Let's Not Be Robots

Thursday, October 6, 2016

I'm sorry if you disagree, but we must think very differently if you do. I went to a big sales conference today and saw a big fancy keynote, and frankly I feel like the only thing I learned was that I was right in my beliefs. I never wanted to be a robot. I refuse to be a robot. Today I'm very glad that I stuck to my guns in choosing to pursue the creative media industry because it was the only thing I decided I "didn't hate" when I transitioned into college. I'm an art major—I'll never make a lot of money and will never become truly influential or universally acknowledged as successful—but I'm a proud lowly, poor employee of arts because I can't imagine having to live a life in which my job is unsatisfactory or meaningless or insincere, when just the bare action of living life is already hard. I know if I had forced myself, like others wanted, to pursue something my heart doesn't feel right in, I'd be fucking miserable. :/

And I don't mean anything to be a jab towards non-arts as a whole—people should pursue their passions, and however their hearts choose, that's awesome—but just I find certain aspects can be so messed up? And it's really not for me. I hate to sound so fragile as to be offended by a notion, but I'm honestly so offended that anyone can value "productivity" (tbh euphemism for "making more money") over....basic courtesy of customer service and socialization? You expect me to applaud you for using an application that saves a salesperson time by using pre-written generic email responses to customers? That pains me!!!

Shouldn't customer service be about genuinely listening to their needs and helping to guide them towards solutions and ensuring that they're happy, if it's a respectable relationship? Wouldn't sincere, basis-specific, personable, enjoyable interactions be more appropriate to drive a better business and social relationship? Wouldn't everyone be happier? And ultimately if you want to think profit, people will pay money for things and interactions that make them happy. Compared to a heartless quota, I think that's wiser and more admirable. I have to say that I'm really, really, really proud that the amazing people I work with value 'customer service' and 'fun' just as much as they do 'quality'—they inspire me—and hey, clients come back to work with us because they love collaborating with us and the results we create. And I'm not a miserable robot so that's pretty cool.
Anyway, I know better now what type of person I should strive to become ^^!

On the way back, we stopped by a museum store full of cool, interesting stuff and I made a purchase I'm super happy with tbh LOL.

Lenses that you clip onto your mobile device!!!!

Me: Woah, this is cool. But do they actually work lol
Coworker: Oh yeah those do work!! They're pretty cool!

It's super cool! And such a good deal! I almost feel like I ripped off the store. Next time I go back, I may feel compelled to give a donation to that museum LOLOLOL....

This is the wide lens—my favorite so far. <3 It's shocking how effective it is and it doesn't look bad! These two pictures were taken from the exact same position; all I did was snap, remove the clip from my phone, snap again.

Fisheye lens that I'm 99% certain will be utterly useless to me.

Macro lens for tiny things and that suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper ridiculously shallow depth of field!


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