
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

So uh |'DDDD I came home from my geology field trip (hiking for 4 hours, learning about Rock-kun's family) on Saturday to find that my laptop wouldn't turn on!!
It's... surviving (not quite normal at all) now after having been "fixed" by professionals, but I was really scared that I would lose all my files. ;; I have too much that I can't afford to lose.

There's a possibility you may know that I'm the type of person that has a hard time letting go. I get clingy to certain people, I don't like change, and I am a pack rat. I keep EVERYTHING, physically and digitally.
And I strongly believe in the preservation of memories. .-. I mean, I have 3 fucking blogs.... I like to jot down my experiences and come back to relive them in the future. I like keeping track of where I am in life and watching my own growth in maturity and mentality. Since middle school, I was ALWAYS the kid among my friends that went around stalkerishly taking pictures of everybody. AND NOW WITH THE PICTURES FROM #GEMINIMEETUP............ WHICH I FELT LIKE AN IDIOT OVER BECAUSE I NEVER BACKED THEM UP BEFORE MY LAPTOP STARTED DYING.............. If I lost all of the pictures and videos from our trip, my sanity would have caved in.

But moreover, losing all my data affects more than just me. .__. I'm mixing things involving OTHER PEOPLE. I'm recording lines for OTHER PEOPLE and this actually caused me to have to get an extension on a deadline. Because I do a lot of mixing /and/ animating for Gemini, I KEEP BASICALLY ALL THE FILES from every Gemini project ever--I am a source from which many things are accessible and can be drawn.

Anyway, the laptop is temporariliy .. kind of functioning now so at least I have everything copied onto an external harddrive and all is well /o/!! Idc if I have to buy a new laptop.

BUT YEAH on Saturday I didn't have anything to do, I didn't wanna stay home alone since it was a painful reminder that I was supposed to be recording lines atm, and I wanted to cheer myself up........ >_> so I went shopping by myself!

I raided Forever 21. ovo)b because it's my favorite store!

It was entirely by coincidence that everything I bought essentially ended up fitting together very well: pastel pink, white, black, simplistic yet somewhat flowery. I wasn't even trying to go for a certain theme or concept or anything! xD

Lately I've been really into blazers *A*! My outfits these days are often blazer + dress shirt or white t-shirt + short shorts. I got one in Australia which I fell in love with (black), and then Gemini helped me pick out my 2nd one (gray), so this is my third (pink)~

Got this peachish-pinkish skirt because it reminds me of Mimi. :3 I really wanted to try wearing skirts more, but I needed more casual skirts that didn't clash too much with my style.

This skirt I actually got when we went to Forever 21 in San Francisco during #GeminiMeetUp. xD I think Ryan and Jay urged me to buy it because it reminds them a little of Hello!Project LOL. But yeah, it's cute but I have a hard time wearing it casually because it's a little too girly and ruffly for my style ; x ;

Also bought this top but it doesn't match the skirt too well. =v=;; And a black blouse as well that's slightly flowery.

It's interesting to look at how much one changes though!
I went through a period from middle school til about senior year in high school where I basically was incapable of wearing the color pink. An ungirly, uncute, unrefined, unattractive, aggressive and violent, cold-hearted and cold-appearing, and plain-to-the-bone monster I was. I really always wanted to be somewhat girly though (I used to wear princess dresses a lot and I STILL have an obsession w/ Disney princesses) and this is one of the things I sought to change about myself around senior year.
Senior year had a huge impact on me, as it brought about an entirely different me. After that year, I became much more sociable and talkative, comfortable around other people, confident in my abilities and getting myself out there, I smiled 3x more than I did before, laughter became part of my natural behavior, I started being less self conscious about what others thought, I became less uptight but still responsible, I dressed a little better, started wearing more short shorts and slightly girlier clothes, started acting with a little aegyo (which was SUPER awks at first because I used to be the most uncute person I knew), I became proud of my own achievements, and finally felt a little prettier both inside and out.


Hehe I remember last May, I tweeted a lot about how I really wanted to start wearing dresses even though it was awkward, and that I intended to spend this summer getting myself into dresses.
And now I wear dresses all the time with no problem ;u;! Very proud of myself. -nodnod- Another goal accomplished.


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