"Shooting Star" Cover ~Sneak Preview~

Monday, January 21, 2019

Hello hello!! So I finished working on a solo cover on Saturday and uploaded it to youtube but encountered something for the first time—the video didn't become unblocked as soon as I submitted a copyright dispute and it says, "Viewing restrictions caused by this claim are still in place for the time being," which was new to me and some friends. ^^;; When I uploaded a snippet as a copyright test in March of last year, they approved my dispute so fingers crossed that their policy hasn't changed!

In the meantime since I don't know when (or if, heh--) I'll be able to publish the cover, I thought I'd post a sneak preview here for the couple of people that regularly visit my blog. ♥ Kind of like a secret patreon reward lolol except you've paid me with your interest and support and that truly means a lot! It's really an honor that you come and read what I have to say, especially in an era wherein blogging has died and following social media feeds is much easier, yet you go out of your way to let me feel like I have a voice and a space to share things. ;^; Usually I don't very much address my "readers" since I don't like setting up expectations that I'll have readers, but I know a few of you have been out here lately and I immensely appreciate you~~ <3

The song that I covered is a b-side track from JUNNA's first mini-album called "Shooting Star" ! It's mostly in English with a bit of Japanese sprinkled in, which I found interesting along with the fact that there was such an easygoing acoustic song amongst JUNNA's intense discography ;u; If you don't know who JUNNA is, she's a brilliant little rising star with an amazing and surprisingly deep voice. At the age of 14, she was the singing voice of Mikumo (whom I cosplayed) in Walkure / Macross Delta. I had the privilege of seeing her perform live at AX two years ago and she just..blew me away.... and hilariously could not come out for the final bow at the end of the show because it was past her curfew LOL.

For the art, I commissioned soemei whose work I really love! It's tender and flows beautifully, and her coloring style is lovely as hell. It's so nice, what the fuck--

I also did a simple animation for the video so please check that out when and however the video gets published later on, hopefully soon. ;v;

Click above if you'd like to listen to my Shooting Star cover, or this link:

Thank you!!! runs away


  1. omg guys senpai is looking this way, quick hide >/////<

    Evarella you have such a beautiful voice! I'm glad the video went through finally. Your cover just puts your unique touch on it. A little less intense, a little sweeter, I guess is how I'd describe it? To be honest, I started coming here after listening to a few of your covers, so I'm really happy listening to this. It's very refreshing! It's great to hear you've been dancing too; lung surgery be damned.

    Are you going to keep working on the K/DA Kai'Sa outfit for some cons too? I hope it's coming along well.

    1. ^///^ thank you anon!! I always appreciate your thoroughly thoughtful comments and I'm glad that you liked my cover!

      And yup, K/DA Kai'Sa is one of the things I'll be working on over the next 4 months or so /o/ Definitely gonna take a lot of work..


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