2016 New Year's Resolutions

Friday, January 22, 2016

-me every year

1. Has always been #1 since I started these resolutions in 2009: Be happy. :)

2. Stop sleeping so late..

3. And waking up so late...

4. And being late for everything omg just stop pls


6. Exercise!

7. Maybe start lakexercise again? (In summer 2014, friends and I made it routine to jog/walk the 2 mile circumference of a lake.)

8. .. Abs?

9. Continue doing online singing stuff :>

10. Go at your own pace and don't let others pressure you about things you're not ready for yet.

11. Stop getting so stressed out so easily and by everything ;w;

12. Rest your eyes more often and take off your glasses when you don't need em.

13. Practice keyboard!

14. Leeeeet's try to upload that keyboard+singing cover I had wanted to do? :'D;;;

15. Don't let anyone push you around for recording/mixing stuff ;n;

16. Always find time to relax~

17. Keep up with k-dramas?

18. And k-pop! Or just Lovelyz because right now Lovelyz are important. Are they still important in 2017?

19. Don't ever feel ashamed of your height again. Just werk it.

20. Be confident! Yeah!! You're the best!!!!

21. Take more pictures ^^

22. Eat vitamins regularly.

23. Stop being so easily scared by things..

24. Always stand up for what you believe in.

25. Don't be afraid to be yourself in front of others!

26. Learn more about basic things.. like.. car maintenance in case anything happens lol

27. Will I finally learn how to cook.....?

28. Let's finish my cosplays in time WITHOUT killing myself over them!

29. Be more motivated in general? ;_;

30. Start writing more again. Who is your professor to stomp on your desire to write? Fuck all that.

31. Be selfish sometimes.

32. Also do more things for other people and get them gifts if you see things that remind you of them.

33. Random acts of kindness to strangers!

34. Be more initiating.

35. Improve at working with audio equipment.

36. Improve...at... lighting and cinematography.. This might be hard. :'D


38. I hope you haven't quit Love Live! School Idol Festival the game yet.

39. Let's travel even more!

40. Let's.. not go broke!

41. Eat lots of good food ;D

42. Try even more new things!

43. Don't ever get lazy on your skin routine.

44. Even on days when your skin is bad, don't get insecure ;n;

45. Let's.... start caring a bit more about hygiene. HAH.

46. Improve your singing range :D

47. Practice rapping more.

48. .......Stop...being so afraid of singing in front of people at karaoke.... Just have fun and don't be so nervous and let it all out ;_;

49. Be less of a crybaby.

50. Keep good bonds with friends.

51. Get into the habit of making sure my room is neater :'D

52. Stop being too lazy to decorate my room when I've got all these unused posters sitting around.

53. Stay hydrated.


55. Have a better relationship with parents.

56. Break out of your habit of rubbing your eyes ;^;

57. Start watching anime again?

58. Learn more Korean~

59. Relearn some Japanese~

60. Pick up more Mandarin from work~

61. Speak more Cantonese with your family and coworkers.

62. Eat more yogurt and dairy? xD

63. Try weight training?

64. I want to say pick up French again but who knows if that could happen...

65. .....Get to the point where I don't have this much trouble coming up with resolutions..

66. Become the kind of person who doesn't leave her resolutions post for three days before opening it again because she can't think of anything else.

67. THIS IS SO HARD pls just give me this one freebie.

68. Upload vlogs!!

69. Don't neglect this blog too much.

70. Hm... Maybe write Food for Thought posts again if anything interesting comes up.

71. Dress up more often? (Many mornings these days are a game of "what can I pull off wearing over my pajamas today?" because I'm lazy and can't handle cold..)

72. ..........Be able to do push-ups lol

73. I'm going to try to eat more burgers from now on since I don't dislike them anymore.

74. Conquer foods that I used to dislike!!

75. Walk around the house more instead of sitting at my computer all the time.

76. Try to eat more of a breakfast than just granola bars! (yeah r--)

77. Don't be so tempted by late night snacking.

78. I guess... try a scary activity? (Last year I went whitewater rafting even tho I was scared as fuck!!)

79. Film videos. Did I say that already? I forget.

80. Don't let my handwriting deteriorate too much now that I'm out of school o<-<

81. Start using the cycling machine again!


83. .......visit Canada

84. I CANT THINK OF ANY MORE I'm going to bed. Okay I'm back. This is the most I've ever struggled writing these LOL! Um.. Let's practice dancing more.

85. Take good care of your wrist!

86. I know I’m gonna have a few occasions where I need to wear nice dresses and I’ve got butterfingers.. Don’t spill things on any dresses this year!! (It’s happened before)

87. Indulge in things when you feel like it.

88. Don’t be too lazy to go out of your way for things that could be beneficial or could make you happy.

89. Let’s get through AX making sure everything goes smoothly and everyone is safe and happy!

90. And not get stressed out by the people and responsibility :D

91. Omg almost done. I need to get back into the habit/not be too lazy to use my humidifier more.

92. Do more spontaneous short covers when I have time!

93. Check email more often.

94. Live more lighthearetdly~


96. Smile and laugh as much as you can :D

97. Be forever sarcastic.

98. So remember when you wanted to become a Pokemon master?

99. Keep supporting the artists you like and respect! Like Super Junior! And Lovelyz! :'D

100. This will always be #100: WORLD DOMINATION.

And annual selfie ahah.
This is from when I wore a gown to my HK relative's acrylic exhibition launch.


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