2015 New Year's Resolutions

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Here we go again!! I can't believe I've been doing this every year since New Year's of 2009, when I was a sophomore in high school. And now I'm a semester away from graduating college. ;_;
Time sure is a sneaky one.

Tbh, 2014 was quite possibly the best year of my life so far. People tell me I'm completely different than who I was last year, and I agree--I like these changes and improvements. I'm finally somewhat'ish a functioning social creature of society who can speak and act confidently, be assertive, be sort of a leader, more fearlessly jump into things I've no experience in and most of the time, not fail miserably. I think. And I've finally come to accept growing up.

Anyway, I don't really have reservations about 2015. It's gonna be good.

100, let's go~

1. Be happy :)

2. Always give your all!

3. ..... i'm already feeling lazy omg LOL. STOP BEING SO LAZY.

4. Become even more assertive!


6. At the very least, keep in touch with friends.

7. Hangouts with #NYA forever *^*

8. Don't stop recording/singing even if you're busy.

10. Keep working to improve singing!

11. Keep working on rapping!


13. Let's finish a minimum of 2 duets with bestie Chiisana :'D

14. Try to get back into collaborating again.

15. Improve at mixing! Especially EQing.

16. And try to figure out how to make mixes more polished? Q^Q It's so hard.

17. Make sure you always make time to relax.

18. Work on your sense of aesthetic.

19. Buy more publicly presentable clothes?

20. Don't spend too much money lololol I already know I won't.

21. Maybe try to finally learn how to properly use After Effects..

22. Be more involved in film projects!

23. And initiate your own projects! Even if it's something small.

24. Learn more about lighting.

25. Improve with camerawork and cinematography please. ;v;

26. Be confident!

27. Don't be discouraged if you fall.

28. Don't care so much about the opinions of others.

29. Health. Remember that's a thing.


31. Abs?

32. Finish my cosplays on time.....

33. Anime Expo everyyy year :>

34. Graduate from university without any problems.

35. Don't let your 3.93 GPA drop at all!

36. Make a good impression on your professors? ;u;

37. And everyone you work with! Make connections!!

38. Learn how people do film sound.

39. Do your best to look for a job and stuff after graduation ;;;;;

40. And even if you can't find anything, don't feel discouraged! Don't give up! Don't sit idly!

41. But I do want to travel a bit before I settle down too much. Possibly Hong Kong trip with my aunt?

42. I also want to go to Canada again.. either Vancouver or Toronto.

43. Indulge in things that make you happy!

44. Remember to eat vitamins.

45. Rest your eyes and take off your glasses when you can.

46. Keep up with k-pop? :'D

47. And k-dramas!

48. Stay hydrated.

49. Be productive and manage your time wisely.

50. Sleep earlier D:<

51. Start reading books again? 8'D;;;

52. Write things when you want to! Just do it.

53. Learn how to properly style hair or something.

54. Keep smiling :D

55. Try to make others laugh more!


57. I feel like there's not much hope with this one but WORK ON JAPANESE??

58. Pick what little I knew of French back up again???

59. Absorb even more Mandarin from being around coworkers and don't let it go.

60. Try more foods!

61. Try cool food places even if they may require a slightly further drive.

62. Don't be afraid to do yololololo things once in a while.

63. Only drink responsibly!

64. But increase your alcohol tolerance.

65. Finally learn to cook...?

66. Be true to yourself.

67. Grab good opportunities that come your way!

68. Be fearless.

69. Take good care of your skin ;n;

70. Be better to your parents.

71. Remember to floss HAHAHA

72. Practicing dancing!

73. FINALLYYYY??? record the Genie dance?

74. Try picking up League of Legends again?

75. Make the best out of situations.

76. Be less of a crybaby.

78. Don't be afraid to show people that you're weird :'D


80. Don't feel pressured to let go of your heart of a child.

81. But become more mature.

82. Don't be so afraid of being out in public.

83. LOL forever reminded of Denny because of the 83 face. I said the same thing last year, but keep your dumbass love-hate friendship with Denny.

84. Maybe try to pick up yoga again.. (I took a yoga class for one semester but forgot it all immediately after haha.)

85. Approach others more often.

86. .......Let's get better at speaking Cantonese, which I'm supposed to be fluent at but am not.

87. Check! your! email! more often!!

88. Learn to better say no.

89. Be less affected by jealousy.

90. Don't procrastinate!

91. Don't be afraid of attention.


93. You can take more selfies because it's not a bad thing to have records of how you looked :'D

94. Stop regretting!

95. Stop hesitating!

96. Be more lighthearted ^^



99. Support Super Junior :D

100. w o r l d  d o m i n a t i o n .

And I always end with a selfie ahahaha. iPad suckish quality, but I kinda like this one because I don't look like myself--


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