Camera stuff! Vlogs! Flowers! Bah!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Why do I never find the time to update this blog :(
Here's a hopefully quick one as I'm wrapping things up and prepping to fly out to Japan and Korea in 2 days!!

It's been busy... In March, I had a business trip to DC for one of the more intense projects that I handle. I get to honor some genius and hardworking students in STEM, so it's very fulfilling and worth the long days spent editing in my hotel room!

Aside from that, there's been lots of fun outings with NorCal youtaite and I'm working on Youtaite React episode 2. Also have a solo cover in the works!!! Hopefully will have it out not long after I'm back from the trip. ;o;

I plan to vlog in Japan and Korea, but I'm only bringing my DSLR so I may have some good biceps by the end of it all LOL. Unfortunately, it was reallyyy hard to find a lens that would be ideal for vlogging (good in low light, compact, AFFORDABLE...) so here's what I've got now!

A pancake lens! It's 24 mm with a max aperture of F2.8, so it's...not that wide (this camera has a crop sensor) and fine in low light but not the best. It was $150, which is really good since lenses go into the thousands lol..

And here's where a hack comes in. I took a risk on this $25 attachment that screws onto your lens and is supposed to make the angle wider by 0.43x. Downsides are that it's rather big for comfortable vlogging, it's fisheye, and it does distort around the edges—but for how cheap it is, it's pretty cool!

I apologize that I REALLY CAN'T REMEMBER whether or not I moved in between taking these two pics, and I don't have any other examples I can pull up quickly right now.. But here's kind of maybe a reference of comparison ;; I can't imagine I would've moved too much since there was a rail.

Anyway, I did have one free day in DC during that business trip last month, so I finally did some touristy things and checked out the botanic garden and a museum :'D I took the chance to try to familiarize myself with vlogging again so I put together a mini vlog! Featuring Sohly who's a youtaite that writes killer raps.

[Mini Vlog] A Day in DC!

I said I would make it quick but I realized I haven't gotten a chance to post up all of the pictures I took at the botanic garden of pretty flowers, so here is a photo dump /o/

i love the name Spring Dream T__T


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