Carved deep into my heart

Sunday, February 16, 2020

A quick catch-up post!

OH MY GOSH PARASITE'S GINORMOUS OSCARS SWEEP LAST WEEK!!! My coworkers forced me to watch that movie a few weeks ago—which I was interested in watching except I'm the most fragile scaredy-cat so it was nice to see it in a lit room full of people who had already watched it :'D... God, it is such a masterpiece. Blows my mind. It really deserves all the accolades so I'm happy that it's being recognized on this level T__T!!

Vídeography has been on my mind lately because of the MV that I directed last month and learning that I enjoy storyboards and shot lists and would like to improve at cínematography and coming up with interesting framing..... Parasite was just so inspiring on everyyyyy level—from the writing to the symbolism to the shot compositions to the blocking to the tasty visual storytelling—just everything. 👌👌👌 And since I just recently had my first experience as a director, I couldn't help but pay extra attention to Bong Joon Ho and his awesome storyboards and learning about his perspective and intentions. It was easy to fall in love with his hilariously lax, humble personality and his incredible interpreter Sharon Choi... I love her...... This tweet sums it up. I can't stop watching videos of her precisely multilingual, sharp hilarious brilliance and have optimistically high hopes for her as a fílmmaker!!! I feel like she could probably write comedy and I'd probably die laughing every 20 seconds...

Anyway, the reason I wanted to write about this was because of Bong Joon Ho's speech when he won Best Directing. I love it for a lot of reasons—the heartfelt shout outs to the other directors, giving credit to who and what inspired him, joking about sawing the trophy into pieces, Sharon Choi being a delight as always, their chemistry together, the "THANK YOU, I WILL DRINK UNTIL NEXT MORNING" LMAO.

But most of all!!! It hit me really hard when he quoted Scorsese's words: "The most personal is the most creative."

Because it reminded me of the post that I wrote a few months ago when I was stressed about the MV, called "directional failure." It makes me feel....validated? I was worried about it and I still think that I need tougher skin, but I think I was right to have this kind of belief and for wanting to embed a fragment of my personality into my work. And like perhaps I have something in common with Bong Joon Ho?

It almost feels like he was speaking directly to me. Really so inspiring. And honestly I had so much anxiety and fear after the MV shoot that it feels like it's helping me heal from it and be a little bit proud that I tried to be a director once. ;u;


So like I spent a full week totally incapacitated by a horrible stomach virus LOLOLOL. It started while I was staying at Fome's place an hour away and I felt so sick that he had to drive me home in my car and take public transportation back—bless his sweet soul 😭... I had to miss out on probably my only chance to ever see SuperM live... Everyday I gave my bosses the same update of "My symptoms are too terrible for me to come into the office today, but I'll do my best to hopefully come in tomorrow!" over and over and over... Absolutely shitty experience, would not recommend LOL. You'd think that spending a week at home would at least allow me to work on mixing or consume a lot of entertainment BUT NO....NO FUN OR PRODUCTIVITY; JUST HEADACHES AND PAIN AND BATHROOM AND BED ONLY.

Anyway, FINALLY now 15 days after it first started I can say that I think I'm 100% recovered! And ever since I began being able to function again, things have been really great!! To make up for frustratingly lost productivity, I decided that unless I'm spending time with friends, I'll be spending at least 1-2 hours mixing or recording everyday. I'm doing it pretty healthily too so far as I still leave time to sleep and watch anime (YO IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE I'VE BEEN SO INVESTED IN SO MUCH ANIME... I LOVE THIS SEASON ^u^) and I just spent 2 days of quality time with friends doing really fun things and feeling like I'm being myself and happy.

PS: Also watched Sonic and Birds of Prey in the past few days and while they were not masterpieces, they were little exploding sacks of fun and both offered a lot of creativity—the former in its quippy writing, and the latter in its action and set design!


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