Haircut Selfie Dump 2k19

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


!! I had my hair cut to the shortest it's been since elementary school!

Miyawaki Sakura from IZ*ONE/HKT48 was 100% my inspiration for trying this style LOL. I remember seeing her in ep 1 of Produce48 and marveling at how glowing and celebrity-like she looked with her shoulder length cut. Someone pointed out that we had the same hair colors—at the time we both had brown with red tips—and that kind of planted a seed in my head. 👀 I'd been in real need for a haircut for several months (what is this mess hanging off my scalp) so I thought... if I was gonna go out of my way and pay for a haircut, maybe I should just try something new while I've been in the mood for change...

wow pile of hair
I still have no clue how to style hair but I surprisingly like it more than I thought I would???

Tips curled in but it looks weird LOL feat. wannabe idol poses

Tried to do a subtle c-curl by blowdrying! Amazing, I've always had too much hair to be able to do anything effective via blowdrying, including but not limited to: drying my hair.

It's actually pretty cute when messy and without bangs?? feat. the velcro I wear to keep my bangs from bathing in my 6 layers of skincare products while I sleep

So far I think I prefer having some volume—but too bad I have no idea how to achieve that on purpose. That day, I just decided to not comb my hair LOLOL

Shoulder-length hair is cute in a half-do too!


  1. Evarella, your hair is so cute! I like the half-do the most; it could be Idol Evarella's casual day off. Has it ever been so long that you could donate it?

    1. HAHAHA thanks!!! I'm sure I could have donated my hair if I had cut off over 8 inches, but the cut wasn't /that/ dramatic xD


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