
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Yesterday's concept was colorful, sugary embellishments 🍭 !!

I've been making a few steps forward recently in feeling more comfortable with being bolder and trying more of a cute style outside of conventions. ;o; Since AX, I wore crop tops a few times!! And even though I'm getting older and it may appear strange/immature to certain people, I'm finding myself now able to wear cute accessories to my job and in my daily life. To put it into perspective: until this year, I was too guarded/self conscious/unconfident to even wear hair clips that weren't fully black or brown for fear of standing out even more than I already did for being very tall orz..... Handling attention and judgment has always been a big complex of mine—I must confess that for most of the past decade I often tried to be plain in my everyday life so that people wouldn't have much to say or think about me 😭 I honestly still struggle a great deal with sharing much about myself or my interests to most people so spaces like this blog are very special to me. But have been making strides in being truer to myself and more open about it! /o/

If you read my recent KCON post and have incredible photographic memory, you may recognize this shirt, necklace, and clip-on earring as I bought them all from "my fairy godmother" ;u; The very reason I began talking with her was because I stuck around her booth feeling indecisive about which shirt to buy—it was this one that had initially caught my eye but I stupidly started worrying about whether I would be too afraid to actually wear it because it might be perceived as "too cute" for me... or something something stigma about bubble tea something something stereotypical asian girl in Bay Area whose entire personality is boba, blah. Anyway I overcame that thought, bought it, wore it, felt cute! This was a fun look ✨


  1. Eva you're so cute! Haters gonna hate, shake it off~
    It's really a big step to overcome a lack of confidence, so I'm really glad you're feeling cute and comfortable with yourself :D

    1. shake it off~~~ thank you anon!!! it has been so liberating being a bit more comfortable with being myself in public ;u;


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