
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

I was in a collab of LOONA's debut song Hi High as Choerry!! Bless the Torangi crew for continuing to actively organize and finish k-pop collabs in this landscape of dying projects ;v; We've been at it for a looooong time and I'm happy that they still invite me back. I really like this collab because everyone sings with a lot of energy and suits the song well, plus I love LOONA 💗

【TorangiPop】LOONA「HI HIGH」【Cover】 [Eng Sub]

Heejin: Chiisana 【ChiisanaChanx3】
Choerry: Eva【waterpixieva】
Kim Lip: NiNa 【xxThinkPositiveGurl】
Yeojin: Aerin 【RamenBlossom】
Vivi: Mimi 【mimimoiselle】
Hyunjin: Michi 【hitsugayahinamori】
Jinsoul: Zoey 【XoZoeymonxx】
Olivia Hye: ikon 【MurasagiYT】
Yves: Myleena 【moonchild】
Chuu: Janny 【TaylorDemiGaga】
Gowon: Sam【xoSukiChan】
Haseul: Lia 【angelofthewings】

►audio/video◄ Sam

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Helloo I'm now writing this post on the plane on my way to DC for my first business trip since my lung collapse in October. So far this morning has already been absolutely horrific but at least I still have both of my lungs? The large vehicle we ordered to take us to the airport turned out too small for all of our equipment so I had to carry my luggage on my lap... except it's not exactly a small suitcase, so from the passenger seat it SOMEHOW would keep pushing the gear into neutral while we were driving—which is absofuckinglutely terrifying and such an unsafe car design flaw, what the fuck!!! So I had to hold up my suitcase for the entire 50 minute hellish drive to the airport, literally hanging on for dear life until my arms became numb. It was raining too so if we had gone into neutral and slid on the freeway, we probably would've been in a terrible accident. Oh my god!!! Also I was feeling nauseated since my body can't handle lack of sleep anymore, and I barely slept because of finishing everything I needed to do before leaving for a week. ><

The entire month of February for me was a project grind month. ðŸ’ª It's super wonderful that Gemini is active and will be uploading soon! My chorus battle group is doing great as well! But I realized that I need to sharpen my time management if I want to be able to do everything that I want to do. I don't understand how some people accomplish so much in a day—I often feel like my time passes me by and I always fall behind or have to sacrifice something or the other.

I've been putting in a lot of effort to keep myself from being stressed/burnt out or unhappy and I'm very proud of that. ;v; Instead of being a workaholic, I've been trying to make sure that every moment is meaningful to me. This mentality has helped me a lot! Basically I've been multitasking a ton, cutting out the "fat" in my day, and no longer have productivity guilt when I'm not working. I don't have to feel like I'm wasting my time when I watch shows, because that enjoyment is still meaningful to me. ^^

While animating, I started watching/listening to shows in the background and that's done wonders so that I no longer feel like, "Ugh the whole day passed and I just worked and had no fun." When transitioning between tasks or doing chores, I started always listening to music and the endless kpop albums I'd been meaning to check out for forever. I've been so consciously efficient about everything, I feel like I don't even stop to think anymore without something happening at the same time whether it's music or a render/mixdown or the microwave running LOL.

Another lifestyle change is that I've climbed out of the sinkhole that is scrolling through twitter and looking at random things out of convenience rather than genuine interest, then refreshing my TL and continuously waiting for something interesting. Nope, I don't wanna give away my precious time like that anymore! And no more constantly checking discord and skype and /waiting/ for messages. I only be distracted by social media when I want to!!! The new Eva says no more just dawdling around, no more dumb sulking, no more waiting, no more being too lazy to take action. Gotta fill my days with good things, efficient productivity, entertainment, and plenty of sleep 💖


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