend from GCB last semester. And this semester, I coincidentally have a class with someone in GCB and we were able to have a conversation. ^^ So yaaaay, it's not like the connection's.. totally lost?!

Moving along, the class I have this semester is Intermediate TV/Film Production! So it builds off of the intro class and we still get to work as a team in my school's TV studio, which is cool. It still makes me nervous because as I said in Shellbreak, I'm studious and good at understanding things in theory but can't.. perform. There's a special anxiety reserved for this class because it's not like I can just sit in my corner in the back and quietly take notes and mind my own business LOL. (Of course, "minding my own business" is often my excuse for being socially inept. OTL)

In any case, today was fun!! We did some live productions to refamiliarize ourselves with the equipment and live filming environment. Luckily, I didn't have to be talent =v=~

It's interesting because it's like being put in the same position again, but now as a different person. It's the same studio and it's the same format for productions. But I honestly think I've grown/changed a lot from June of last year until now. :>

For starters, I don't think I'm as shy as I was before. I'm a lot better at being in the eyes of others. I'm not scared to face people and even tried to assert a little leadership when I was floor director. Still a little anxious, but much more chill and willing to take on challenges. And not as awkward, hesitant, or boring when speaking to others! I feel more adult-like *A*!

Last year, it took half the semester before I started talking to people in the class. But now, it's only the 3rd session, and I feel like I've made friends and that if people start talking to me, I'll be able to get along with them enough. ;^; Well, to some extent...!

And anads fnanand I think I did a good job today at all the tasks I had to do Q___Q)9!!! I did my beessst! And have no regrets! I really went for it!! And did everything that I could! And was responsible! And asked for assistance when I needed it! And smiled and even sometimes made others laugh! OH MY GOD I SOCIALIZED. AND DID THINGS HANDS ON. And even spoke on the loudspeaker confidently even though 18 people could hear me. I did it!!!!!alksdfjklsd////

This guy that helped me a bit when I was working the audio board (he was so nice, and I picked everything up quickly, and we worked really well together even though we talked for the first time today) turned to me at one point and was like, "You're having fun, aren't you?" and I just beamed back, "YEAH, THIS IS FUN! ^^" and I'm soooo proouuuuuud. I liked today.


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