Simple Joys

Friday, September 25, 2020

 A little vignette about my heartwarming day:

I had my remaining wisdom teeth removed yesterday, and today I'm feeling much better and jobwork was light so decided I should go out and get some soft serve before the weekend crowds—except I guess the place I intended to go to (inside a supermarket) already had insane Friday crowds?! So I gave up there, did a search for what other soft serve places were nearby, and ended up getting this black sesame soft serve along with yummy taiyaki that I nibbled at slowly in teeny baby bites!

Usually whenever I get treats by myself these days, I eat sitting in my car or while driving home, but today... the weather was so perfect (we're clear of smoky skies right now!! though I hear the air gets worse again in a few days qq) and this outdoor plaza was really nice with open space and standing-height tables (am avoiding sitting in public as much as I can), so I just chilled out there while nibbling! I can't remember my last time doing something like that.

At the other end of the long table were two ladies who had the cutest 4 month old pooch called Elvis who looked like a little teddy bear 🥺!! I never spoke to them but it was easy to eavesdrop on the endless stream of people who stopped by to inquire about their pup, petted him, took pictures. Luckily the owners were super open to all of this attention and conversation—they were super friendly and so was Elvis who hopped around a lot! aaa what a cutie

The peak of all this conversation though was a family with a 5 year old girl who loudly declared to everyone that since her dad is allergic to cats, she's going to get a puppy!!! She has to get a puppy!! Then she screamed when Elvis licked something off the ground HAHAHA.

I had just stopped there to slowly eat my ice cream alone—at the time the area was completely empty—expecting to feel extremely awkward and self conscious, but I ended up smiling and laughing at all the things that were going on around me... I felt safe, the sky was blue, the air was nice. It was really nice—this sort of pleasantness I haven't experienced in a long time. It made me think that I don't pay attention to these sorts of simple joys of life often enough.

Then I went home and decided I wanted to go on a short walk to deliver a package that came to us but likely was meant for the house that's one digit off (we've had a few confused packages before but I've never done a delivery like this) and my mom decided to come with me since she speaks their household language which I don't—but... I think she had an ulterior motive as she kept expressing her admiration for the fruit tree in front of their house... to me and my dad in our home, to me while walking there, to the friendly person who answered the door and confirmed it was their package........ then we walked home with both of our hands literally spilling with freshly picked fruit. That made me smile too.


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