K/DA Kai'Sa Cosplay Photos @ AX 2019

Sunday, September 8, 2019

AAAAAAAAAHH finally sharing the photos of my K/DA Kai'Sa (from League of Legends' "kpop group") cosplay from this past July's Anime Expo!

I logged my entire costume-making progress in this post in which I exposed my method of 0% technique and 100% guessing as I went along lmao. Mess. What the fuck. This costume is genuinely ugly up close. The joke is that it's okay because her playstyle is generally long ranged anyway--

🔹 Materials & Accessories ----------- $50.08
🔹 Wig ------------------------------------- $28.88
🔹 Make-Up ------------------------------ $15.26 yikes
🔹 Shoes ---------------------------------- $0.00  bc they're inaccurate idc man shoes are expensive

My spending came out to this, which is not terrible!

I'm not very experienced with photoshoots but my friend Muramatsuri Photos (no link requested) is probably one of the few people I'm less uncomfortable with having photograph me, and I'm super grateful for him going above and beyond for what I'd initially expected to be quick and simple—all I wanted was at least one presentable full-body picture so that I could show people my completed cosplay. ^^;;; It turned into going to multiple locations (which he scouted), having simple lighting which was still more than I'd ever been photographed with, assistants to make me look slightly less awkward than I felt, and his time generously put into editing the pictures!

As for the assistants, quite literally I had a rock star and an idol choosing all the poses for me, making sure my wig and costume were under control, and giving substantial feedback LOL. Fome aka Sean(from PHOENIX ASH) and Eri from the LA-based idol duo PhEri were seriously amazing and without their direction, I would have just helplessly flopped around the entire time T^T.......

A big lesson that I learned on that day is that apparently a cosplayer/model is not properly posing unless their body is in pain.... Jeebus god I was in pain. My body felt contorted at times, I was practically holding a squat sometimes, my arms were doing things that they shouldn't naturally be doing lolol. But thanks to everyone's help the photos actually turned out really cool and I'm proud of them, so keep on scrolling if you'd like to check em out below!

I tried to copy Kai'Sa's splash art pose from memory but did not reference it and fucked up royally oops.
This background and the bokeh worked out amazing though! Muramatsuri did a fantastic job ;v;

Pew pew plasma~

Pose was based on this gorgeous piece of fanart by HDDRAW!

What the hell are my hands doing

SCREAMS the most unnatural pose of life SDFAKLFASDJ
Based on this godlike piece of fanart by raikoart I am so sorry I'm not worthy.


Now on to the outtakes ! ! !

Fun fact: you can't quite see it clearly, but the charm on the necklace I'm wearing is a little pizza
which I'd spray painted gold!

feat. Fome trying to show me how to pose and me not paying attention

Fome also helped snap a few photos of me on his phone before the sun went down, bless TuT


Thank you for checking out this post!! 💞
Next up in terms of my solo covers, I plan to sing and rap POP/STARS and challenge myself to do a cosplay dance video as well aaaaaa. One day when I make it through my queue of projects. Mmm. Stiffly grins into the camera.


  1. MOST GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!! EVER!!!!!!!!!!! SO AMAZEEEEE these photos turned out so amazing and your handmade cosplay is so amazing you are amazing ty for blessing us all


  2. SCREAM you look so good! It's so impressive watching the process and seeing how it turned out so well. omg so good, I've melted

    Can't wait to hear your cover! Are you going to be wearing this when recording to fully immerse into that role? xD

    1. thanks for following along the messy process ahaha! wearing the costume while recording is KIND OF A HILARIOUSLY GOOD IDEA HMMMM I probably won't so I can comfortably breathe LOL but thanks for the suggestion!

  3. WOWEEE, This is awesome! Already amazing~ stunning! You pulled just finee- I commend you, 🤗 And another cover to come? Impressive feat 👏

    1. aaaa thank you Adeline!!!!! d-don't be impressed yet; I still have lots to get done first before I work on my cover 😭😭


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