Gemini [gals] Impact

Friday, January 15, 2021

SCREAMS this wasn't on the agenda aT ALL but ..... instead of sleeping at a responsible time last night I was spontaneously inspired to try voice acting. As Ganyu, the new ice archer chara that just came out in Genshin Impact! Lolol leading up to her release, I somehow had very little interest in her but the more I got to know her.... who am I kidding, she's an ice archer—I was never meant to stand a chance. 🥺 She's also kind and hardworking and wise and beautiful...

After playing her story quest, I fell in love with her Japanese seiyuu's soft, sweet voice so I thought it could be fun to try my own take of Ganyu in English ;v;.. It's surprising how different her Eng VA's approach is to her personality—it's more rigid, cold, and unapproachable. AND THEN AAA two of my closest friends mimi and chiisana agreed to record on a whim too! Honestly I have absolutely no aptitude for voice acting and almost scrapped this entirely before even asking them but mimi and chiisa are way, way too perfect for their parts so this feels extremely precious; I'm happy we did this. 😭 Thus the first yolo Gemini girls' fandub was born: 

Also would like to give credit to Albedo's Eng voice actor Khoi Dao for being the inspiration that gave me the courage to try this ;; English is his third language and now he speaks it so well...!! Here a link to him talking about his journey with trying to fix and then learning to accept his accent. So awe-inspiring. I wish him every success and also he's super funny; I am a fan of this dude now.

PS: Wowow I get to make a "voice acting" label!! Also tagging "mixing" because this surprisingly took a lot of complex audio mix work 😳 A whole lot of EQ, multiband compression, and even frequency spectrogram work.. but I'm really pleased with how the mix came out considering it was my first time! I learned so much about VA even from this very short clip ehe


  1. JUST when I think you can't get any more talented ;o; I adore your voice! This is an excellent spur of the moment decision xD

    1. Hueee thank you anon, I'm glad you could enjoy my attempt!!!


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