
Friday, November 29, 2019

OOOOOOPS.... It's a personal tradition of mine to post a mirror selfie with this shirt every year for my birthday, except I always forget to do it around the time of my birthday on May 2nd.... This is a record worst—7 months late!!! I'm closer to my next birthday than the last one!! I've already changed a lot since May!!! LOL. It honestly surprised me to see such a big stylistic jump from last year's post to now.

I'm now 26 (and a half), still not really a competent adult, but I don't let it bother me as much these days looool. I'm just doing what I can.

So grateful to my "fairy godmother" for introducing me to clip-on earrings because they were absolutely the Low-Effort Big-Glow-Up accessory I've been looking for ✨ Such a simple but striking visual upgrade; I love it! It's been really fun to alter my look with different earrings and doing some crafty work by making my own. Feels like the possibilities are endless and I look forward to exploring them 💞

And then this became a selfie dump post, sorry. I really like earrings now. My life is forever changed.

These ones I made two nights ago with some old buttons I found from back when I used to make polymer clay charms!! I made Mimi—who also just started wearing clip-on earrings hehe—a matching pair with pink buttons and she wore those when we hung out today and looked super cute 🥺

Personally one of my favorites! I bought normal earrings and converted them to clip-ons. :'D It's so exciting that I can do that.

A repost but I really enjoy how whimsical and unique these watermelon popsicles are! They're from my "fairy godmother."

This flowery pair is super cute and they're from Chiisana!! She gave me a few of her old clip-ons since she has piercings now. ;u;

ALSO I FORGOT TO MENTION ON THIS BLOG....... I went to LA a few weeks ago to attend a concert that my favorite kpop group Lovelyz performed at! 💖💖💖💖💖💖 I totally forgot I wanted to make a post about that..... Will I get around to it sometime............ Hopefully.

Here's another pair that's from Chiisana that I really love! These gold roses are so elegant looking that I've only ever worn them once on the occasion of this picture ahaha.

I also forgot to mention on this blog.............. In September I went to Vancouver to visit friends and eat good food and it was the time of my life ❤...... This was our cool, fancy-looking airbnb!

The final pair that Chiisana gave me! ........Sadly..........I've already lost one...... It fell out of my bag.......... A tragedy.

AND FINALLY THIS ONE AJDKSJFS. This was the first pair that I made! I bought the wing charms at a bead shop in Vancouver as soon as I realized that!!! if I just buy the clip-on part separately, I have the power to make my own earrings!!!!!!

.....Fast forward to me walking down a street on my last business trip, happily wearing my little pixie wings for the first time..... I scratched my ear, one of them fell off, down a sewer drain, never to be seen again.

never scratching my ear again.


  1. Happy unbirthday!

    Your annual cupcake photos are so cute! It's a great way to get a before/after for the year as you tackle adulting. But really, I feel you on looking around the room thinking "I need an adult???"

    YOU. (* ゚∀゚)ノシ
    GLOW. (* ゚∀゚)ノシ
    GIRL. (* ゚∀゚)ノシ

    Wait, does it count as a glow up if you were already gorgeous before?..Sure yes, nevermindigotit

    1. WAAAW ANON//// LOL
      I don't even know how to respond to this whew thank you I'm embarrassed



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