Yooo it's been busy.
I did have a fun weekend though! I surprisingly had energy on Friday and Saturday before I went back to being my lethargic self xDD But not as bad as before~
On Saturday, I saw the Love Live! movie at its premiere in San Francisco, which was fun. It was a good movie, full of laughs and feels. o^o They gave a free picture board and SR card (for the game) to each person; so nice~ Afterwards, friends and I had afternoon tea and took purikura!
Also more selfie because for whatever reason my appearance was kind of okay on Saturday. Normally I look 2000% messier and more zombielike, I promise LOL. My skin and hair suddenly decided to cooperate after being ugly for so long!!! And I even liked the make-up I bothered to put on eheee. That was a nice day :'D
Also Kotori hair because it was Kotori's birthday. (Ugh I love all of the LL members so much more now after seeing season 2 and the movie. Proceeds to devote more of my life to this quicksand of a franchise.)
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