Reverse Impostor Syndrome

Sunday, June 24, 2018

I almost began writing what would have been a string of tweets, when I realized that I missed how years ago I used to blog about my feelings just share them in the moment—not just with the lessons learned and how I overcame them or a message of some sort.

This past week I've been going through what I'm calling reverse impostor syndrome, which in a nutshell means that I thought I was doing okay but actually, it turns out I suck.

In January, friends and I started going to a beginner's k-pop dance class with an instructor who was just starting her program at this dance studio. She's moving, so last Sunday I attended her last class. :( But! I'll probably be trying to do some sessions with some friends I met in the class so it may not be the end of my attempt at k-pop dance idk ;o;

So after the last class, I went on our instructor's instagram for the first time and saw her recordings from the past few classes. Somehow I feel like it was a wake-up slap in the face. I've always felt self conscious about my body and the way that it moves—it's super awkward and is especially evident when I try to do intentional movements, like exercising or dancing. This fear + stage fright almost stopped me from attending that first class in January. And when I saw those recordings..... I looked exactly as awkward as I used to fear that I was. Over the course of these months, because I started becoming more and more confident about dancing, because I'd made a little progress in overcoming my stage fright, because I'd heard a few kind words from others, I somehow thought.. it must have been proof that I'd gotten better at dancing and physical movement? There's no way I would become so confident if I looked silly, right? Given my self-consciousness, I couldn't be as bad as I thought, right? :/ I honestly kind of wish I never saw those videos, that I could just keep dancing badly but blissfully ignorant about how bad I am.

I also got to see just how shitty my posture makes me look... Admittedly I purposely have bad posture in order to not appear confident, so that people won't have high expectations for me. ;;;;; That realization makes me sad because it's almost like I fear being confident..?

This week, I recorded for an original song that had a really short non-negotiable timeline, which I agreed to because I thought I would be able to do it! I made the decision to retire my snowball mic which is honestly overdue, but I didn't have the motivation to do it until it gave me overwhelming EQ troubles for the first time the past few months. ;n; Fome is long-term lending me a fancyshmancy microphone, and Chiisana let me borrow her audio interface since I wouldn't be able to receive one in time for this deadline. T__T It was super nice of them and I honestly felt they were setting me up for success!! Sometimes I try to practice singing in the car and I started feeling like I was doing better, until I hear myself recorded and realize I can't fucking sing.... Many many times I'd do a take and think, "Yesss finally! I think that's the one! That one felt good!" but play it back and it's horrible, which is nothing but disheartening.. Aaaah I was foolish to overestimate myself. It was a regrettable struggle, only being able to record at night after work, exhausting my voice quickly without getting any decent takes, but only having a couple of days to finish so I didn't have a choice but to record until 4 AM, all the while frustrated and stressed ;;; I was fortunately able to finish but idk if I'll share the completed song as I currently don't like how I sound on it at all.

Anyway, there's no moral or anything. That's it, that's the post.


  1. Oh my god, did my comment not go through. I cry.

    Long time no comment, Eva. How are you? :) I'm about to head up to KCON NY to see my Wanna One boys, so I'm super excited. *foolishly hopes they perform Never*

    I totally relate to the whole reverse impostor syndrome thing, especially with dancing. When I first started, I thought I had the "natural talent" for it, and because I had a good grasp of music from a young age, I didn't think it was that hard...until I saw a video of me dancing on stage for the first time back in high school. For me, I had the energy but my moves were not precise and at the time, I didn't have a good idea of what I looked like to other people when I danced, so my posture was all over the place and all I had going for me was, "I didn't know you danced!"

    So yeah, it was disheartening. Here I was thinking I'm such a good dancer (and my friends hyping me up didn't help at all because afterwards, I kept wondering if they were just trying to make me feel better), and I wasn't even average.

    But you know, that incident and many other incidents after that made me want to work harder and improve. I focused on every detail I could. I made sure I repeated moves over and over again until I could see myself doing the moves in my head. Now, six years later, I can feel like I'm a good dancer (when it comes to Kpop dance at least) and I can learn choreo by myself! I recorded myself dancing to Nayana not too long ago and I had the courage to post it on YouTube. It's the first time I've posted a dance cover on a public forum that wasn't Facebook lol, and because I recorded myself dancing to songs I've danced to before, I could automatically see the improvement.

    So my point is, if you are motivated enough and if you keep working at it, you WILL overcome your awkwardness or poor posture or whatever. And know it won't necessarily happen quickly - it took me six years after all. I think it's natural to feel down on yourself especially when you had higher expectations for yourself, and to that I also say it's good to force yourself to be uncomfy. Record yourself and if you feel embarrassed or awkward from looking at yourself dancing, you then have a foundation from which to improve upon! (It's like when I'm driving and I have to force myself to go faster even if I'm scared I'll crash.)

    You got this. I know how hard you work, and I know if you wanted to apply that work ethic to dancing, you could do great things. Hwaiting! I hope you're doing well. :D

    1. Omg Phil you're still reading this shit and even wrote this whole reply twice Q_Q!!!! I'm so happy for you that you went to your first kpop concert and saw your boyssssss! Looking forward to reading your KCON post~ I'll be seeing Wanna One at KCON LA soon too! I'm not finding your Nayana dance on your blog so I expect a link, thanks. Man, that's awesome how you've worked at it for six years and became a confidently good dancer—I'm proud of you. The problem for me is that I'm not motivated enough to keep working really hard at becoming a good dancer :c But at least I'm not quitting and will be trying those casual dance sessions so there are those baby steps. Thanks for sharing your story <3

    2. LOL you went on my blog (which is also dead). I haven't updated in months... Anyway I left the links in a reply to your comment! ^^



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