It takes two to tango~

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Um, life has been exploding so there’s tons to catch up on, but for now here's a baby step of an update........!

After my Ganyu and Hu Tao fandubs, the next Genshin Impact character I was interested in trying to voice act as was Eula! There's plenty about her for me to like—from her design, to being an ice element knight, her solemnly satirical personality, her regality yet rejection of it, her tallness and subsequent cosplayability lol—however the thing that immediately drew me to her was that she’s voiced by Asian-American VA Suzie Yeung who also plays Yuffie in FF7R!!!

It may be because I’m not too familiar with the VA scene but I only know of a couple of Asian-American voice actresses… And within Genshin’s large sprawling English cast, I believe there’s only one actress who's of South Asian ethnicity—and then Suzie Yeung makes the first East Asian actress in the lineup! Honestly pretty disappointing considering Genshin relies heavily on Chinese and Japanese culture, but yay Suzie!!

She does such an amazing job too; I love love love her voice and what she breathes into Eula at a delicate balance of the character's different facets. It’s such an inspiration to me, as an East Asian-American who’s only recently starting to learn that my speaking can be valid too. The very moment I learned of Suzie’s casting, before any teasers had been released, I decided that I must attempt a fandub of something hahaha.

Initially tried part of her tavern scene but it was much too hard to pull off the right feeling and tone.. Of course there’s going to be a gigantic skill gap between me and a professional, but still loads of respect for all that Suzie can do that I struggle with m(_ _)m

The change of plans turned out to be a blessing because I landed on doing the scene that features Amber and was able to pull in chiisana to be my partner πŸ’•πŸ’• Blessed by the cutie goddess!!! I knew she’d be perfect because she’s always done fandubs as Tohru from Fruits Basket and the new Tohru seiyuu in the reboot also voices Amber, so it all comes full circle hehehe.

 (YT mirror)

😫 Isn’t chiisa just the cutest…!! Doesn’t she make you want to sweep her off her feet..?! Nothing against the way Amber's ENG VA portrays her, but I think chiisa does an amazing take on Amber that's reminiscent of Manaka Iwami's preciousness.

Personally I don't think I'm able to represent the different facets to Eula well yet—I played her rather straightforwardly but wasn't happy with any of my redo attempts to introduce her hint of sarcasm/irony....... Still, I think this is my fandub I've been proudest of so far. :) I genuinely really enjoy it and the dynamic between me and chiisa in this! It's satisfying how I don't sound anything like my normal way of speaking and feels as if I was able to transform into someone else while shedding a lot of my accent. The progress that I've made is showing ^^

Also. . . . bloopers.


  1. STOP stopstopst opstop where did this cheva ship come from, i cannot take more (read: dying for more)

    I'm always in awe of your dive into voice acting! Your voice is mature and mysterious; I just melt hearing it! When I was at conventions, I used to love meeting the voice actors from games, like Overwatch. They really bring the characters to life and become their signature! I hope one day I will have the guts to try voice acting myself xOx

    1. :D :D the evasana ship is omnipresent, always flying around~

      HEARING MY VOICE BEING CALLED "mature and mysterious" IS SO COOL!! Waaa!!!! That means I really must have succeeded at acting here, since that's so different from my usual voice πŸ₯Ί Thank you, that's one of my favorite comments I've gotten about my VA so far! Heee you should go for it if it interests you—it's been so fun to try and I like how accessible it is to do short fandubs!


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