Work Hard; Laze Hard

Monday, February 23, 2015

My new motto, because there's never a moderate, healthy in-between.

Today, I slept in until 3 PM ..... and now it's 4 AM again because I've been spending all night on homework. Dat 90+ page/feature length screenplay requires too much damn planning. Tomorrow's totes gonna be the bestttt Monday morning :'DDDD

In other news, I bothered to put on eyeliner yesterday. Had a nice dinner with a group of friends for the first time in over a month. :>


  1. It's been a while! *v*
    Haha I feel like I have the same motto OTL Work extremely hard for a period of time then laze extremely hard for a period of time lol
    Also work that eyeliner! I still have yet to master it...
    I hope you're doing well :D

    1. "Work extremely hard for a period of time then laze extremely hard for a period of time lol" PRETTY MUCH LOL

      Eyeliner is soooo hard D': I'm horrible at it but at least I mostly wear brown liner so it's not as noticeable if it sucks ahah...

      Thanks ^^ I hope you're doing well toooo<3


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