
Saturday, November 27, 2021

as once said by iz*one in their song La Vie en Rose...



Oops I meant to post this like 2 weeks ago :D;; It's actually not this red anymore since these were snapped right after the session and there was still residual dye that hadn't been fully washed off. After a few shampoos, it's become a nice reddish brown which was what I wanted!

Haven't dyed my hair since 2018; it felt like the right time for a fun change! About the end of October I finished up another one of those STEM youth events where our whole team works super long hours for a whole week—plus I think I worked 10 days in a row...—and on my first day off I needed 1) a refreshening, and 2) something to distract myself with that did not involve looking at digital screens. So I stood in the bathroom for like two hours and tried to use a red box dye that made ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE LOL.

You must understand though why I was tempted to buy this box dye a couple years back—it's so cute yet so disappointingly ineffective (as are many things). Afterwards I asked a friend who works at a salon to help dye it for real and practically made her choke in anger with the story about my box dye attempt oops lolololol...

Back to the screens thing, my eye health has taken a significant hit from the pandemic lifestyle and working from home. My desk is set up in front of a wall so while I'm working all day, my eyes don't get much of a change of pace—whereas when I was in the office I would often look up at coworkers, look out the window. Simply too much time is spent staring at monitors and I rely on them to get my work done and also communicate/spend time with friends, so in the end what had to get sacrificed was working on hobby projects (and blogging). 😭 Shame that so much of my life is done on devices. Eye strain is a struggle.

Since then I had a few eye exams and scans done, got new glasses at higher prescription, trying out having a second pair dedicated to computer use, and started medicated eye drops and a compress treatment for my dry eyes! Hoping that all this helps 🤞🤞

New glasses, new look, feels very different, hate how much they shrink my eyes ?!?!



    I was able to spot a few pics of your current hair on Twitter and I think it turned out amazing! You are super gorgeous �� �� �� wehhhh I can't blame you, that packaging is ridiculously cute... What a shame the actual product was lackluster LOLOL

    2018, my word... I can't believe it's been that long since your Hongdae trip! I often come back to that vlog to remind myself of the joys that was pre-pandemic traveling uhuhu ^^; I know you said you've been struggling with getting back into the groove of working your hobbies, but just know that I am rooting for you! Whether it be your music, vlogs, or blog posts, I will always be keeping an eye out for your content ��

    I COMPLETELY relate to how disruptive the pandemic WFH lifestyle has been. I used to dread the morning commute to the office but man.... I take that back... I have tried almost every remedy known to man: plants, direct sunlight, lenses with the latest Super Blue Light Filter™ technology — all of these I felt have been merely band-aid solutions to an problem that's been going on for way too long!! But y'know, I think the best solution like you pointed out is to just get away from the screen and go for some fresh air. Recently I've started taking the occasional brief walks at a nearby park around lunchtime and I want to say it's been helping! Eye strain is a struggle forreal.

    I hope you enjoy(ed) your mini-vacation! Here's to keep on keeping on. Let's hang in there Eva ��

    1. Weehhhhh finally just saw this, I've been so neglectful 🙇🏻‍♀️💦 Thank you for the comment (and compliments aaah); it brightened my day!!!

      Aw I'm so glad that you enjoyed and even revisit that Japan-Korea vlog 🥺 I'm very fond of it myself too — it was such a fun trip and it's indeed a relic of the joys of carefree pre-pandemic traveling uhuhu...

      I love that there's a nearby park where you can walk for a break; that sounds really lovely! Seriously good for you for doing that, keep it up if you can :> It's likely the best cure there is — inspires me to try to take midday walks again too!

      Agree, commutes really did used to seem dreadful but now I'm realizing that they were effective refreshers to help you compartmentalize between work and non-work time, and the alone time to just listen to music/think/sing by yourself if driving was actually nice...

      Thank you again for your kindness looking out for me ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Hang in there too!! I hope you're having a nice holiday season and getting some R&R!


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