F5 Refresh

Saturday, May 2, 2015

After so long of repeating, "I wanna try dyeing my hair red someday!" I've finally gone and done it!! ..Kinda.
I didn't get it bleached so this is about as red as it can get from my natural black. :> It's not quite the dark auburn/burgundy I would have found ideal, but I do like it with enough light exposure! Most of the time when I'm indoors, it just looks almost black though...

It's 3:33 AM and I'm leaving in 2 and a half hours to the airport because my company's annual trip is a cruise to Alaska! We're departing from Vancouver, so I'll be spending a night in Vancouver, then taking a bus down to Seattle. :D

It's gonna be quite an adventure. Hopefully it'll make up for how stressful the past few weeks have been trying to pull everything together so that I can be gone for these 6 days and be prepared despite allllllllllllll the stuff that's due. -falls over-

Also, I've just turned 22 years old! My annual birthday tradition will have to wait til I'm back LOL..
It's so strange; this might be the first in many years that I haven't been all, "I can't believe I just turned __ I'M NOT READYYYY."
But I've been preparing myself mentally for turning 22 in the past couple months.. I was planning to dye my hair for my 22nd birthday and somewhat wanted it to happen sooner.. I want change. I want change in preconceptions, lifestyle, attitude, confidence, whatever. Been wanting to move on from myself in a way haha. In this anticipation, I ACTUALLY LEGITIMATELY THOUGHT I WAS 22 ALREADY LAST WEEK...... But now it's here and not a big deal :'D!

I'll mostly be internetless while on this trip, soooo~ be back in a week!!


  1. Your hair looks great~ Long time, no comment eh? How have you been? ^^

    Happy birthday, Eva-noona! :) Best of luck on your travels!

    1. Also realized that I typed in the wrong URL under my name. Whoops. @~@

    2. Aw thank you!!! I'm pretty good albeit exhausted haha. I hope everything's going well for you ^^ Hwaiting!

  2. I'm late this year as well (haha) but happy birthday Eva! ^^ I hope you have fun on your cruise~

    1. Nope, I'm much more late in replying LOL. Thank you!!! I did have fun :>


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