
Monday, September 12, 2016

This may be strange because I'm reading way too deep into an otome app game, but I genuinely enjoy the meaningful depth of Zen's route in Mystic Messenger LMAOOO. I find the character development rewarding and inspiring. It makes me feel like I'm in the sort of K-drama where there's a group of not-wholly-emotionally-functional people, until the protagonist joins the gang and everyone changes because of the heart and wisdom they bring and shine upon everyone. I love that in order to achieve the good ending in the story, you must make the mature choices that exemplify patience and understanding—to help everyone be more aware and accepting of others' perspectives, to get along better as a group, and to focus on what's important. And then the characters and their friendships change for the better because of your influence. ;u; It's like you have the power to heal and guide the characters, and it's a nice feeling~
Unexpectedly, this game has inspired me a bit and gives me some hope that I could be a good influence that improves others' lives if I try to show kindness and if I could share wisdom by helping others understand alternative perspectives and sticking to my morals. :'D The message I'm getting out of this is: You can be a protagonist too.


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