
Saturday, August 29, 2020

A few weeks ago I saw a post that gave advice along these lines: that one should stop multitasking—and focus on making each task more meaningful. I haven't actually actively done anything with these words yet lolol but thought it was interesting to hear the opposite perspective of what I've typically done in the past whenever I'm stressed, which is to increase multitasking so that I won't have to feel at the end of the day like I've been too busy to do anything for myself. I think it is true it must have contributed to some anxiety and restlessness though, when I sometimes feel like doing just one thing "isn't enough." Been doing better though. Still kinda busy but not overwhelmed and that constant anxiety I kept referencing over the past couple months went away! Maybe hearing that advice did have a subconscious impact lololol.

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Tonight, I'm devastated by the sudden news of the death of Chadw*ck B*seman. (Please excuse the disrespectful censors ;; I'm just hoping not to accidentally clog up any internet searches with my site.)

I don't want to do the thing of belittling him to a fictional character, but he really was a King in real life—with all of his advocacy; his thoughtfulness; his big, giving heart; the beliefs that he strongly stood for; the change and confidence that he helped champion for the young Black people, for the future of film, and for the world. I love all of his speeches ;; He is such a role model through and through.

For me personally... I associate him with really flowery memories. The two years that I spent hyper-obsessed with the MCU is a time that I often think back on with the warmest fondness and blurry envy. It was so much fun diving into all of the breakdown and analysis content—it felt like there was something always waiting for me that I could enjoy and I found it intriguing the way everything was connected. No franchise has engaged me as deeply since! Rewatching the movies was joyful (and heartbreaking in the best way)—especially Infinity War which I considered one of my favorite films ever. The anticipation and all of the theories leading up to Endgame was unbelievably fun. Watching behind-the-scenes, interviews, and promotions, I also fell in love with how funny and thoughtful the cast was. ;u; And of course, all of the excitement and love around the Black Panther release was unforgettably hype—what a great time that was for the world!!

And so, I'm happy that Chadw*ck (again please excuse the censor) was a part of this time in my life that I consider so rosy and blooming. I feel humbled and thankful that I was able to admire such a great person on- and off-screen, and to have experienced his impact. He left a lot of things worthy of celebration.

Also another thought while the importance of media representation is being widely discussed tonight... It hasn't been lost on me that although I work in small media, I still kindaaa work in media nonetheless. I still have the ability to impact a few people's lives with my work. And especially with the science fair vids that I edit—they are being watched by young students who get inspired by them to apply to these competitions someday or pursue their own projects that work towards making the world a better place. And I know that I have the responsibility to give minority kids as much representation as I can, not to fabricate anything but show them the excellence that already exists.—Nothing has changed but I certainly feel my drive for this renewed. 💪 Earlier tonight I just wrapped up a new video that I'm looking forward to the client posting because it includes two Black girl scientists who are absolute superstars and I have high hopes that they'll inspire a lot of kids 💫


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