Tuesday, April 1, 2014

This entire post is probably taboo but I feel like there's a small knot in my heartstrings right now that needs to be brushed out and shown the door. Something very happy happened yet I feel so conflicted. I received a letter today at work notifying me that I go a raise. I'm so grateful for it. There are other reasons causing my conflicted feelings, but the main one has to do with my mom. The first time I got a raise, I was ecstatic which was quickly tampered when my mom seemed kind of hurt and bitter and not very happy for me.. because my hourly pay is higher than hers. It's unfair. I feel so bad. I feel like I shouldn't be happy so I don't feel happy about it. But what a great and generous thing that just happened to me. It makes me glad that I always try my best--even if finance has nothing to do with my major or interests, I'll always put in as much effort as I can. And it's not unworth it.


  1. Tell your mom you're not little anymore ahaha and that you can take care of her now. Cuz really, I think that if that happened to me, I'd be p.shocked too ahaha MY LITTLE GIRL. MY LITTLE BABY. IS OUTWORKING ME. WHAT IS THIS.
    Also good job! >w< Congrats on the raise ahaha Go Eva!

    1. Baaaaaah Lee ;AAAAAAA; thank you<3
      I suddenly started missing you yesterday and have been meaning to shoot you a skype message so this brightens up my night haha.


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