Cinnawaffles and S'mores Ice Cream Milkshakes

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

xDD I still have a lot I wanted to post from spring break that I didn't get a chance to because life revved up again. Chiisana and I slept over at Y's house during the break, and we tried out some yummy treats!!


The cinnawaffles are pretty self explanatory ahahaha. The idea of putting cinnamon buns in a wafflemaker has been spreading through Tumblr and Vine, so we wanted to try it out ourselves too. They were pretty yummy!

Reminds me of our last wafflemaker adventure from last summer, when we experimented using mochi (MOFFLES~~) and even indomie. The noodles, yes.

Chiisana and I have been raving over what's called the Cookie Monster shake ever since we had it. It seemed easy enough to make, so we finally took the chance to give it a try. :D

The ingredients we collected to match what we saw the barista use were as follows:

  • Chocolate chip cookies (they used personally baked ones, but LOOK AT THIS DEAL--this is even better!! $5 for 50 cookies at Safeway and they were actually exceedingly yummy.)
  • Chocolate ice cream (Chocolate Cookie Crunch because how could we resist omfg)
  • Milk
  • [Ice]

Pretty simple but SO IRRESISTABLY PERFECT if you love chocolate and ice cream and cookies.
(We decided to dub our rendition the Jongcookie Shake, after Kim Jongkook from Running Man.)

With Y's suggestion (okay she ended up doing all the work because barista experience and she was awesome at it), we decided to take the shake one step further by making s'mores ice cream milkshakes.

SO GOOD. SO GOOOOOD. I'm cry. Yeah, it seems weird to put graham crackers or marshmallows or cookies in a blender--BUT TRUST ME AND TRY IT. I liked these shakes better than actual s'mores because those tend to get too sweet for me, but this is a great balance while retaining all the signature tastes of s'mores.



  1. Omg they all look so delicious to try *v* Aaah currently it's the holidays for me and I have a blender around at home so I'm tempted to make the drinks XD It's fun experimenting with sweets and foods because they can end up so well if everything goes right *v*

    1. aaaaaa do it!! Take advantage of that blender xD


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